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The pain doesn't show until you have blood evidence

Screaming... Crying... the loss of life... the feeling of wanting to leave.. forever... That's when i realized, i hate myself.. I hate my life.. and i don't see the point in trying.. or walking... or breathing.. so what difference would it make if i left... It was a normal day, i quickly woke up as my alarm boomed into my ear. The light shinning from my window blinded me for a few seconds until my eyes began to adjust. It was Monday morning. We had just moved from London and life in America seemed pretty scary at first. As time began ticking on like a marathon race i began getting ready for school. i threw my uniform on, brushed my knots out and lept towards the mirror while my mum was calling to me in the distance. ' Hurry we're going to be late' I took one last decent look at myself before leaving my room. My reflection resembled a young, blue eyed beauty. However that's not how i saw myself. I turned away from the mirror and zoomed out the house.

I arrived at school... I took a good long look out the car door window before taking a step out the car. mum looked over at me, noticing the fear written all over face. 'it'll be fine' She explained. I opened the door slowly still terrified i slammed the door shut. i looked away for it would seem a whole of 5 seconds.. i span back around.. mum had left.. I continued walking into the school building. Everything seemed a huge force field of negativity as i walked though the main hall of the school, where many students gathered around their lockers. The bell rang. Lost and confused i tried to find the office to figure out my timetable. I had been walking around the school for a few minuets which seemed like forever at the time. Finally after circling the same areas and walking for 15 minutes i finally found the office. i knocked. 'hello?' i said unsure of where i was. The door swag open rapidly as another student walked out. His image was quite intimidating. Tall, build muscles and a ferrous looking face sent a message to my mind telling me to back down to him. He looked down at me 'what are you looking at punk' he said firmly as he was holding his nose while blood dribbled down his face. I leaned backwards onto the door. 'Drake please leave, i'll see you after school for your detention' a teacher explained firmly. He gave me one last dirty look before storming off down the corridor. I entered into the office.. ' hello, how may i help you?' the office lady said calmly. 'Um i'm Adriana Chase, i just moved here and was wondering if you could.. h-e' The office lady interrupted 'you must be new here, here's your timetable, if you have any questions just come see me. have a nice first day.' she replied looking away. I genitally grabbed my timetable and walked out.
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Regards; Team

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