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10 Things You Have to know About Casino Security.What God Doesn?t Shoot Craps Can EDUCATE YOU ON About Gambling Systems.How exactly to Behave at Casino Tables
Thanks to movies and television shows, casinos enjoy a mystique of invincibility. Only the most secretive and successful of movie criminals ever escape with stealing from a casino.

But there may be more truth in the first scenes of Ocean?s Twelve where Terry Benedict tracks down Danny Ocean?s team than in the scenes where in fact the (good) bad guys turn out on top.

Casino security is patient. They may not always have the ability to take action however they watch and record everything. If they miss something, each goes back and review the video.

Sooner or later, the security teams find out what is going on beneath their noses.

1 ? THEY CAN NOT Arrest You IN THE EVENT THAT YOU Haven?t Committed a Crime
Unless you?re playing in a jurisdiction that confers powers of arrest on casino security guards, they can not legally hold you merely to be a suspicious person. If you commit a crime in a casino or are wanted, the security team can detain you before police arrive.

If the casino feels you are a risk to their profitability or disrupting their customers? entertainment, they will have the right to ask you to leave. If you won't do so you're then trespassing and they have legal rights.

However, if a certified officer is on duty at a casino, either as security staff or for official purposes, they are able to detain you should they become suspicious. Where so when off-duty police officers work in private security depends upon their jurisdictions.

3 ? They Share Information About Known Cheaters and Counters
Card counting isn't cheating, but casinos are not required to tolerate it. They?ll make a call on whether to ask someone who is counting cards to either stop or leave. If you become good enough to be banned from the casino, count on their sharing your details with other casinos.

Cheaters are, of course, breaking regulations. If caught, they will be arrested and prosecuted. But following a known cheat has been released from jail, they will find that casinos have long memories.

Although some people resent the point that casinos make huge profits from gaming, everyone has a choice never to spend their money on gambling. Nobody is entitled to cheat the casinos because they don?t like losing.

3 ? More Casinos ARE EMPLOYING Facial Recognition Software
This controversial software has been offered at gaming industry trade shows for a few years. It?s expensive, and privacy advocates are worried about it. But you have to know it?s on the market.

Facial recognition software, like many tools deployed for security and crowd management, could be beneficial. A family group that becomes separated from the child could be swiftly aided by way of a facial recognition system.

Casinos track people in several ways. Casinos often know more about a lot of their patrons than any law enforcement or intelligence agency does.
People claiming to reach your goals card counters in online discussions sometimes talk about wearing disguises to fool the facial recognition systems. The practice isn't illegal, but casinos don?t have to put up with it.

Plus some jurisdictions pass laws that forbid the usage of disguises to evade police. California includes a law like that. If you commit a crime there and disguise you to ultimately escape, you?re committing two crimes.

4 ? Casinos PURCHASED Machine Learning for Over a Decade
Jeff Jonas founded an organization that was referred to as Systems Research & Development until 2005 when it had been purchased by IBM.

The business provided software to casinos to help them identify relationships between dealers and gamblers. Jonas also helped develop facial recognition technology that has been widely deployed around the globe by 2008.

5 ? Tax Laws May Force Casino Security to Track Your Movements
Casino Bar

Although this varies by nation and regional jurisdiction, casinos must report large wins for tax purposes. The thresholds vary around the globe. I?ve had to complete paperwork for jackpots over $1200.

If a player wins a jackpot, would go to their room, changes, and goes back to play again, casino security could be watching them to make sure their winnings are properly reported.

If the casino is section of a resort with a hotel, assume the hotel security system is linked to the casino security system.

6 ? Casinos Usually Won?t Confront Armed Robbers
Employee and customer safety comes first. In case a brazen criminal or gang enters a casino with weapons, the security staff do what they can to protect the people inside while avoiding violence.

Casino security is patient and meticulous. They?ll record precisely what happens and ensure the data is turned to police.

Criminals gets away with armed robbery in a casino, but from then on, the odds favor the house. The more money that is stolen, particularly if anyone is harmed, the more intense the seek out the suspects becomes.

7 ? Casino Security Rarely Intervenes in Third-Party Crime
Casinos and prostitution go way back. Unless a sex worker is delivering services on the premises, casino security just watches.

However, in case a patron threatens suicide, casino staff will call the police or, if reasonably possible, restrain the person.

Minor thefts often occur at casinos. If security can catch the thief without causing an issue, they may do something.
They are more likely to save video for a police investigation.

Security officers may pay more focus on dealers who are able to harm the casino?s business.

8 ? Casino Security Teams Share Stories and Experiences
There are both academic and commercial security training programs for the gaming industry. Security consultants also provide professional advice and training to casino staffs around the world.

If someone committed a crime in a casino, especially a big crime, it has been studied and analyzed and shared in classes with security officers and managers.

Although a lot of petty cheating scams are covered, training courses may cover large-scale cheating systems. One casino caught 60 people working together to steal chips from a roulette table.

9 ? INSURANCE FIRMS Are Deeply Involved in Casino Security

People often dismiss news of big crimes in which a bundle is stolen. In the movie Ocean?s Twelve, Danny Ocean (George Clooney) mentions that Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia) recovered all his losses from the prior heist through insurance.

But insurance firms are beholden to their owners and policy holders to recover as many losses as you possibly can. They also invest big money in loss prevention programs.

Loss prevention specialists develop guidelines for policy holders to check out. The degree of compliance with those guidelines may affect the cost of premiums.

Regardless of how rare the function, if a casino cashes within an insurance coverage to cover losses by theft, the insurance company will assist the investigation in every way possible. They?ll also perform a ?post-incident analysis? to greatly help prevent similar future losses from occurring.

10 ? Native American Casinos COULD USE Tribal Police for Security
They will still be polite and professional. Protecting staff and patrons? lives continues to be their priority. But whereas the security guards in Vegas and other commercial gaming communities must wait for the authorities, most (or even all) Native American casino guards will be the police.

They pack guns, wear uniforms and badges, and know what they are doing. THE INITIAL Nations casinos often earn more income than commercial casinos.

In theory, they should be more appealing targets. But while crimes do occur at Native American casinos, they're generally regarded as very safe.

An unfortunate side-effect of any type of casino?s good security provision is that it?s generally easier for criminals to prey on gamblers from the casinos.

The general public may think about the conflict between casinos and individuals who make an effort to rob or cheat them as a cat-and-dog rivalry. When you look closer at how much security experts know before the next thief walks in the door, it starts to look similar to a cat-and-mouse game.

Casinos will let people get away with almost anything if that is the only solution to protect people and property. But once their workers and customers are safe, the security teams leap into action and analyze the incident.

What they learn from every scheme and crime is paid forward into the industry?s growing pool of knowledge and experience. By adopting and improving good security policies, the gaming industry remains profitable and creates a safe, family-friendly environment everybody else can enjoy.For such an eclectic industry, the world of gambling doesn?t bring about great fiction all that often. Sure, you?ll find a lot of nonfiction literature on the market, but as a huge fiction fan, I?ve always hoped to see talented authors tackle the casino scene.

So, imaginable my nice surprise after recently discovering God Doesn?t Shoot Craps: A Divine Comedy of Dice, Deception, and Deliverance by Richard Armstrong. The book was published back in 2006 in hopes of becoming an excellent guide for craps players, nonetheless it didn?t come across my desk until only recently. And I?m very glad it did.

Gambling Systems Sold to Suckers Take Center Stage
The title is really a riff on the possibly apocryphal quote from Albert Einstein, who once purportedly opined that ?God doesn?t play dice with the universe.? The iconic scientist was speaking on quantum mechanics and subatomic particles instead of religion and gambling, but Armstrong?s book manages to encompass all of those topics and more.

The protagonist of God Doesn?t Shoot Craps is Danny Pellegrino, a down-on-his-luck conman who ?earns? his living by selling scam gambling systems via mail order. In the event that you?re reading this page, you?ve spent some time online looking for gambling-adjacent articles and blogs, so you know the systems I?m discussing.

Hyped as closely-guarded secrets by snake oil salesmen like Danny, ?foolproof? and ?surefire? systems to beat games of chance have already been around for as long as humans have wagered on dice, cards, along with other gambling devices.

Within their typical construct, systems for beating craps can be based on intricate betting patterns, increasing and decreasing wagers based on how the dice landed last, and combining conservative strategies with exotic bets to hedge against losses.

However the only thing the hundreds of gambling systems on the market today have as a common factor is that they can?t possibly are advertised.

Even probably the most famous progression betting pattern of them all, the Martingale System, doesn?t work because casinos institute betting limits.
Sure, doubling your bets after successive losses will always return a $1 profit when you finally land successful. But you can?t make the Martingale System feasible in the modern casino setting due to strict betting limits.

If the home did allow unlimited wagering, you?d need the requisite unlimited bankroll to survive extended losing streaks.

Casino Craps Table, Guy with His Arms Folded

Are you aware that more esoteric ?can?t-miss? systems out there, no amount of mathematical trickery can overcome the home?s inherent edge. In a casino game like craps, even placing the safest possible bet on the don?t pass line incurs a 1.06% edge for the player. The house?s edge is immutable simply because casinos calculate every bet?s payout to be slightly inferior compared to its true odds.

Take the ?yo-leven? bet that plays a prominent role in Danny?s first successful session portrayed in God Doesn?t Shoot Craps because the perfect example. Wagering that the dice will land exactly on 5+6 for an 11 represents a 17 to at least one 1 shot in the dark. Put simply, that precise combination to create 11 is only going to land once in every 17 rolls typically.

But because casino craps tables only pay out 15 to at least one 1 on your money once you land a winning yo-leven bet, this notorious exotic becomes among the worst bets in every of casino gambling with a 11.11% house edge.

Danny pays his bills by selling these scam systems to hopeful gamblers who simply don?t know much better. Eventually though, his customers see through the ruse, usually after suffering consistent failures at the table despite applying the system perfectly. At these times, Danny is forced to scrap one system in exchange for another, starting the complete vicious cycle over again.

So, imaginable his surprise when Danny stumbles upon a craps system that truly does what it claims?turns the dice into a reliable money-making machine.

How Short-Term Streaks Can Blind Even the Most Logical of Gamblers
Danny winds up sourcing his next system to market from a mathematician named Virgil Kirk.

Enthusiastic about quantum mechanics and learning the so-called ?Secret of the Universe,? Kirk arises with a system he calls Win by Losing: Parrondo?s Paradox and Brownian Ratchet Theory Put on Casino Craps.

As the title suggests, Virgil?s Win by Losing system is based on a genuine theory proposed by real-life Spanish physicist Juan Parrondo in 1996. According to Parrondo?s Paradox, when participating in two games or bets which both provide a higher possibility of losing, players can alternate between the two to generate guaranteed profits:

?There exist pairs of games, each with an increased probability of losing than winning, for which you'll be able to construct an absolute strategy by playing the games alternately.?

To visualize Parrondo?s Paradox doing his thing, picture two different games referred to as follows:

Game A = Player loses $1 on every play.

Game B = Player counts bankroll after previous bet, winning $3 when they are left having an even number, but losing $5 on an odd number.

It doesn?t take a genius like Virgil Kirk to deduce that playing either Game A or Game B exclusively may cause a $100 bankroll to evaporate down to $0 each and every time out.

But under Parrondo?s Paradox, players who begin by playing Game B will win $3 on the first play, moving their bankroll to $103. By switching to Game A next, they lose $1 to dip down to $102, but in Game B on the next play, that even amount generates another $3 uptick. Through the use of this B-A-B-A-B-A pattern, a new player using Parrondo?s Paradox would win $2 on every play, despite both games being losing propositions.

That?s obviously a contrived example, but Virgil manages to dress Parrondo?s Paradox up with other obscure mathematical theories to generate his Win by Losing craps system.

Atlantic City Casinos, Money Pile Wallpaper, Gold Casino Dice

After acquiring the machine, Danny does what any decent salesman would and tests it out for himself. He heads to Atlantic City and begins with $5,000, wagering in $25 increments to start out.

However, as Armstrong informs the reader in narrative aside, Danny doesn?t really believe Win by Losing will continue to work as advertised.

Danny begins by winning his initial pass line bet, then flips to the ?dark side? by betting on the don?t pass line. That play produces another win and, from there, he follows Virgil?s advice to chase the rare yo-leven exotic on the next three rolls.

Somehow, beating probability of nearly 5,000 to at least one 1, all three rolls land perfectly on 11. And because Virgil?s system called for ?parlaying? the winnings over to another bet, Danny winds up winning six-figures in his first session using Win by Losing.

Nevertheless, the coldly rational Danny initially still can?t accept that Virgil?s zany craps system really was responsible for the hot run:

?So it went for another seven hours. Danny simply could not lose. At one point, he was nearly half of a million dollars prior to the game.?

It couldn?t possibly be due to this dopey system, Danny thought. He knew enough about the mathematics of craps to know that the machine was seriously flawed.

The system needed making lots of idiotic hedge bets and proposition bets that couldn?t possibly win in the end.?

Eventually, he decides on a bold gambit, deviating from the machine just to see whether his luck would dissipate in kind.

When the dice immediately go cold and Danny loses nearly all his profits in a flash, the sudden shift in short-term luck convinces him that Win by Losing is the secret behind his earlier success.

And therein lies the rub for gamblers who hope systems might help them beat the house?

The house?s inherent edge is measured on the infinite long run. Naturally, which means every gambler will eventually experience short-term streaks where they are able to?t seem to lose.
When these bursts of short-term ?luck? coincide with utilizing a system, a good clinical thinker like Danny could be fooled into believing the system is responsible.

Correlation doesn?t equal causation though, meaning that just because you?re winning when using a system, the system itself isn?t the source of one's wins. You?re simply experiencing a pleasant blip of positive variance which will, undoubtedly and without fail, revert back again to a loss equal to the house?s edge over the long run.

The Tide Always Turns and the home Always Wins
Casino Floor with Craps Table, Winner Logo with Gold Stars, House Icon Danny faces this rough realization because the plot of God Doesn?t Shoot Craps progresses.

When his initial success can?t be replicated, and the chasing of losses with an increase of bad bets mounts up, he confronts Virgil, just like so many of his own customers have over his career as a scammer.

Armstrong pulls back the veil to reveal what somebody like Danny should?ve known all along. Faced with Danny?s protestations he thought Win by Losing was a winning system, Virgil laughs right in his face while offering the following response, ?You think I?d sell you a winning system??

And that?s really the crucial takeaway for readers to internalize with regards to gambling systems.

Anybody who actually discovered the ?ULTIMATE GOAL? of gambling, an unbeatable system that never fails to turn a profit, could not risk killing their golden goose by selling it to everyone.

All it would take is one sharp casino manager or security consultant to spot the book or website to cause the complete house of cards to come crashing down. Casinos would either change the overall game?s rules to remove the machine?s effectiveness, ban players caught using it at their tables, as well as take away the game altogether as a preventative measure.

Probably the most astute casino game analysts to ever live, Michael Shackelford of the ?Wizard of Odds? gambling strategy site, will abide by Armstrong?s sentiment. In a review of the book, Shackleford praises the author for penning a precise portrayal of gambling system scams, and the hucksters who peddle them to unsuspecting players.

The beauty of a book like God Doesn?t Shoot Craps is that, despite reading a full blog on the subject, you haven?t had the plot spoiled whatsoever. Danny?s dalliance with Virgil?s system is merely the spark which ignites 370-odd pages of action, including mafiosos who would like their cut, a casino pit boss hunting the big winners down, and also an exploration of fundamental questions concerning the origins and meaning of life itself.

You?ll come for the thorough rebuke of craps systems that con gamblers out of their hard-earned dough. Nevertheless, you?ll stick with God Doesn?t Shoot Craps for its witty writing, action-packed plotlines, and irascible characters.I still remember my first time going to a brick and mortar casino. I was 19 years old and scared out of my mind I would do something wrong and embarrass myself or get thrown out.

As was par for the course for me personally at that age, I was overreacting, and I ended up having a really excellent time.

What was my super secret method of not getting thrown out of the casino or embarrassed? I acted as an adult?Groundbreaking, I understand. In every seriousness, though, it certainly isn?t that difficult to have a excellent time at the casino without causing unnecessary issues on your own.

That being said, I understand if you?re here wanting to execute a little homework to get ready yourself for the first visit to the casino. There are a few items that I?ve learned through the years that I think will be helpful to get you ready.

While some of these things might seem somewhat basic, you?d be thoroughly surprised how often people screw these up and create problems for themselves.

Understand the Table Mechanics
Playing casino games in an actual casino isn't the same as when you play for fun in your kitchen with friends and family. When you play at home, there aren?t any rules or protocols that you have to follow.

If you need to throw all of the cards on to the floor because you?re mad, that?s ok. In the casino, though, the gaming board and the casino management have requirements of how things have to be done. These rules come in spot to protect the casino from cheating and to keep ?law and order? set up.

For example, if you decide to purchase your chips at the table instead of the cage, you can?t just hand your cash to the dealer. You must set it flat up for grabs, and THEN they are able to pick it up and exchange it for chips for you.

While this might seem silly, it?s in order that the cameras watching the table can easily see everything clearly. This may not seem like a big deal, and if you try to hand your money to the dealer, you aren?t likely to get kicked out.

But you are likely to look like a doofus. The dealer will probably stare at you and let you know over and over again to put your money on the table.

I?ve seen it happen so often and the person carrying it out eventually ends up feeling embarrassed and usually starts trying to explain that they?re new, so they feel less awkward.

How can you learn this stuff? Two answers.

The first, that is more work and probably not necessary, is to research the protocols online and prepare yourself for the games you want to play.
The second and much easier method would be to take a few minutes and watch other folks playing before you sit down to play.
You?ll reach observe how everything works and you can just mimic what everybody else does. Here?s another tip that probably trumps everything I?ve said already.

If you are unsure of something or when you are allowed to take action, just ask.
The staff will there be for you and can help you with anything and everything you need.

Again, none of this is rocket science, nonetheless it can put a dent in your entire day or night if you get your hand slapped by way of a dealer for doing something amiss.

Respect the Staff
Ok, I completely concur that the casino staff will there be to serve you, however they?re not there to last in a slave and master sense. They?re there to supply a service for you and help facilitate a great and safe environment for you.

They?re also not there simply for you. They?re working to provide a great experience for each guest in the casino.

They're not your slaves. You cannot treat them like garbage. You cannot berate them and throw things at them. Here?s finished .; no one goes to the casino with the plan of berating the staff.

If they?re winning, they?re happy and the nicest of people to the staff and dealers. The problems come if they start losing. They start blaming the dealers and staff and begin to get angry.

Here are a few things you need to understand.

No matter what, it isn't the staff?s fault you are losing. They are dealing out the random cards or spinning the ball randomly around the wheel. What cards come out or where it falls is totally up to chance. For this reason it?s called gambling. People LOVE to blame the dealers because they?re a straightforward target.
In the event that you berate the dealers, you?re likely to have a negative time, and you may be asked to leave. The dealers are not there to take your abuse. An excellent casino pit boss is going to protect their dealers this means removing people that are not treating them with respect.
Dealers are people too. While they might be performing a service, they are still living and breathing people with feelings. They will have families and friends. They hurt and get excited similar to the rest of us. How will you feel when someone yells at you or calls you names? You obviously feel terrible unless you?re a special sort of person. Don?t try and ruin a dealer?s day because you are losing.
Dealers can make mistakes. There are two sides to this one and thankfully one solution. Using one side, I am aware that dealers are people and folks are not perfect. Mistakes may happen, which is ok. On the other side, though, easily am playing for real money, I deserve a high notch experience without mistakes that cost me money.
So how can you handle a dealer which has made a mistake? If the mistake was onetime and wasn?t something major, I let it go and chalk it around being human.

If the mistake was one time and was a major, major issue or if the mistakes are habitual and impacting the game, I will talk to the pit boss or change tables.

Notice I didn?t say that I would scream at the dealer and demand they fix things. I politely ask to consult with their boss (the pit boss) and explain the problem. If you want, you can also step away and talk to the pit boss as to not embarrass the dealer.

The truth is this. If it's impacting your capability to win, it needs to be fixed immediately. If it?s impacting your capability to have a great time and relax, it also has to be fixed right away.

Again, these dealers are there to provide a service to you, not be your servants. They should get your respect, however they should also supply you something that commands that respect.

Respect the Other Players
While some folks are smart enough to realize they shouldn?t berate the staff, they forget that same courtesy should extend to another players. Nowhere is this more evident than at the blackjack table. I've seen this same scenario play out countless times at the table.

You?ll have one player who's a ?serious? player who knows every aspect and nuance of basic strategy and is betting larger amounts. You?ll also have a recreational player who doesn?t really know very well what they?re doing but is having a great time. The cards will be dealt out, and the recreation player could have a 17, the serious player will have a 12, and the dealer could have an 8 showing.

By way of basic strategy, the recreational player should stand, and the serious player should hit. The recreational player doesn?t know this and decides to hit since they?re just having a great time and didn?t take the time to learn optimal strategies.

They pull a 9 and bust. The serious player hits and pulls a 10 and busts. The dealer flips over a 10 and has 18. The serious player LOSES THEIR MIND. They start yelling at the recreational player they took their card and caused them to reduce.

What do they mean? Well, if the recreational player ?did what they were supposed to?, they might not need taken a card, and the serious player would have gotten a 9 instead of a 10 and had 21 and won the hand.

The problem with this particular is that what the ball player did before really does not have any influence on the randomness of the next card that arrived. The recreational player very well could have pulled a 10 and left a 9 for the serious player and caused them to win.

The main point is that it does not matter, but people only remember and spot the times it caused them to reduce. Each card that happens will undoubtedly be completely random. Each player is also free to play nonetheless they would like.

If they want to hit on 20 each and every time, fine! They aren?t likely to win much, however they are free to do what they need without getting yelled at by other players.

If you are someone who decides to berate other players, not merely are you currently a jerk, but you will also end up receiving right into a fight and/or getting thrown out of the casino. The casino will not like players who mess with their business.

In case you are driving people away by being rude, you?re going to be asked to leave.
Don?t Over Think It
This really doesn?t need to be a blog that you study or use to prepare extensively before your first trip to the casino. All of this should be common sense that you should be doing already.

The reason that it becomes an issue at the casino is that people hate to reduce money and sometimes that can cause them to react in ways that they normally would not.

In the event that you get mad and upset once you lose gambling, you probably shouldn?t be gambling. Gambling was created to be fun and create excitement and relaxation. If it?s not doing that for you personally, maybe it?s not for you.

Gambling is always going to carry a residence edge meaning that over time, you will lose and the casino will probably win. This doesn?t mean you can?t have short term wins also it certainly will not mean that you could?t have fun.

The point is that your mindset has to be right. You should realize that you are gambling for entertainment purposes only and not as a means to create money or pay your bills.

All you have to accomplish is simply become an adult and respect the casino and respect everyone around you.
If you?re confused about anything or what you can or cannot do, just ask. The staff is there to help you and do everything they are able to to ensure you and the rest of the guests have an enjoyable experience.

It?s not rocket science. Act maturely, and you?ll have a great time.

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