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Opiate and Heroin Withdrawal

Withdrawal from opiate and heroin use is one of the most challenging parts of recovery. Fortunately, professional withdrawal treatment can reduce uncomfortable symptoms and shorten the length of detox. If you need help, please reach out to True Life Recovery .

Medically supervised detox is the first step in breaking addiction to opiates and heroin. It should be followed by ongoing treatment services, including medication-assisted therapy (MAT).

Medically supervised detox
Opiate addiction can be difficult to overcome, but the medically supervised detox process makes it easier and more likely to succeed. The detox team can mitigate painful withdrawal symptoms and treat co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions.

Detox facilities should have licensed and credentialed staff who can provide medication and monitoring if needed. These experts are able to stabilize patients during the detox process, keeping them safe from dangerous and potentially life-threatening complications such as seizures, delirium tremens and altered blood pressure.

Detoxification without proper supervision is a risky and unwise practice that often results in relapses. This is why it’s so important to seek a professional medical treatment center for opioid and heroin detox.

Opiates are powerful drugs that suppress pain, reduce anxiety and produce euphoria. They can be taken by mouth, smoked, snorted or injected intravenously. They’re a popular choice among drug addicts.

Withdrawal from opioids can be very difficult, especially for heroin users. Acute withdrawal symptoms begin within 6 to 12 hours after the last dose and can last for up to a week or more.

Symptoms are severe enough that a person can’t keep up with them at home, so they need medically supervised detox to ensure they stay safe. They’re often accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, shakiness, cold sweats and cravings.

Treatment specialists may prescribe medications to help manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. They also monitor mental health and other factors that may contribute to a client’s addiction.

Detox is a critical step in recovery from heroin use disorder. Without detox and withdrawal management, relapse rates can be high.

Medical professionals monitor patients around the clock during this critical phase of treatment to prevent complications and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. They also ensure that medications are properly adjusted to keep a patient safe.

For those who have severe or long-term addictions, medically supervised detox is the best option for recovery. This strategy minimizes risks of death by overdose, transmission of infectious diseases and criminal activity.

In addition to medication, withdrawal therapy and counseling can help a person develop healthier coping strategies for cravings and reduce the risk of relapse. The goal is to create new habits that don’t include people, places or things associated with drug use.

Medications used during detox are divided into three groups: opioid agonists, antagonists and partial agonists. Partial agonists, like buprenorphine and Buprenorphine/Naltrexone, stay in the body longer than heroin but don’t produce the same effects. These drugs are sometimes combined with a non-narcotic pain reliever and antidepressants to manage psychological symptoms.

Opiates are addictive, and when you stop using them you are going to experience withdrawal symptoms. The best way to combat this is to take a multi-pronged approach that includes treatment, behavioral therapy, and family support. Fortunately, there are many options to choose from. One of the better known is methadone. The best part is that it is a proven medical treatment that helps people with addiction and their families achieve long term sobriety and health. Getting your life back on track is no easy feat. Getting help is the first step toward a drug free future, and can save you from incarceration and other maladies of addiction. Choosing the right treatment for you is an important decision that requires research, education and a lot of patience.
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