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Six Most Essential Reasons to Use WordPress in 2023

One of several questions that people often get asked is: How come I use WordPress? Isn’t my website good enough? How come I must exchange signal of WordPress from another platform?

If you’re asking these questions, then you’re in the right place.

In the following paragraphs, we are going to share the most important explanations why you should utilize WordPress. We’ll also cover all the various kind of websites you may earn with WordPress as well as showcase popular sites that are using WordPress.

One of the most common misconceptions about WordPress is that it is only a blogging service.
But WordPress is so considerably more.

While WordPress started being a blogging tool, it's got become a strong website builder plus a robust website cms (CMS).

Seeking to about WordPress is the fact that it’s user friendly and flexible enough to make a variety of websites. That’s exactly why WordPress has exploded much in popularity.

Actually, based on a newly released research, WordPress powers 43% of all websites online.
Let’s take a look at for you to use WordPress to make your internet site.

1. WordPress is provided for free as with Freedom

WordPress is free of charge software. It implies you're free to download, install, use and modify it to match your needs. You can use it to produce any kind of website.

Even though the WordPress software is free, you are doing need to have a url of your website and internet hosting to put in it.

Web site is the address of your respective website on the net. Itrrrs this that your users enter their browser’s address bar to get into your website.

Web hosting is like your website’s house where all your website files are stored.

2. WordPress Is Easy to utilize
Despite to be the most flexible and robust platform, WordPress isn't very difficult to use for beginners.

It comes with a fairly easy dashboard with assorted menu options listed in the sidebar. You can actually create posts and pages, customize your site design, add navigation menus, plus much more.

WordPress makes it easy for absolute beginners to maintain their particular websites without the technical hiccups.

First, you will find updates. WordPress regularly releases core WordPress updates that one could install together with the click of the button. You have to WordPress plugins and themes which release their unique updates.

For backups, you can find excellent WordPress backup plugins (many have the freedom). They permit one to set up automatic backups and store them on a remote location like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Finally, there's security. With many basic WordPress security best practices, you possibly can make your internet site much more secure.

When getting started, some think it's a little overwhelming in the beginning. However, because the largest WordPress resource site for beginners, we can easily confidently guarantee that you’ll soon find your way around.

During the last 10+ years, we come across thousands of beginner level users quickly graduate to intermediate and advanced users. In reality, many of them now make WordPress websites persons to earn their living.

3. WordPress Is totally Customizable

Most people using WordPress are neither web developers nor programmers. As a matter of fact, a lot of people start employing WordPress without knowledge of designing websites.

For non-tech savvy folks, WordPress is the best solution as there are a huge number of free site templates (themes) that one could choose from. There is a perfect WordPress theme for almost all types of website (whether it’s your blog, website, or perhaps an web shop).

WordPress themes are easy to customize must be lots of them feature their unique options panel enabling you to change colors, upload your logo, affect the background, create beautiful sliders, and truly personalize it to your wants without writing any code in any respect.

You may also add custom functionality in your WordPress site by utilizing plugins. WordPress plugins can be like apps for your website that will add advanced features like analytics, contact forms, membership area, and more.

Just like themes, there are many free and premium plugins available for you to use.

Besides adding extra functionality, some WordPress plugins allow you help your website in to a brand-new platform.

Being forced to choose from a huge number of plugins might be overwhelming, but there are a few essential WordPress plugins that we recommend for each website:

An e-mail form plugin so your visitors can find you
An analytics plugin to help you discover how many visitors you’re getting
A search engine optimisation plugin when getting increased traffic from Google
Then you’ll must choose more plugins with regards to the type of website you’re creating.

4. WordPress Is SEO Friendly
The ideal website on the globe won’t become successful whether it doesn’t have any traffic or visitors.

Luckily, WordPress is created with google search traffic in your mind.

WordPress is constructed using high-quality code with semantic markup. In non-geek terms, this means Google as well as other search engines like yahoo love WordPress.

This is why WordPress sites often achieve greater rankings than others searching engines.

5. WordPress Remains safe and Secure

WordPress is developed with peace of mind in mind, and it's also a very safe and secure platform to run a website.

However, you'll probably still perform lot to make your website more secure from hackers, malware, and also other dangers.

Website builders appear and disappear. Perhaps the biggest ones may disappear (remember GeoCities?).

Open-source software, on the other hand, is more apt to be around for any number of years.

That’s because as open-source software, it’s not maintained just by one individual or company. Even if WordPress disappears, you can now simply fork its code and launch it using a different name inside of minutes.

One of the lesser-known facts about WordPress is it doesn't have a CEO. The name WordPress remains safe from the WordPress foundation, that is a non-profit organization making sure that WordPress continues to grow.

There exists a strong community of thousands of users, developers, and small business owners behind WordPress. Being a community, all of them ensure that WordPress will be here to be to the long-haul.

WordPress benefits numerous users around the globe. It's accessible in greater than 53 languages and powers a huge number of multilingual websites too.

As being a WordPress beginner, you’ll join this global community of users and you’ll find the WordPress community welcoming and eager to help.

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