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Side Effects Of Klonopin Abuse And Addiction

While this drug is generally safe to take in moderation, the dangers of prolonged use are clear: physical dependence and addiction. Withdrawal symptoms occur when a user suddenly stops using Klonopin. These effects are more common among Klonopin abusers. They may exhibit signs of benzodiazepines, including slurred speech, glazed-over eyes, slow reaction time, sluggishness, confusion, and impaired coordination. If you need help, please reach out to Laguna Shores Recovery .

Blacking out
There are several ways to treat Klonopin addiction and withdrawal. Medical detoxification may be necessary for some people, or an individual may opt for a natural detoxification method, such as taking a natural vitamin C supplement. A medical detox program can also help with the physical aspects of withdrawal, such as providing medications to reduce the severity of symptoms. If the person cannot be safely monitored during detox, a medical program may be necessary, or they may have to undergo treatment in a rehab center.

In addition to treating withdrawal symptoms, Klonopin abuse and addiction often leads to reckless behavior. People who abuse Klonopin may engage in dangerous behaviors such as lying, stealing, or shopping for doctors willing to write a prescription. This dangerous behavior can even lead to death. If you suspect a loved one of Klonopin abuse, be sure to seek medical attention right away.

Respiratory failure
When used in large doses, Klonopin can cause respiratory failure. People who abuse this medication frequently experience respiratory failure. It may occur as a side effect of an overdose or during a period of agitation or depression. When combined with alcohol, Klonopin can cause blacking out or respiratory failure. Some people may abuse Klonopin for its hallucinatory effects. Overdosing on Klonopin can lead to respiratory failure, as the drug slows down the central nervous system and the heart rate.

While this drug has many side effects, it is extremely dangerous if abused. Benzodiazepines can slow the respiratory system, cause coma, and even cause death. In the U.S. alone, benzodiazepines were responsible for about one-fifth of all overdose deaths between 1999 and 2006. Those numbers are alarming, especially since Benzodiazepines are commonly abused with alcohol and opioids.

Psychological dependence
For those who are struggling with Klonopin abuse or addiction, it is important to remember that this prescription drug is not a cure for mental health issues. The drug can produce euphoria, relaxation, and calmness, but it can also cause psychological dependence. If this drug is causing you to experience physical or mental withdrawal symptoms, you should seek treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy, for instance, can teach you techniques for coping with anxiety without the use of medications.

In addition to its physical effects, Klonopin can also lead to an increase in the risk of substance abuse. In fact, Klonopin abuse is associated with abuse of other drugs, such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and narcotic pain medications. However, the physical symptoms associated with Klonopin abuse can be similar to those of alcohol abuse.

Tolerance to the drug
Tolerance to Klonopin is a common phenomenon among prescription drugs that are highly addictive. It occurs when the body develops a reduced sensitivity to the drug after repeated use. Often, tolerance happens in a matter of weeks, but it can also occur after years of use. In any case, it is important to know the possible effects of Klonopin tolerance and its effects.

Overtime, tolerance to Klonopin can result in a person taking more of the drug to achieve the same effects. To reset a person's tolerance, a doctor can prescribe tapering to reduce the high doses and get the desired effect. If tapering is not possible, it is best to consult a primary care physician or insurance provider. However, if a primary care doctor is not available, it is recommended to check the health insurance company's website to find a provider that accepts Klonopin.

Long-term use
Long-term use of Klonopin can cause tolerance, which means you will need a higher dose to achieve the same effects as before. This can lead to over-prescription, resulting in addiction. You can also abuse Klonopin by consuming more pills than prescribed. Long-term use of Klonopin is also associated with the risk of abuse and addiction.

When used for extended periods of time, Klonopin can cause physical dependence, as the drug increases GABA signaling activity in the brain. Withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, agitation, and rebound restlessness. People who use Klonopin for anxiety may experience life-threatening seizures if their body can no longer cope without it. These withdrawal symptoms can be debilitating and make it difficult to quit the drug.
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