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Energy Medicine and the Movement of Qi
Energy medicine has deep roots in acupuncture meridian therapy. The meridians are similar to a series of rivers running car body. They flow to each organ, muscle and channel of our own bodies. If there exists a blockage mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually it will get a new smooth flow of Qi along with a blockage of energy will surely ensue, resulting in some sort of dis-eas of body, mind or spirit. A good point to keep in mind is blood always follows Qi.
If there's a blocked Qi flow (Qi stagnation) you may invariably see what we should get in touch with Chinese medicine (blood stagnation).
Clinical manifestations of blood Stagnation are:
• A Dull/dark complexion, purple lips, purple nails.
• Pain that has the standard of boring in, fixed and stabbing and might be worse at night
• Abdominal masses that will not move
• Bleeding with dark blood and dark clots
• Polycythemia - thrombotic disorders as myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease and deep vein thrombosis; an increase in blood viscosity which leads to reduced blood circulation, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, acne rosacea, urticaria, leg ulcers, loss of vision
• Essential Thrombocythemia - spontaneous bruising, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding, thrombotic occlusion of arteries, myocardial infarction, stroke, gangrene, intestinal infarction, splenic atrophy
• Platelet Defects - easy bruising, epistaxis, intestinal bleeding, persistent menorrhagia, mucous membrane bleeding inside mouth
• Vascular and Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura - easy bruising, epistaxis, excessive bleeding after surgical treatment or during menstruation; results of scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency)
• Disorders of Blood Coagulation
• Coagulation factor defects - hemarthrosis with hotness, redness swelling and pain and muscle cuff atrophy; compression neuropathy, cerebral hemorrhage; intrarenal bleeding & hematuria, intestinal bleeding and obstruction
• Vitamin K Deficiency - newborn hemorrhagic disease, hemorrhage
• Thrombophilia - venous thrombosis, arterial thrombosis
If you will find there's disturbance in the body there could very well be a blockage inside the flow of Qi and blood.
Scars from a classic injuries or operations might cause the Qi to stagnate or be blocked, that could bring about blood stagnation plus a host of health issues.
When I was in Switzerland I had the opportunity to invest some time at Dr. Thomas Rau's clinic where they've combined most of the eastern theories, such as the flow of energy inside meridians with traditional medicine. One of the most successful treatments that I brought back with me at night is neural therapy to open up Blocked Energy Fields. (BEF)
Neural therapy is both an effect technique of diagnosing and treating illness and pain a result of disturbances with the body's electrophysiology. (Cardiac electrophysiology will be the science of elucidating, diagnosing, and treating the electrical activities in the heart.) These electrical disturbances, called "Blocked Energy Fields (BEF) are manifestations of cell membrane instability and typically cause abnormal autonomic nerves responses. A blocked energy field may be present in scars, the ganglia, teeth, or an internal organ.
(BEF) is blocked energy which has an unbalanced electrical potential than surrounding tissues. The smooth flow of Qi is disturbed and dis-ease can result in the central nervous system, cause chronic pain and dysfunction of normal systems.
A scar might cause lumbar pain, migraine headache, chronic stomach pain or cellular disturbances affecting the body's defence mechanism as well as sexual dysfunctions.
When an individual comes into my office initially, I examine the complete body for scars from old injures and operations. This is an over looked answer to unlocking the patient's health issues. The blocked energy in the meridian changes circulation to some body part every time a trauma affects that area with the body. (BEF) develops once the system control does not return to normal following the trauma.
You can discover a blockage by palpate over scars and troublesome areas in addition to testing the patient's muscle strength using applied kinesiology, computerized regulation thermography, heartrate variability or some in the other advanced energy measuring devices.
If the tissue just isn't receiving adequate circulation, from your blocked energy field, it will be less energetic and never have as strong an electromagnetic charge.
If I find a BEF, I'll inject it using a local anesthetic and maybe a homeopathic also to open up the blocked energy. Caine anesthetics are cell membrane stabilizers and act on interference fields in the same way that lidocaine does for irregular heartbeat.
I have discovered that the effect of injecting the blocked energy fields is practically immediate. There is sometimes sudden relief of symptoms-but typically this will occur inside a few days.
Occasionally, patients will feel faint for a couple of minutes after neural therapy injections. This could possibly be triggered by, low blood pressure levels a result of the injection or nervous about needles. Use a tiny needle (27 gage) and this cuts down on fear factor for many patients.
If donna eden energy medicine is on anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives medications, you may get an undesirable response with neural therapy treatments. They tend to bar the autonomic neurological system, antibiotics; poor nutrition, lack of mineral and vitamin deficiencies has to be corrected to own ideal results. Also toxins like, drugs, tobacco and alcohol could cause an inadequate reaction to neural therapy. Environmental toxins such as solvents, herbicides and fungicides affect some individuals so ask in your initial intake about all environmental hazarders like cleaning supplies even perfumes can block the energy flow.
The metals in dental amalgam fillings, especially mercury, poison the autonomic neurological system and might defeat neural therapy as well.
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