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What's The Job Market For Under Counter Side By Side Fridge Freezer Professionals Like?
Side by Side Fridge Freezers uk

The side by side fridge freezers available in the UK are of a big capacity and a practical design. Typically, slimline side by side fridge freezer fitted with a refreshing water and Ice dispensers on the front, they make for a welcome addition to your kitchen.

They come with many compartments for the doors which are ideal for arranging your food quickly after a shopping spree. They are energy efficient and have even temperature technology to minimize fluctuations. This keeps your food fresher for longer.


It can be difficult to decide the size of fridge freezer you'll need. You can pick between an American-style 60/40 divided freezer or a French door model that has 50/50 split. It all comes down to personal preference and the amount of food you'll be preparing in your freezer on a daily basis.

Both models come with many storage options, including adjustable shelves and door bins. They also come with Ice cube dispensers. There are also handy features like a Humidity Zone for fruits and vegetables (Candy's MyZone), which keeps the humidity in your fridge drawer to 90% and keeps food fresher for longer.

More recently, Candy has developed a four-door model of their side-byside refrigerator freezers. It removes the vertical divider wall that separates the fridge and freezer compartments and replaces it with two chest of drawers freezer drawers to create more storage space. This is a major benefit for families that will use the freezer more frequently since they'll be able to quickly access their frozen items.

A number of manufacturers make 70cm models that are more suitable for UK kitchens. They have the same capacity as well as look like a traditional American refrigerator freezer however, they aren't as bulky. It's important to measure the depth of these appliances in order to make sure they can be used through both the interior and front doors.


You can get plenty for your money with side-by-side fridge freezers. They generally have about 25 cubic feet of space, which easily fits the needs of a family's weekly shopping. They are also great for couples or singles who don't eat much.

The refrigerator side is larger than the bottom or top freezers, making it easier to reach inside to check out what's inside. integrated side by side fridge freezer that have this design are also usually more efficient in energy use than other models because they don't have as much cold air to squander.

Another selling point is the convenience of having a freezer at the bottom and a fridge on the front. It can be a challenge to search through a deep freezer for the items you require. It is also difficult to locate items that have been stored in the freezer's back for a long period of time.

This KitchenAid fridge offers generous storage with 13.7 cubic feet of space on the refrigerator's side. There are two drawers that are crisper and four shelves (three of which are adjustable), as well as the deli compartment, which is located in the door. The dual icemaker is capable of producing both crushed and cubed and cubed ice. This counter-depth refrigerator is also equipped with the interior LED lighting as well as humidity control. It also features a door-in-door feature, which allows you to quickly access snacks without having open the entire fridge.

Energy efficiency

They are notoriously expensive operate, especially if they have a huge freezer space. That's why it's important to opt for a model with an energy efficiency rating that is high.

As of March 2021 the energy rating classification for certain white goods has undergone an overhaul. Plus signs have been replaced with an A-G scale. There are a few A-rated fridge-freezers, but there are many models that can help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint.

Anyone looking to keep energy costs down should also consider models that include many features designed to maximize your energy. slimline side by side fridge freezer shelving system is a common feature that lets you modify the storage space of your food according to your needs, and LED lighting can reduce energy usage. Some models feature doors that let you to access snacks without opening the fridge. This is perfect for shopping last-minute. Some also have cameras that let you check the contents of your fridge without letting the cool air escape - ideal for those who are in the middle of a trip.

Certain models are more expensive and include extra features. For instance smart features permit you to control the appliance using your smartphone. However, if you're looking for a simple fridge-freezer that does exactly what's listed on the box, we have examined a range of dependable side by sides models that get the basics right.


Hisense RQ563 is an elegant refrigerator freezer in the American style that will impress your guests. It includes the fridge on the left and the freezer on the right. It comes with non-plumbed filtered water and Ice dispensers that are simple to set up. It also has a salad crisper to prevent soggy lettuce and mushy apples, plus adjustable shelves and LED lighting. The majority of users praise it and say its spacious interior and no-frost technology make it a real bargain.

Other models available include GE's PJU25YGXFSS that boasts a variety of top-of-the-line features that improve preservation of food. ClimateKeeper temperature control system, ExpressChill, and multi-colour LCD touchscreen controls with polyphonic feedback are just some of the features. The fridge is equipped with humidity zones that let you alter the temperature of certain drawers, which are ideal for fresh foods such as meat and cheese, while the freezer is equipped with the Rapid Cool setting that chills food items in just a few minutes.

Other innovative products include LED lights that last for a long time, don't emit heat and sensors that can alert you when one of the doors has been left open for too long. You can also choose the model with locks for children, which can stop your children from accidentally changing the temperature of the fridge. It's worth noting that this kind of fridge freezer tends to be taller than other freezers and therefore, those with smaller feet might struggle to reach the top shelves.

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