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15 Funny People Who Are Secretly Working In Side By Side Fridge Freezer Under Counter
Zanussi Under Counter Side By Side Fridge Freezer Review

When looking for a brand new refrigerator, there are many designs to pick from. Side-by-side fridges are a great option for any kitchen. They provide a lot of storage and comfort, while also looking attractive.

This refrigerator has plenty of room for your weekly grocery shopping and includes two VitaFresh storage containers. It also features large freezer compartments that is ideal for storing leftover shepherd's pie and frozen peas!

Here are a few examples of

With an impressive A+ energy rating this Fastanstic Zanussi fridge freezer is a great choice for those who wish to cut down on energy bills. Because of the innovative AirFlow+ fan, this model can circulate cool air around, ensuring that your fresh food stays chilled for longer. It also comes with a half-width salad cabinet that's perfect for those veg such as turnips and courgettes. This fridge freezer has a capacity of 160 Litres (Net) with three shelves for the fridge as well as two full height freezer drawers with bright LED lighting and an internal electronic control.

For extra convenience This fridge freezer features a handy door opening warning alarm that will notify you when the fridge door is open. This is especially helpful if there are children in the house as it can help keep food safe and prevent accidents. You can also choose the model with a reversible door hinge so you can decide which way the fridge opens.

This Zanussi refrigerator freezer also comes with a feature that is smart and lets you to monitor the temperature with your tablet or phone. You can then make sure that the freezer is operating at its best performance. This is particularly useful when you plan to use your freezer for storing frozen items like fish, vegetables, meat and so on.

integrated side by side fridge freezer and freezers are always in operation, and consume a lot of power. New ones use far less energy than older models and you can get huge carbon savings by upgrading your fridge to an A-rated model. You can determine how much energy your refrigerator or freezer is using up by installing a monitor for energy use which will reveal exactly how much energy it uses throughout the period of a year.

The Zanussi ZEAN82FR under counter fridge boasts a fantastic 95 litre (net) capacity, so you'll have plenty of space for all the fresh food you want to eat. There is space in the door to store juice, milk and condiments. A salad drawer keeps your fruits and vegetables fresh and crunchy.

Inside the freezer, there are three drawers. The middle one is larger to store larger items. You can also adjust the shelves to fit your food items. The shelves made of glass and transparent doors allow you to see what's in the freezer.

You can connect this fridge under counter to your home Wi-Fi network for updates and additional features, like food diary energy monitoring, a personalised welcome and recipes. With a programmable timer you can schedule the freezer to defrost according to the times that suit your preferences. This model has an alarm for doors, and can be recessed beneath your worktop to blend seamlessly into your kitchen.


Elegant and simple This fridge freezer is stylish and simple. It will look great in any kitchen. The stainless steel finish and anti-fingerprint glass are easy to clean. There' side by side fridge freezers uk of storage space, with 4 fridge shelves and a dedicated salad compartment. It is a little tight if you need to store larger items and some of the shelving feels narrow.

The freezer features an Auto Defrost feature that will automatically defrost your fridge at same time, thereby saving you time and effort. There are three drawers of varying dimensions in the freezer, so there's plenty of space to store your weekly groceries. The middle drawer is bigger than the two other drawers and is perfect for storage of big frozen items like joints of meat.

Blast chilling is a great solution for preparing fresh food that lasts longer because it helps to keep the texture, appearance, flavour and nutritional qualities of your food. The freezer also comes with a Quick Chill function which is perfect for chilling new purchases quickly, without increasing the temperature of your food. The Beko Connect app allows you to monitor and control your refrigerator freezer from afar. This allows you to stay at the top of your weekly shopping even when you are out and about. This feature is perfect for those who have life in a hurry and often shop in stores.


The fridge is often the center of a kitchen, and this frost free 70/30 fridge freezer is packed full of features that keep your food fresher for longer. With separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer, your produce stays at the best conditions, and also prevents the spread of odours and bacteria to other foods.

Specialized drawers can be used to store different ingredients and ensure they are in the best condition for a longer. For instance, deli-drawers are ideal for storing perishable food items like meats and cheeses. Crisper drawers allow you to alter the humidity level to suit thick-skinned fruits and vegetables such as peppers and apples. integrated side by side fridge freezers lets you have fresh food available throughout the week.

You can save money by organising your freezer and fridge that are paired side-by-side. It will also assist in reducing food waste. Start by cleaning your refrigerator and reserving storage areas for specific items. This will allow everyone in the household to locate the items they need, and also prevent the fridge from becoming crowded.

It is easy to monitor your blast chiller freezer in real-time from anywhere using the Zanussi fridge app. It will also send important notifications when it's scheduled for maintenance. The app will also notify you of any issues that could arise with the fridge, so you can solve them quickly and efficiently. The refrigerator will even remind you to change your ice bags so that you are always prepared.

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