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1. It has been 5 months since you joined CX Fort Ltd. Describe your experience so far?
It has been a great 5 months I would say. Lots of learning, lots of battles. I even got a promotion, this was and is still a big motivation for me.

2. State your understanding of your main job objectives?
I basically try to help customers with my knowledge if possible. Or to direct them to solve their problems or queries within the flows. And also doing these within some standards or KPIs.

3. What do you think is the most challenging objective? Why?
Definitely dealing with three customers at the same time and especially if they have complex problems. Such as campaigns, wdnrs, and so on.

4. What do you think is the most interesting part of your job?
It's definitely learning every day. Because there is always something I don't know and I can learn that by simply asking my colleagues. But there is always something to learn, some new information or a trick.

5. Do you feel you have the knowledge and skills to be proficient in this job? If no, what additional training is required to make you feel more proficient?
In this job field, knowledge is limitless. There is always a new thing to learn. But I believe I have essential knowledge and am eager to learn in this job.

6. How would you describe your training period so far? Please provide concrete examples
Theoretical knowledge doesn't mean many things when you don't practice. You don't know anything unless you're in touch with customers. That's why, training was a bit uneffective. I felt like I don't know anything during my first chat.

7. What key objectives have you achieved so far?
The first thing I achieved was that I tested myself in very stressful times and managed to handle it. This job is not for people who cannot deal with stress.

8. What key objectives would you like to achieve in the coming 6 months?
I believe my soft skills are quite okay, but I still need to improve. Also, patience is key. Customers do not have the knowledge we have, so it is quite important to be on the same level with them which requires patience. Especially if I deal with a VIP customer.

9. How easy/difficult is it to integrate within the group?
It was way easier than I expected. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful. I managed to integrate quite easily if we include that I changed departments.

10. Is the job meeting your expectations? If no, please explain why?
It actually does, I did bit of a digging before I start here. Not just about the company, but about the industry as well. I think I managed my expectations, so I fit in easily.

11. Was there anything that made you think about quitting over the past 5 months? If yes, kindly explain below.
Nothing actually. But there are some serious problems de-motivating me. Especially QA reviews. Of course, we're obliged to give high-quality services. But during these reviews, it's often forgotten that we mostly deal with 3 customers at the same time. Even with our undivided attention, we can only give 33% to each customer.

12. Would you recommend us as an employer to a friend?

13. Below please list any other issues that you would like to discuss during your first probation meeting.
I would like to discuss especially QA reviews. I believe this must be the most common problem between the agents. This problem has been known for quite a while but hasn't reached a solution as I see. Another topic is rapid shift changes. Especially for L2 agents. WorkForce is arranging our shifts without even thinking we're humans. I can not switch from 7-17 to 23-8 night shift just in 2 days. I specifically asked my team lead to fix this, otherwise, no one has realized this. This is not just for me but for all agents.

1. It has been 2 to 3 months since have been promoted to this new position. Describe your experience so far?
It has been definitely better than I expected. The team and leaders are so friendly. I'm happy that I got the promotion.

2. State your understanding of your main job objectives?
I don't see a huge difference when compared to my old position. I just need to use my soft skills even more and be more understanding.

3. What do you think is the most challenging objective? Why?
It is definitely trying to tell something to the customers. Especially if their problems are out of our control. Also, telling them that they're gambling and winning or losing is possible is challenging.

4. What do you think is the most interesting part of your job?
I think when there's a customer with a complex problem and if I don't have any other chat at that moment. Trying to identify and fix the problem is satisfying.

5. Do you feel you have the knowledge and skills to be proficient in this job? If no, what additional training is required to make you feel more proficient?
Since there is not much of a difference from my old position, the training is more than enough.

6. What key objectives have you achieved so far?
I feel like I have improved my soft skills and I'm definitely much more patient now.

7. What key objectives would you like to achieve in the coming 3 months?
The first thing is to improve my KPIs for sure. Also, I would like to try other positions definitely.

8. How easy/difficult is it to be accepted by your subordinates?
I don't think it's that hard actually. If you're doing your job great and deserved the promotion, everyone will know that.

9. Is the job meeting your expectations? If no, please explain why.
It's a bit of a challenging job, but it does for sure.

10. Was there anything that made you think about quitting or reverting back to your previous post over the past 2/3 months? If yes, kindly explain below.
Except for QA reviews, not at all. I have even become more and more happy as I fit in.

11. Below please list any other issues that you would like to discuss during your first trial meeting.
QA reviews and rapid shift changes.
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Regards; Team

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