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How to Improve Client Experience By Examining Current Policies and Procedures
Recently I decided to run an advert with an area newspaper. After paying the fee I was advised to pay, I was informed after some days that the total amount was under-quoted and therefore I needed to pay more. Actually about twice what I had paid. The individual I handled initially, apparently was not alert to fee reviews that occurred almost a year before. Now, that was only a starter. I opted to have a refund of the amount of money so that I could proceed to another newspaper - I had done some surveys and concluded that I could get yourself a much better deal. The primary meal for me was this; due to company policies and procedures I could only obtain the refund after about three weeks. I needed some deep breathing and pattern interrupt to stay cool. Does this come close to a shocking experience you have had because of enterprise policies and procedures?

An enterprise that will not look for and implement methods to improve client experience, on a continuing basis, will certainly lose clients to competitors. Can your enterprise flourish when you are losing clients? Definitely not. Experiences that result in customer delight are vital. It is advisable to activate a connection together with your clients and create good memories in their minds. You have to create mental and emotional connections that confirm good client experience regarding expectations, imaginations, impulses, convictions etc. Theodore Levitt said, 'The reason for business would be to create and keep customers.' One satisfied client will bring ten clients. Obviously several approaches can be used to help build and improve client experience. But what roles do policies and procedures play in improving client experience? Just read on.

Have a person - centric strategy. Even before the policies and procedures, build an enterprise model that is organized around the client and therefore market focussed. get more info and employees towards the client. This is the starting point. Monitor client experiences and reward staffs for exceptionally good ones. If you are using social media you also have to take into account your customer interface policies.

Eliminate or modify clauses that aren't client friendly or are exploitative. Policies and procedures that for instance, unduly limit time to serve litigant, contain hidden charges, authorize unnecessary penalties, prohibit refund of monies, are exploitative etc, need elimination or modification. Maintain open communication channels and do not unnecessarily defend your enterprise or staffs.

Revisit service procedures and sequences. You must examine aspects linked to time, speed of service delivery, documentation, approvals and authorization etc without compromising internal controls. Make sure your staffs have policy guidelines they can easily make reference to when in action. Sincerely, don't you think you can improve client experience through these?

Introduce client differentiation. Ensure your policies and procedures help recognize and properly handle different classes of clients. Guidelines that assume every client to function as same many times are disastrous. You could utilize the core client philosophy to generate differentiation that generates client delights.

Reconsider cost saving policies. Money is honey my dear, but operational guidelines that only focus on saving your entity money no matter what, create poor client experience. Be ready to give away or restore sometimes. Incidentally, what is your enterprise's experience in this respect?

Improve policies that enhance feedback. Good customer experience is enhanced by feedback. Make use of complaint boxes, client satisfaction surveys, client focus groups and the like. Don't you think this creates plenty of value? Policies should enhance customer knowledge management - the attainment and usage of customer-related knowledge to generate value through various experiences for the clients.
Finally, also contemplate using client care units, and fulfillment houses - entities that entirely focus on customer enquiries, complaints etc, to ensure customer delight. Good client experience ensures high Client Lifetime Value, which denotes the real value of longevity of your clients. So, why not just go ahead and do it? I know you won't ever regret it.

Just in case you desire to find out more enterprise management skills, have a look at Clayton's fact-laden book entitled The Wise Entrepreneur at Amazon.

Till then,

Clayton Mwaka

Clayton Mwaka is really a chartered accountant and organizational consultant who is passionate about developing enterprises, and empowering people including entrepreneurs, to maximize their potential. He is the author of the must-read and information-packed book on entrepreneurship entitled The Wise Entrepreneur, and the motivational book entitled Beyond The Comfort Zone - a remarkable study of the paradox of comfort and discomfort. He also writes articles on various aspects of business management, finance and self improvement. You will discover out more through
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