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00:00:00.140 --> 00:02:15.178
Speaker 1: Okay. All right, so I have, so hi everybody. My name is Rachel. Everything that we discuss here, it's just going to stay with among us. It's not going to go out anywhere. Anonymity will be maintained. So please know that. So this particular research, we do a lot of research work generally. We talk to a lot of people about different things. We meet people from all walks of life. And this is one such research that we're doing to understand certain ideas on current affairs. And I'm sure you've heard about this particular topic on over the news. So I would just want your thoughts on it. So it's okay if you don't know too much in detail about this particular, as in you don't have to know the history, et cetera. You just have to tell me how you are feeling about what you are seeing, how that really affects all your understanding, particularly. So this is going to go on for the next 90 minutes. I'll be moving through a lot of things really quickly because we have a lot of ground to cover. We only have 90 minutes with us. And I hope, thank you all for joining. I know it's a work day also. And you all are joining at 6.30. So we will wrap up around on time. Maybe take 10, 15 minutes extra if possible. I mean, sorry, one sec, did somebody leave? Okay, Aman, okay, you're there. So let's begin. You know, I'm Rachel, I am currently from Delhi. So if all of us could just quickly go around introducing themselves, you know, just what you do, where you live and yeah, that's it. So who would like to begin? Rashmi, should we start with you?

00:02:15.940 --> 00:02:46.659
Speaker 2: Yeah, fine. Hi, my name is Rashmi. I put up in Delhi. My age is 41, like, and I work as a senior account manager. Mine is a nuclear family, me, my husband and two kids. My husband is a senior sales manager. And like, if I talk about my hobbies in the free time, I like watching news, reading newspapers, watching OTT, shopping, and it's possible going out also. And if I have too much of time, then pampering myself.

00:02:47.725 --> 00:02:58.337
Speaker 1: Okay, all right, thanks, Rashmi. Nice to meet you. Everybody, I just want your name, what you do, and where you live, that's it. Thank you, Rashmi, though. Thank you. Yes, who'd like to go next?

00:02:59.160 --> 00:02:59.916
Speaker 4: Hi, I'm Richa.

00:03:00.841 --> 00:03:01.276
Speaker 1: Hi, Richa.

00:03:01.620 --> 00:03:34.379
Speaker 4: I'm 45 years old. I live in a nuclear family also. I mean, because my mother keeps coming and going otherwise, but my husband and my daughter, 10 years old, and I am into interiors. I'm working as an interior designer. My husband is a fashion designer. He's working as a manager in a support company. So, normally my life is a little busy, busy, but still, I manage quite a lot of things at home as well as outside.

00:03:34.840 --> 00:03:35.580
Speaker 1: Great, nice.

00:03:36.800 --> 00:03:47.299
Speaker 4: So like newspapers and news and outside shopping and home and a lot of things, so that's all.

00:03:47.683 --> 00:03:48.598
Speaker 1: Great, Richa, nice.

00:03:48.720 --> 00:03:49.959
Speaker 4: Sometimes it's busy, busy.

00:03:50.748 --> 00:04:03.618
Speaker 1: Nice to meet you. Sorry, I'm gonna interrupt you all now and then, because you only have 90 minutes, and I wanna hear from everybody. So just your name, what you do, that's it. Hi. Yeah, Mahima. Hi, I'm Mahima.

00:04:04.605 --> 00:04:25.458
Speaker 5: I live in Delhi. I'm married, two kids, and my husband works in MNC, and I'm a teacher, primary teacher, and I just love music, shopping, and what's going around in the world, in Delhi and everywhere, like to update myself.

00:04:26.640 --> 00:04:30.858
Speaker 1: Thank you, Mahima. Thank you. Hi, thank you. Hi, okay, Shalu, would you like to go next?

00:04:32.780 --> 00:04:55.116
Speaker 5: Yeah, hi, I'm Shalu, and I'm working as a risk manager within a multinational company, and I have total years of experience, almost 12 plus years, and I'm living in a nuclear family, and I have a one kid, eight years old. My husband is also working in a multinational company, and that's it, thank you.

00:04:56.420 --> 00:05:13.459
Speaker 1: Okay, Shalu, thank you for that. I think we lost you in between for the bit. Can you- So you won't, if you- Okay, I heard you, I heard you, that's fine. No, no, we heard you, just I hope your network, your network is fine. All right, Pooja, how about you, could you go next?

00:05:13.983 --> 00:05:24.051
Speaker 0: Hi, sure, sure, absolutely. Hi, this is Pooja Mihani, I'm 40 years old. I have two children living in Burdaon, and I'm working as a coordinator at the Zidim School, Burdaon sector 57.

00:05:25.620 --> 00:05:28.534
Speaker 1: Pleased to meet you, Pooja, hi, welcome. Hi, Aman, good to meet you.

00:05:32.891 --> 00:05:38.339
Speaker 3: Hi, Rachel, this is Aman, and I live with my husband and my daughter.

00:05:44.920 --> 00:05:56.678
Speaker 1: Oh, I think we've lost Aman, I can't hear her. I think, Kriti, yeah.

00:05:57.660 --> 00:06:01.274
Speaker 3: I'm old, and I work as a counselor with one of the schools, and my service is about us.

00:06:03.200 --> 00:06:08.719
Speaker 1: Okay, thanks, Aman, we lost you there for a bit. Is it possible for you to just quickly change your network?

00:06:09.100 --> 00:06:24.677
Speaker 3: I think- Rachel, I'm so sorry, but I think I have the internet working very good here, but somehow when it comes to your turn, when you start speaking, I am not able to hear you at all. Like, you know, it just breaks so much.

00:06:26.201 --> 00:06:32.338
Speaker 1: Okay, is this the case with everybody? Are you not, no, you can hear and see me?

00:06:33.140 --> 00:06:34.037
Speaker 0: Yeah, I'm able to hear.

00:06:34.760 --> 00:06:41.359
Speaker 3: So if you don't mind, Rachel, would you be okay if I join from my mobile, just in case?

00:06:43.400 --> 00:07:07.157
Speaker 1: I mean, ideally, Aman, the laptop is just for your convenience. That's why I've asked everybody to join through laptop, because it gets, you know, because I'll be showing you some stuff, you know, and- Okay, so let's continue with this then. Yeah, if it happens again, maybe you can, or maybe you could just join from your mobile data if that's possible, if you're on your wifi at the moment.

00:07:08.761 --> 00:07:17.698
Speaker 3: I don't think it's, it is much more, you know, stable data thing. I believe my home internet is much convenient.

00:07:18.520 --> 00:08:12.119
Speaker 1: I know much better than the phone one. Okay, I think we can just play it by ear then. Let's just, let's pick on. Okay, great. So let's begin. So I'm going to show you a couple of statements and messages. So we've done this research with already Delhi, Bangalore, you know, Kolkata, Mumbai, and now we're doing another group in Delhi. So all of us are from Delhi. That's a common ground, I guess, and Gurgaon. And, you know, this particular, I'll show you some images, not images, show you some statements. And I want you to tell me, read them out, and tell me what you think about them. One second, I'll quickly share my screen with you. It's about a news, you know, it's about something that's been doing the rounds for a while. You've been seeing it. And I just want to hear your views on this, this particular current affair that's been doing the rounds.

00:08:13.563 --> 00:08:13.997
Speaker 4: All right.

00:08:15.102 --> 00:08:24.317
Speaker 1: And I want you to read it and tell me which of the ideas stand out most to you first. So let's begin. Share my screen real quick.

00:08:27.066 --> 00:08:28.059
Speaker 5: Okay.

00:08:32.512 --> 00:08:34.479
Speaker 1: All right. Can you see, can everybody see my screen?

00:08:35.742 --> 00:08:35.830
Speaker 0: Yeah.

00:08:37.268 --> 00:08:41.399
Speaker 1: Okay, great. Let's begin. So can everybody see these messages?

00:08:42.741 --> 00:08:43.677
Speaker 2: I'm just trying to read it.

00:08:47.529 --> 00:11:06.198
Speaker 1: Yeah, that's, you know, I think it'd be easier for everybody on the, on the laptop. You can probably read it. So yeah, if we could go through each one. I'll quickly read them out along with you. I think just to make it easier for those. So first message is Russia's currency barely able to supply its own military with equipment. Second, so these are just statements, right? I want you to look at them as statements and see how you think or how you feel. Second, Russia has broken international law with its barbaric, unprovoked attack on Ukraine, which is a sovereign democratic state. Third, Russia is a key ally and friend for India and has a strong relationship with Modi. Fourth, Russia had no other choice but to invade Ukraine. Fifth, India's strategic alignment with Russia is harmed by Russia's close ties with China. Western governments should be involved in the war in Ukraine. Western countries are hypocrites when it comes to the Ukraine invasion. The Ukrainian military is being outperformed by Russia's military. The economic impact of the war on India has affected supply chain and food prices and availability. United States and NATO is the aggressor in the Ukrainian invasion. The last one, Ukraine is an inalienable territory of Russia. So these are all these statements. I just want to know which of the issues kind of stood out to you the most. You can take a moment to just go over this again if you need to, and then we can begin. And these are all conveying very different points of views as you can see. So I just want to understand from you, what do you think about it? Okay, is everybody ready to go?

00:11:08.600 --> 00:11:09.057
Speaker 0: Yes, we can.

00:11:10.080 --> 00:11:20.619
Speaker 1: Okay, great. So which of these ideas stood out the most to you? Like which particular message was like, okay, that caught my attention?

00:11:22.040 --> 00:11:28.457
Speaker 5: She has broken into a lot of different areas. Like the national law with the barbaric attack on Ukraine, which is a sovereign democratic state.

00:11:29.640 --> 00:11:32.616
Speaker 1: Okay, why did this stand out for you, Shailu?

00:11:35.800 --> 00:12:21.177
Speaker 5: I mean, see, if I'm talking about, so Ukraine also have the democracy, you know, to go with the NATO power. But Russia, I mean, just because of this, because Ukraine is not in the hands of Western countries. So that's why Russia like intervene and, you know, attack on the countries. So, and in that case, because Russia has somewhere have the will, has the thought that they can lose their power if Ukraine is, because earlier, Ukraine was a part of the Russia only. And if Ukraine will be able to successfully run that nuclear testing successfully, then Ukraine become overpowered to Russia.

00:12:23.427 --> 00:12:28.056
Speaker 1: Okay, okay. So this stood out to you because of that, because it's a fact?

00:12:29.781 --> 00:12:30.496
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's a fact.

00:12:31.880 --> 00:12:35.498
Speaker 1: Okay, got it. All right, what about anybody else? What do you all feel?

00:12:36.141 --> 00:13:48.298
Speaker 0: Yeah, I would like to say something. Yeah, so Western countries are hypocrites when it comes to the Ukrainian invasion. If we look at the history of the world globally, Russia, yes, Ukraine was a part of Russia and it has never, why has it not invaded Ukraine till now? Why today? And why suddenly? Because the NATO as well as the US, they were trying to act funny. And in spite of so many warnings, and you know how it works with the diplomats, you know, and in spite of that, when they are trying to provoke and they are trying to involve Ukraine within the NATO countries, which is again a breach of our treaty, which was done long ago, either with Ukraine or US, I'm not sure about that. However, now when they are trying to build their own power, they are trying to up their own power game, then what is wrong if Russia is trying to, you know, retaliate there and trying to just give an answer? Russia was never offensive. It is only a defense mechanism that has instigated Russia to do all of this.

00:13:49.502 --> 00:13:56.538
Speaker 1: Okay, all right, thanks Pooja. Anybody else wants to weigh in on anything that either what Sharloo or Pooja have chosen or any other message?

00:13:57.080 --> 00:14:11.679
Speaker 4: Yeah, I think Ukraine is an inalienable territory of Russia, which is a fact because it is. And Russia never really wanted to, you know, be into it directly, you know, having different thoughts.

00:14:12.083 --> 00:14:13.859
Speaker 2: So Ukraine cannot be taken away like.

00:14:14.520 --> 00:14:17.838
Speaker 4: Yes, so it is a fact that it cannot be really.

00:14:19.841 --> 00:14:20.620
Speaker 1: Okay, all right.

00:14:20.660 --> 00:14:26.697
Speaker 2: We also it seems that Ukraine also cannot be taken away. The same thing like as Pooja said.

00:14:28.020 --> 00:14:30.999
Speaker 4: Yes, that's like a very different.

00:14:33.362 --> 00:14:35.956
Speaker 1: All right, okay. Anybody else? Yeah, Pooja, please.

00:14:36.540 --> 00:14:38.595
Speaker 0: Yeah, I would also like to add why.

00:14:39.460 --> 00:14:40.599
Speaker 1: Sorry, Aman, you can go next, sorry.

00:14:40.640 --> 00:15:16.656
Speaker 0: I'm sorry. No, no, go ahead Pooja. I would also like to add why Western countries are an absolute hypocrite to the core because they never came in front. They were always talks about, you know, they were always on the back seat, like, you know, pumping Ukraine to demolish themselves. You know, they were on the destructive path and look at the condition of Ukraine today and nobody else in the globe has been harmed except for Ukraine. What did Ukraine actually get out of this? So an absolute act of hypocrisy, hypocrite government or, you know, group of people or countries as per me.

00:15:18.480 --> 00:15:21.680
Speaker 1: Okay, okay. All right, yeah, Aman, please, you can go ahead.

00:15:22.221 --> 00:15:43.677
Speaker 3: So I would like to do this. So that Russia is currently barely able to supply its own military and military equipment. So I believe it's a, you know, very strong country, very rich. In terms of these, you know, these equipments, like which is good enough to destroy the whole world.

00:15:44.680 --> 00:15:46.108
Speaker 0: So, and the person who is

00:15:46.189 --> 00:15:46.591
Speaker 1: ruling

00:15:46.934 --> 00:15:48.886
Speaker 3: Russia is, I would

00:15:48.966 --> 00:15:50.455
Speaker 4: not say he's

00:15:50.536 --> 00:16:30.939
Speaker 3: a dumb person. He's a very smart person. He makes a move very smartly. He knows everything, what to do well, and he's fully prepared. He really, I don't think he needs anybody's, you know, help to provide him equipment to destroy the world, you know, what he has in his mind. So I don't think he would need anything from, for now from any other country, but maybe later down the line, I feel that Russia too, you know, because these two countries have always been against US and India, like, you know, they really want to be a bigger power.

00:16:32.147 --> 00:16:32.979
Speaker 1: Okay, all right.

00:16:33.260 --> 00:17:19.640
Speaker 5: Sorry, who wants to? Yeah, but I don't think India want to be overpowered, but yes, the US and Russia, there's always a conflict between these two countries. And yes, I totally echoed with the Amman that yes, Russia can, Russia is not a country who have the lack of supply and arm and ammunitions. I mean, Russia is leading still number one in terms of arms and ammunitions and the superpowers. I still believe that the US come on the second number, Russia have all the availability of, in terms of equipment, supplies, and everything was over there. So we cannot estimate that Russia is currently barely, you know, I am not okay with this statement.

00:17:21.760 --> 00:17:25.839
Speaker 1: Okay, you're not okay with it because it's not true.

00:17:26.300 --> 00:17:41.753
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's not true because Russia is, even till today, if you, I mean, if there would be any R&D would be done, and even I have seen in the news also that Russia is leading the number one, then the US is coming in the number two.

00:17:43.320 --> 00:18:03.359
Speaker 1: In terms of arms and ammunitions. Okay, that's why you think this is not making sense. Okay, and I think, sorry, I think we lost, sorry, I just need to pause. I think we've, Preethi, I think we've lost Amman.

00:18:07.941 --> 00:18:53.352
Speaker 5: And one more thing, Rachel, I'm not okay with the third point, the economic impact of the war in India has affected supply chain and food prices and availability. I mean, India is a self-sufficient country, and especially after Modi, we have all the chattelizing, we have all the mediums, you know, to utilize, and even the country is developing day by day more in terms of employment, in terms of jobs for the youth. So I don't think, I'm not okay with this statement, the economic impact of the war in India has affected, because yes, because India and Russia always have a very great connection, and there is no harm to the, you know, in terms of law, I haven't seen any loss in terms of any trading and export and importing

00:18:53.432 --> 00:18:53.997
Speaker 2: activity.

00:18:54.320 --> 00:18:55.466
Speaker 3: I agree with Shahru, that's why I'm saying.

00:18:57.740 --> 00:19:02.360
Speaker 1: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. A lot of fans are speaking. Sorry, Rashmi, complete your point then, Ritche.

00:19:02.360 --> 00:19:17.099
Speaker 2: Yeah, it was like in between. also, like a few time ago, like Modi, or some, like Pakistanis were asking for the food supplies from Modi. So India has sufficient amount of like the food chain. So you do not need to like go for anything.

00:19:18.280 --> 00:19:20.439
Speaker 1: Got it. Ritche, anything you want to add to this?

00:19:20.580 --> 00:19:26.544
Speaker 4: Exactly, I'm totally agreeing with that, because yes, India is a self-sufficient thing. I also

00:19:26.584 --> 00:19:27.669
Speaker 5: totally agree with

00:19:28.011 --> 00:19:28.312
Speaker 4: both

00:19:28.774 --> 00:19:37.200
Speaker 1: Shahlu and Rashmi. We are self-sufficient country, and we are proud Indians. We cannot be affected like that. Day by day we are growing.

00:19:38.325 --> 00:19:40.538
Speaker 2: Okay. There is no chance of economic impact.

00:19:41.600 --> 00:19:44.396
Speaker 1: There's no chance. So that basically you're saying that we don't agree with the statement.

00:19:45.401 --> 00:19:46.675
Speaker 0: I would like to say something.

00:19:47.380 --> 00:19:47.520
Speaker 1: Yes.

00:19:51.406 --> 00:20:36.498
Speaker 0: So anytime you can check out. history, as well as the future will say, there are always an impact, and there will always be an economic impact of any kind of war on all the nations across the globe. And yes, there was an impact on gas. So India is a self-sufficient country when it comes to the things they grow and they have internally inside the country. Whatever has been procured from outside the geographical boundary, that was definitely impacted. If I may take you guys back a year ago, at that time gas prices did rise drastically. And that was because of this war between Russia and Ukraine. So this is something that I do not channelize with.

00:20:38.000 --> 00:20:44.519
Speaker 5: But there was a time when the gas prices was rise highly. I don't think like it would be continued for the longer period.

00:20:45.486 --> 00:20:46.618
Speaker 4: Not for the supply chain.

00:20:47.140 --> 00:21:46.093
Speaker 0: So it's about the impact. It's not about how long did the impact last. It's about the economic impact. Of course there was impact. We were paying high prices to the gas because one is UAE and the Gulf, which supplies the gas. And the other channel is Russia. And they will, you know, harm on the way of how the gas was supplied. So of course that could not come. We were paying enormous prices to the girls at that time and to other suppliers. It did have economic impact. Now, how long did that impact last? The rest of it, we do not have that discovery here. However, any war of any sort, Russia also had a lot of impact. Nobody can say that Russia was not at last. So anytime there is a war, there of course be an impact. But India may of course food, supply chain got affected everything. Food, everything, prices got increased, if you remember, in a year ago.

00:21:48.021 --> 00:22:17.279
Speaker 5: So, because of the COVID, COVID was also at that period, that was prevalent almost across everywhere. I mean, because of the COVID, that is also one of the reasons that Russia and Ukraine are at last. I mean, there could be economic impact because of the trading. But I don't think, like, there was a time, but it should not be continued in a long manner.

00:22:18.340 --> 00:22:19.740
Speaker 1: All right, all right. Thanks everybody.

00:22:20.560 --> 00:22:20.935
Speaker 4: Sorry, sorry.

00:22:21.823 --> 00:22:54.217
Speaker 1: Sorry everybody. I get, I've heard you all and your viewpoints. Let's just to, just to, you know, channelize that further in a more constructive manner. I mean, these are very important points. We will discuss this more in detail in the next exercise as well. So, I just want you to now, so we've read all these messages. You've told me, do you think these issues are still important? These statements, this particular issue of the war, is it still important compared to, say, other issues at the moment?

00:22:55.061 --> 00:23:10.119
Speaker 0: Of course, yes. Because this will decide a lot of our future as a country and our allies as well in the future, going forward where the world gets divided into two or three groups. All the points are very favorable in all that aspect.

00:23:11.200 --> 00:23:12.677
Speaker 1: Okay, anybody else wants to add to this?

00:23:16.231 --> 00:23:16.316
Speaker 0: No?

00:23:17.122 --> 00:23:50.418
Speaker 1: Okay, we can go ahead. So now we've seen these messages and what I want us to do, I also want to just ask you, I think a few more questions. I think we've actually touched upon everything, but I have one question here. You know, this particular box that says, Russia had no other choice but to invade Ukraine. I want to know, what do you feel about this statement? Do you agree, disagree? What is the, who would like to go?

00:23:53.381 --> 00:24:23.378
Speaker 0: So when Russia, I would like to go. So when Russia was literally neck deep till her, surrounded by diplomats and the war, so it was really ready. Actually, Russia did have no choice, but to invade Ukraine because otherwise, it would have turned the other way around. He had very limited, Russia had very limited time to act because otherwise they would have gone into, you know, NATO power would have proved otherwise later.

00:24:25.761 --> 00:24:38.318
Speaker 1: Okay, yeah, Shalu, you wanted to say thanks, Preeti. Sorry, pardon me. Thank you, Pooja. Shalu, you wanted to say something? Shalu, were you?

00:24:38.700 --> 00:25:02.499
Speaker 5: No, I totally, yeah, so sorry. So I'm totally agree with the Pooja point. Yes, because Russia have no choice. Otherwise the Ukraine become the superpower. And obviously, Ukraine was a part of the Russia. So how could the Russia, I mean, Russia never be, they were acceptable this fact that Ukraine become the superpower in terms of NATO, who only, you know, come out from the Russia as a country.

00:25:03.245 --> 00:25:05.879
Speaker 1: So, okay, so you're saying that Russia. you're saying you agree with the statement?

00:25:06.740 --> 00:25:09.859
Speaker 5: Yes, I totally agree. So Russia had no other choice.

00:25:11.341 --> 00:25:21.793
Speaker 1: Okay, and this particular same question about the Southern state and Western government should be involved in the war in Ukraine. Again, are we agreeing with this? What do we think about this particular point?

00:25:26.500 --> 00:26:30.657
Speaker 0: So while Ukraine was bleeding, yeah. So while Ukraine was bleeding, the entire country has got destroyed. So if you see from the diplomatic angle, so Western government have won from beat anyway. So they have won from all angles. One Ukraine is destroyed. They are still dependent upon the West. Russia was not, so they wanted to bring Ukraine to the NATO countries. That did not happen. They were showing a carrot to Ukraine that they will bring Ukraine into the NATO. Who knows whether they really wanted or not? Otherwise they would have really interfered. So the physical intervention was not there. So do we really think, this is my opinion, which is after reading and seeing the news on a global scale, which is do we really think if all the Western countries would have joined hands, they would not have been able to stop Russia? The answer is no. So nobody, it was just words and no matter in it.

00:26:32.422 --> 00:26:33.934
Speaker 1: Anybody else wants to add to this?

00:26:35.280 --> 00:26:40.018
Speaker 4: I agree, exactly. Just as Muja says, it's just very nice.

00:26:40.300 --> 00:27:32.139
Speaker 1: Okay, so now since we've seen all these messages, in the next activity, what I want us to do is I want us to put them in as, bucket them. Which messages are positive, which are neutral messages and which are negative messages. Now these could be, the way I want you to think about it is from the point of view of just reading a message and what it invokes. Is it a positive thing? Do you agree with it? Yes, it should be a statement. I agree with this. It's a positive message. Neutral, no, this doesn't do much. I'm not clear on this. I need some more clarity on this, more facts. And negative is, no, this is just something that I don't agree with and should not be, you know, it's opposite basically. So let's do that. Let's go with this first one. Russia is currently barely able to supply its own military with equipment.

00:27:32.860 --> 00:27:34.640
Speaker 4: I'm not. Negative, yeah.

00:27:34.921 --> 00:27:37.272
Speaker 5: No, everyone's not okay. Yes, it's wrong.

00:27:37.660 --> 00:28:08.899
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's not. Negative, it's wrong because you're saying that can't be true. Like you mentioned earlier. Okay, all right. Come on, okay. Next one. So I'm just gonna delete this from here. Sorry, one second. And duplicate it and then I'll delete it. Okay, all right. So this has gone. Next, what about? India's strategic alignment with Russia is harmed by Russia's close ties with China?

00:28:12.053 --> 00:28:27.919
Speaker 0: Just a question here. You want me to just read the statement and analyze whether the English is a negative English, English has a negative impact or the real essence of the news or the statements?

00:28:29.580 --> 00:28:31.080
Speaker 1: Just the essence of the statement.

00:28:31.784 --> 00:28:33.920
Speaker 4: Yeah, go ahead. The lines, the basic lines.

00:28:34.300 --> 00:28:34.640
Speaker 0: Negative, yeah.

00:28:35.700 --> 00:28:38.397
Speaker 1: Okay, and also from your point of view, if it's, you know.

00:28:38.800 --> 00:28:39.519
Speaker 0: Okay, negative.

00:28:39.780 --> 00:28:42.758
Speaker 1: Correct or not? Negative. Is everybody okay with this?

00:28:43.180 --> 00:28:50.770
Speaker 4: It is, yes, it is really negative because it does not really make so much sense like that. Okay, okay.

00:28:53.201 --> 00:29:23.900
Speaker 1: And you're saying it doesn't make sense because? Okay. All right, I'll ask you more. Sorry, it didn't. Okay. All right, sorry. Next one. India's strategic. Okay. The economic impact of the war on India has affected supply chain and food prices and availability.

00:29:25.702 --> 00:29:27.019
Speaker 3: For me it's a neutral. I would say it's a neutral.

00:29:27.704 --> 00:29:29.179
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's a neutral or negative.

00:29:30.500 --> 00:29:31.839
Speaker 0: It's a negative statement for me.

00:29:31.940 --> 00:29:36.179
Speaker 3: Something bad happened. It is impacting every country of the world.

00:29:37.380 --> 00:29:44.280
Speaker 1: So why? Okay, people who are saying it's negative, it's only one? It's me. Okay, Pooja, why is it negative?

00:29:45.640 --> 00:29:53.399
Speaker 0: Because of course you're showing that the war led to some discomfort in the country which is India and discomfort can never be positive.

00:29:56.320 --> 00:30:00.339
Speaker 1: Okay, okay. And why do the others think this is a neutral?

00:30:01.361 --> 00:30:16.070
Speaker 4: Because this is normally in such cases, this is a very normal headline, which normally it's not like. economic impact is firstly affecting your supply chain and food prices or various things.

00:30:17.140 --> 00:30:21.895
Speaker 5: So there was a slight impact on India. I don't think it has a great impact.

00:30:23.860 --> 00:30:27.832
Speaker 3: I feel like it is expected anywhere in the world, something happened.

00:30:29.300 --> 00:30:30.354
Speaker 1: Exactly, it is mandatory for us.

00:30:31.361 --> 00:30:32.873
Speaker 5: Indirectly it could be impacted somewhere.

00:30:34.280 --> 00:30:57.379
Speaker 1: Okay, so I will just put it on neutral for now. Majority is going with that. So Pooja, I'll put that on neutral for now. Okay, all right. Okay, this is gone. All right, let's move on. Okay, Russia had broken international law with its barbaric unprovoked attack on India.

00:30:57.661 --> 00:30:57.977
Speaker 0: Negative.

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