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Steps to be followed for running data fix script:

1)Run the 1.DFS-8437SelectScript

2)Before running the data fix script, execute the statement print sysdatetimeoffset() available in query file 3.DFS-8437ValidaitonScript to get the script execution date and stamp the value against the @Sys_FromDate variable in the 3.DFS-8437ValidaitonScript query.

3)Run the 2.DFS-8437DataFixScript

4)Execute the statement print sysdatetimeoffset() and store it against the @Sys_ToDate in the 3.DFS-8437ValidaitonScript query to get the exact number of records affected by the data fix script.

5)Run the 3.DFS-8437ValidaitonScript

Script Details:


-1st Select returns the payableinvoices for Invoice #60134134268 where LeaseFinance.LegalEntityId != payableinvoice.LegalEntityId

Data Fix Script:

2)DFS-8437DataFixScript- Updates the payableinvoices LegalEntityId = LeaseFinance LegalEntityId

Validation Post data fix Script:


-1st Select returns the payableinvoices for Invoice #60134134268 where LeaseFinance.LegalEntityId != payableinvoice.LegalEntityId
-2nd Select returns the payableinvoices which is updated by Id =1 and updatedtime within time BETWEEN @Sys_FromDate AND @Sys_ToDate


1. The ValidationPostUpdateScript 1st select should return empty if the data fix script has been run successfully and no impacted records are found after the fix.

2.This is payableinvoices number #60134134268 Specific Script .

Questionaire :

1) What is the root cause of bad data which is being fixed? Data fix script is provided to update the payableinvoices LegalEntityId = LeaseFinance LegalEntityId . Code fix analysis in progress.
2)Why can't it be part of MR/Package so it can be part of auto deployment? NA
3)What is the timing and dependencies for script to be run in prod during the release launch? NA
4)Can it be run multiple times in same env? no
5)Is this needed in other Non Prod Environment ? yes, in GE3 and in production.
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