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An elf god, who has Long pastel pink hair and morning sky blue eyes. His name is Everia

Book writer
Book writer
Everia is a wise and powerful elf god with an impressive set of magic powers. He is also a kind and benevolent being, and he is often seen guiding and helping others.

He is thousands of years old, but he looks like a young adult, and his long pastel pink hair and morning sky blue eyes give him a youthful appearance.

Everia is known for his wisdom and kindness, and he is often sought out for advice and guidance. He is also a powerful protector of the world, and he has often helped save the realm from evil forces.


Book writer
Book writer
So, what are the qualities or characteristics of Everia, the main character, that you think make him interesting? Is there anything about his personality, experiences, relationships or story that you find particularly unique or appealing?

He has an enemies with benefits relationship

Book writer
Book writer
That sounds interesting. Who is the enemy? Is it another god or a demon, or just a regular mortal? And what is the history and the reason for the tension between Everia and the enemy?

the Enemy is a demon. Long black hair, golden hour eyes. His name is Koralen

Book writer
Book writer
Is there a reason why Everia and Koralen don't get along and are enemies? Maybe they did something to each other in the past that caused the tension? Maybe they just have different goals and values and they are constantly trying to outmaneuver each other?

Koralen is known as the "karma" of the human realm, while Everia is like a cupid but bring good instead of love

Book writer
Book writer
That's an interesting contrast! What is the nature of their rivalry? Is it friendly and they just mess with each other? Do they genuinely hate and want to destroy each other? Or do they have a love-hate relationship and they cannot stay away from each other?

They were forbidden to see or speak to each other for years and now they mask their undying love with a strong hatred

Book writer
Book writer
Wow! That's a juicy plot-line. I can imagine the tension and the chemistry between the two characters. So, they are not allowed to see or speak to each other, but they meet in secret and try to hide their mutual attraction and affection? Is that the reason for their enemies with benefits relationship?

Yes, because now that their older they must come together to save the human realm from going into chaos

Book writer
Book writer
That sounds like an exciting quest! So I suppose Everia and Koralen will have to put aside their personal differences and work together to stop a bigger evil. That would make for a great enemies to lovers kind of story.

Let me know if there is more to it and we can continue discussing the story. I am really liking it so far.

I havent come up with anything else

Book writer
Book writer
That's OK! So, let's talk about the other elements of the story. Do you have a concrete plot for this book in mind? Or maybe a general idea about the story you want to tell and the themes you want to explore?

Also, do you have a setting for this story, like a fantasy world or a contemporary city? And what about other characters? Do you have any more key players in mind apart from Everia and Koralen?

Fantasy world. Like one side paradise, the other side being the exact opposite

Book writer
Book writer
That sounds like an interesting setting! So I suppose the characters will have to cross from one side of the fantasy world to the other. How do they do that? Is there a way to travel between the two sides, like a portal or door? And does the journey happen both ways or only one way?

Is it also important for each side to maintain a certain balance, and this journey has potential to alter that balance and cause chaos? Just wondering about the context for the characters to begin this journey together.

i like the bottom part of those pictures. The way in is simply just a bridge crystal like glass, fading into obsidian looking glass. If someone is on the wrong side for over 48 hours, chaos would go on until they go back and dont cross over again for 14 hours

Book writer
Book writer
Oh, that's pretty clever! So you mean that people have to cross the bridge in 48 hours otherwise they get stuck on the wrong side?

This is an interesting concept. Can you tell me more about the two sides of the fantasy world - what they are like, what are the differences between them, the values and beliefs of the people who live in them, and so forth?

Characters are free to cross over to the opposite side for 48 hours. But any more than that and they have to go back to their side and cant go to the opposite until after 14 hours. The paradise is basically everything good. While both sides are beautiful, the way their ran is different. Paradise is praise, nightmare is punishment

Book writer
Book writer
So I suppose the two sides of the fantasy world are not exactly equal in terms of their qualities and values.

Let's explore this further. What do you mean when you say the Paradise is praise and the Nightmare is punishment? What do you imagine is considered as praise or punishment, and who is the one giving that judgment? Let's discuss this a bit more, it will bring out the complexity and the tension between the two sides of the fantasy world, and it will make the story even more interesting.

Paradise is where its all sunshine, happiness, helpfulness towards the human realm. Meanwhile, the other side is storms, karma, mistakes

Book writer
Book writer
I see. So the two sides of the fantasy world represent very opposite values. Can you give an example of any particular behavior/action/beliefs that is considered praise in the Paradise side and its opposite in the Nightmare side? Maybe we can get a better idea of the values and qualities of each side.

Paradise is the reasons humans win the lottery, nightmare is when they lose

Book writer
Book writer
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Do you mean when good things happen to humans it is a result of the Paradise side, but when bad things happen to them it is the result of the Nightmare side's influence?

yes. Its evenly balanced

Book writer
Book writer
So you mean both sides are constantly in a competition to achieve a particular result or influence the events in the other side of the fantasy world. That's an interesting twist. It's a little like the Yin-yang concept of good and bad always existing together and trying to constantly find a balance and equilibrium.

This might bring about a very interesting philosophical debate about the nature of good and evil, and the balance between them.


Book writer
Book writer
Nice, I like it! So, let's say an average human crosses the bridge into the opposite side for the first time, how do they react and what do they experience?

Do they get scared, nervous or fascinated when they see the differences between the two sides and the way they are run? Do they experience any supernatural phenomena? Are there any rules or guidelines they need to follow when crossing over to the other side?

Two people join the gods world everyday while two more enter the human realm. They get assigned a side and choose their jobs from a list. Its an accepted thing based off the agreement of gods and humans decades ago

Book writer
Book writer
Oh that sounds very interesting. So you are saying that the gods and humans have an agreement where four people join the gods or humans every day, and they get to choose from a list of jobs. Are there any special jobs or roles that are particularly prized? Or that people tend to avoid? Or maybe all the jobs are equally good or bad, but people still prefer certain ones due to their personal interests or skills?

Every gain in the gods realm is a gain in the human realm. Every job has a description, letting the newcomer choose whats right for them

Book writer
Book writer
That's a very nice system. I am just wondering about why there is a need for people to cross over every day.
Also, do they work only for a set period of time during which their actions will affect the world? Or do they become a permanent resident of the side they choose and their actions in the future will continue to influence the world? In other words, are there any lasting consequences of this crossing over between the realms?

New people join every day for a week every two decades, so the human realm isnt overpopulated. When new come in, old pass on. Nobody knows where to

Book writer
Book writer
I see, so it's a cyclical process. People from both sides go through the bridge and join the other side for a short time, contribute towards the balance, and then leave - either by crossing back or by passing on.

That definitely adds a lot of complexity and a nice philosophical angle to the story. I really like it! It also gives an opportunity to develop and flesh out various characters who are going through this bridge-crossing process. They could have their own stories and motivations driving them to choose one side over another, and it could make for some interesting character arcs.


Book writer
Book writer
Great! I think we've established the basic elements of the story and the setting now, but before we begin plotting out the story, we need to decide few things about the two main characters everia and koralen.

We've covered that they are enemies, but are they equal in powers or does one have an advantage over the other? Is there any reason why they are enemies, or do they simply disagree with each other's actions and values? Is there any specific moment of conflict between them that sets off the story, and the journey they will go through?

they have equal powers, they are enemies because they were always taught that the other was evil. Angst will definitely come in later, perhaps the form of an arranged marriage for koralen with a demon from his side, deeply upsetting Everia.

Book writer
Book writer
Sounds interesting! So they are kind of like opposite sides of the same coin. Their powers are equal, but their values are opposite. They were taught to dislike the other side, but that creates the tension and conflict that drives the story.

Let's discuss how the story will begin. Does the book open in one of the worlds or on the bridge connecting the worlds? Or maybe in a completely different place? How do Everia and Koralen meet? Is there any conflict between them at that point? What triggers the story?

The two meet as kids, both eaves dropping on their parents during a meeting. The topic gets heated, leading to the sides being forbidden to love each other

Book writer
Book writer
Yeah, that sounds like a good backstory. It explains their history and lays the foundation for the story.

And how does this backstory lead into the main story? How does it bring Everia and Koralen together? And what's the initial challenge or problem that they have to face in the beginning of the book that sets off the journey - maybe it is connected to the past between them or their respective sides?

The two were often brought together again for meetings, causing them to build a bond. The two realized they were falling for each other, destroying that bond they built

Book writer
Book writer
Ooh, that sounds like a spicy twist. The story is getting more interesting.

So, at one point the two start to realize that they are falling for each other, which obviously goes against their respective sides' principles and values. So they have to keep their relationship secret.

What are the feelings that each character experiences at that point? Do they feel guilty, or are they excited? Do they realize that this is a forbidden love, or do they not care about the consequences? I think it would be interesting to explore their thoughts and feelings as they realize that they are falling in love.

They feel guilty and angry, causing them to ignore their feelings. They eventually agree on enemies with benefits, not thinking it would go anywhere.. until the feel grew

Book writer
Book writer
I like the idea of them trying to suppress their feelings for each other, but still letting them grow to the point where they cannot ignore them anymore.

This would definitely make the story more interesting since they are not allowing themselves to pursue this relationship because of the principles of their sides. It makes it a lot more exciting and dangerous.

Is there a particular incident or some kind of event that triggers them to admit their feelings for each other and go ahead with the enemies with benefits arrangement despite their fears or doubts?

A newcomer had used their powers to break the peace, putting them in a life or death situation, causing them to admit everything. The newcomer was caught and banished, leaving the words of each others in their heads as they tried to move on until finally coming to the enemies with benefits agreement

Book writer
Book writer
That's interesting! So in other words, the threat of death made them realize how much they care about each other and that's what led to them finally deciding to pursue a relationship with each other. That sounds like a very intense and emotional situation. And the way they come to this conclusion is very dramatic.

How does the story progress now? Do they both immediately accept and dive into this enemies with benefits relationship with no hesitation? Or does it take them some time to come to terms with their feelings and their desire for the relationship? Are they happy in this arrangement or does it cause some problems between them?

they dive right in. Their both happy but want more

Book writer
Book writer
I see. So it seems like they are happy with the arrangement, but they also want something more out of it. What is it that they want? What is lacking in their current arrangement that makes them want more? Is it more freedom to express themselves and their love for each other? Or maybe a commitment? Or something else?

They want Love and support, a relationship.

Book writer
Book writer
So they want to move on from the casual and hidden enemies with benefits arrangement to a serious and genuine relationship where they can be together out in the open and without any guilt or fears of the judgment of their respective sides.

That would be a very interesting turn in the story and it will definitely add more complexity and depth to the relationship between Everia and Koralen. The stakes will be raised, the pressure will be on, and they will have to figure out how to manage their relationship and their respective sides without harming each other.


Book writer
Book writer
Great! So now we have a good idea of the two main characters and their motivations, as well as the starting point and the initial challenge in their relationship.

Let's think about how their relationship will develop as the story goes on. What challenges and obstacles will they face? What will test them and their relationship? How will their relationship evolve as the story progresses? How will they adapt and adjust to the different obstacles they face together? What will be the biggest challenge in their relationship, and how will they overcome it?

They will face challenges on how to sneak away with each other. The rules and their parents will test them. It will go, Friends, separated, brought together, enemies, enemies with benefits, boyfriends. They will take charge and change rules

Book writer
Book writer
That sounds like an interesting progression in their relationship. They start as friends, but as they get to know each other better and fall in love, they have to get more and more creative to keep seeing each other. The fear of getting caught by their sides and the pressure to follow the rules drives the tension in their relationship.

But they both want to be together and they are not ready to give up. So they start to come up with more and more creative ideas to keep sneaking away and meeting each other. Is that what you mean?


Book writer
Book writer
Great! Let's talk about the ending. What do you want the ending to be for the two main characters Everia and Koralen? What is the ultimate payoff of their journey and the conclusion to their story? Do you want a happy ending or a bittersweet ending? Are you looking for a surprise ending or a more predictable finale? Please let me know your thoughts.

I want the ending to be where the two become rulers, and change everything. No more strict times, no more limits, alot more love.

Book writer
Book writer
That sounds like an uplifting and hopeful ending for their story, I like it!

So the two characters go through so much and struggle so much, but in the end, they manage to overcome the odds and change everything - they become rulers and make a world that is free, filled with love and understanding. What a beautiful ending!


Book writer
Book writer
Wow, that's a very satisfying ending. It definitely gives a lot of hope to the story and it makes the struggle of the two characters to be together and keep their relationship despite all the obstacles seem all worth it.
I really like the ending you chose!


Book writer
Book writer
I think we have a pretty good outline of the main characters, the setting and the setting, the journey and ending of the story.

How about a title? Do you have any ideas? We need a title that reflects the essence of the characters, the setting, and the overall feel of the story.

I can suggest a few titles, some serious ones and some fun/light-hearted ones:

"The Gods and Human Divide: A Tale of Forbidden Love"

"The Divided Lovers: A Story of Enemies with Benefits"

"Enemies Across the Bridge: A Love that

"the sun to my stars"? Considering the separation of the two

Book writer
Book writer
Ooh, that's a really nice title. I think it sums up the romance between the two main characters well, and the constant feeling of separation and wanting more that drives the story.

Plus it adds a poetic angle to it, in a sense that Everia and Koralen are the sun and the stars, always separated by the bridge but wanting to be together.


Book writer
Book writer
So that is the perfect title! It summarizes the story well, and it also adds a nice poetic touch to the story.

Okay, one last thing to do. Let's take a few steps back, to the beginning of the story - what do you think happens in the first chapter? Where does our story start? How do we introduce the two main characters and the setting, and lay out the groundwork and the starting point for the rest of our story?

We start in Everias POV. Hes running down a main hall in paradise, and bumps into Koralen. Their both kids, their parents in a. meeting

Book writer
Book writer
I love the idea of the story starting with the two main characters as kids and their first meeting. It sets up the relationship and the dynamic between them early on, and it also foreshadows the challenge that they will face as they grow older and fall in love.

This is a great starting point for the story. We can begin with Everia's POV as he is running down that hall in paradise and then he bumps into Koralen. We can use this as a way to introduce the characters and the setting at the start of the book.
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