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This Is The History Of Side By Side Fridge And Freezer In 10 Milestones
Zanussi Side by Side Fridge Freezer

A side-by-side refrigerator freezer is larger than a French-door fridge and our Coolblue drivers can lift it up to your front door or to another floor. They also come with an ice and water dispenser.

This model comes with a large refrigerator section of 166 litres with 3 shelves, a huge freezer that has two VitaFresh trays, and a half-width salad drawer.


If you're looking for a big American-style fridge freezer or an efficient French-door model there's a solution to suit every budget and kitchen. The latest Zanussi refrigerator freezers utilize advanced cooling technology and no-frost to ensure food stays fresh and are equipped with useful features like the non-plumbed water dispenser, as well as UV light that kills bacteria in the ice cube tray. They're also compatible with Wi-Fi, which makes it easy to monitor the temperature of your refrigerator from your smartphone or tablet.

Zanussi side-by-side fridge freezers offer an impressive capacity of 226 litres for the fridge and 92 litres of freezer. The energy efficiency rating is A+. The storage space is well-organised, with lots of shelves and drawers that are easy to access. This makes it easy to find the things you need. They also have a salad crisper section, which helps keep your fresh produce and fruit more ripe for longer.

The SpaceFlex refrigerator-freezer is extra tall, so you can store more groceries and food items. There are three fridge shelves and a dedicated salad crisper, and the shelves on the doors are ideal for storing condiments, drinks, and eggs. The transparent drawers allow you to observe the inside of the freezer. It's also more practical, because it can be opened from the left or to the right.


There are a myriad of options whether you're looking for a simple fridge freezer that is compatible with your other appliances, or a sleek piece that stands out. For instance, integrated fridge freezers are designed to fit seamlessly with the kitchen cabinets and are available with a range of features like Wi-Fi connectivity and an ice or water dispenser. You can also find non-plumbed versions that can be placed wherever there is a standard socket for mains power and are free of frost.

Zanussi ZNME36FU0 is an open-air model that has a 60/40 split in capacity between freezer and fridge. They come in a variety of sizes that range from small to large. They can be built in to your kitchen or stand on their own. Many have chrome trims to add to the modern look.

Some fridge freezers have separate cooling systems for the fridge and freezer to help keep your groceries fresh. Other useful features include LED lighting which makes it easier to see inside, as well as a night-mode that cuts off the noise of fans and compressors.

French door refrigerators and freezers have the advantage of keeping your food at eye level, which makes it easier and quicker to identify items that are forgotten. However, they tend to have fewer freezer bins and shelves than side by side models and this can restrict your storage options.

Energy efficiency

This Zanussi refrigerator-freezer can be a good option if you're looking for a way to cut down on your energy bills. It's an A-rated appliance (a uncommon thing these days due to the fact that the new EU energy ratings were announced in March 2021) and comes with features.

Food items can be viewed at the glance of the freezer thanks to shelves and drawers made of plastic or glass. The temperature can be altered with just a single click. There's a larger middle drawer to store larger items. This model also has an audible door opening and defrost alarm for added security.

The fridge boasts a huge capacity of 249 litres and the freezer has a sizeable 89 litres of space. There's even a reversible door to give you the flexibility of opening it on your left or right hand side. It's a good option for those with limited storage space and who require fresh produce at hand and in sight. With its large shelving and compartments, it's a great solution for larger platters as well as serving dishes.


This side-byside refrigerator freezer from Zanussi can hold 249 litres for the fridge and 90 litres for the freezer. It is able to hold all your groceries. lg side by side fridge freezer features CrispNoFrost technology as well as an Fast Freeze option that will aid in reducing your food expenses.

This appliance is the perfect choice for smaller kitchens, where a traditional American fridge wouldn't fit. Side By Side Freezers Fridge is equipped with three shelves that are adjustable in height. If you take out the upper drawer there is space for a second shelf. lg side by side fridge freezer can hold four bottles. This is ideal for storing things you frequently reach for and also helps you keep track of their expiration dates.

The ZNME36FU0 is the perfect example of a frost-free fridge freezer that hits the sweet spot between storage, function and price. It features separate cooling systems in the freezer and fridge that ensures your fresh food at the right temperature no matter where it is stored. It has a fantastic feature that you can activate before going shopping. This will ensure that when you return home, your fridge is prepared to start storing your food items. american side by side fridge freezer that can be swapped out let you access the fridge from the left or right, which is useful if your kitchen doors aren't aligned perfectly.

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