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||~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•This Forbidden Love•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~||

||Chapter One:Forgive and Forget||

Irene woke up in her bed. Her small town in California was filled with the sounds of dogs barking and old women shouting, "I don't care if you have scitsophrenia! You get out! NOW SAMANTHA" Ah, the peaceful sounds of the city. Irene got out of bed and pulled her dark red hair into a high ponytail. "Mom, did I pack my bag last night?" Irene shouted from upstairs. "Yes, you did. You're getting more responsible you know." Angelina, Irene's mother said. Irene made her way downstairs and ate her cereal. "Doodleo's" the box said. "DRAWING COMPETITION LASTS UNTIL 3'RD OF MAY, sign up here" Irene read further. She put he bowl in the sink and went out the door, grabbing her bag on the way out.

"Bye mom!" Irene left for the bus as her mother yelled behind her, "Bye sweetie! Have a great first day at school!" The bus was crowded and loud. Two boys were smoking a cigarette and a girl in a group of guys were vaping. "Hey! Pass it over, Axel!" The girl said. "Okay, Serenity! Don't be a bitch about it." Irene sat down and put her bag on the empty seat next to her. "Hey slut, get out of my seat you demon freak." Irene stared at the boy in confusion. "Uhh, last time I checked, I was sitting here first. Besides there's like 16 more seats open." The boy stared with intent. "I said get out of my seat, freak."

The boy said. "Um again I was sitting here first-" Irene was cut off by a shove off the chair and a throw of a book bag. "Hey! Stop before you get punted to the ground by a 5'th grader!" Irene protested. "What did you say to me?" The boy said. "It's over for you, bitch." The boy pounced on her and repeatedly punched Irene. "Ugh! Stop! What is your problem!" The boy stopped attacking Irene and growled in a low voice, "that'll teach you to never mess with me again, demon bitch" Irene scattered to the back of the bus and sat down with her bag. She silently cried alone.

The bus got to school and everyone scuttered inside to their classes. Irene went into room 569 and a group of three girls followed her. "Hey look, it's that demon freak from the bus." One girl snorted. "Ha! Look at her blue skin, it makes her look like a total loser" Another one said. "Hey, what are you saying about me."
The girls looked in disgust as Irene's yellow eyes stared at theirs. "Ew, she's even uglier than I thought." One girl said. "What? Who are you and why are you picking on me?" The girl looked in disappointment and disgust. "You don't know who I am? My name is Serenity Jones, and I am an angel. Which means that I'm better than you. Now stay in your place, demon freak." Irene looked up at Serenity. "My-my name is Irene! And I am not a demon freak."

Irene stammered. "Awe! The demon freak is defending herself! How cute." Serenity teased. The other girl, Gabriella scoffed. Irene slowly walked into the classroom. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not done playing with you." Serenity grabbed Irene by her hair and dragged her to the locker room.

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