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15 Funny People Who Are Secretly Working In Side By Side Fridge Freezer Under Counter
Zanussi Under Counter Side By Side Fridge Freezer Review

There are many options when looking for a brand new fridge. Side-by-side refrigerators can be a fantastic option for any kitchen. They provide a lot of storage space and comfort while also being attractive.

This refrigerator has plenty of room to store your weekly shopping with two VitaFresh trays. It also has large freezer compartments that is ideal for storing leftover shepherd's pie or frozen peas!

The following are some examples of

This Zanussi Fastanstic fridge freezer comes with an outstanding A+ rating and is an excellent choice for those looking to cut down on their electricity bills. The clever AirFlow+ fan can move cool air, ensuring that food stays cooler for a longer period of time. It also has a half-width salad drawer, which is perfect for vegetables like courgettes and turnips. This fridge freezer is 160 litres in total (Net) and comes with 3 fridge shelves, 2 full height drawers, and bright LED lighting. It also comes with an electronic control and internal electronic control.

For integrated side by side fridge freezers comes with a handy door open warning alarm that lets you know when the fridge door is open. This can be especially useful when you have children at your home, since it will help ensure food safety and avoid accidents. You can also opt for one with a hinge that can be reversed so you can choose which way the fridge opens.

This Zanussi refrigerator freezer also comes with an intelligent feature that lets you to monitor the temperature with your smartphone or tablet. You can then ensure that it is running at its maximum performance. This can be particularly helpful for those who plan to make use of your freezer to store frozen foods like meat, vegetables and fish.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerators and freezers are constantly running, using a lot of power. New models use less energy and you can cut down on carbon by replacing older models with A-rated models. You can find out how much energy your refrigerator or freezer is using up by getting a plug-in energy monitor which will reveal exactly how much energy it uses throughout the course of the year.

This Zanussi ZEAN82FR fridge under counter has a 95-litre capacity (net) and you'll have plenty of room for fresh food items. There's plenty of room on the door to store juice, milk and condiments, and an extra salad drawer to keep your vegetables and fruit fresh and crunchy.

Three drawers are housed in the freezer. The middle drawer is the largest and can be used to store larger items. You can also modify the shelves to fit your grocery needs. The shelves made of glass and transparent doors make it easy to see what's inside the freezer.

Connect this undercounter refrigerator freezer to your home Wi Fi network for updates and additional features like food journal, energy monitoring as well as a personalized welcome and recipes. Additionally, with a programmed timer, you can schedule the freezer to defrost at times that fit your needs. This model comes with an alarm for doors and can be placed under your worktop, allowing it to fit seamlessly into your kitchen.


Simple and stylish The fridge freezer is elegant and simple. It can fit into any kitchen design. The stainless steel finish and anti-fingerprint glass are easy to keep clean. There is plenty of storage space, with four shelves for the fridge as well as a separate salad drawer as well as a full-width bottle rack. The shelving is compact and narrow for higher-end items.

The freezer features an Auto Defrost feature that will automatically defrost your fridge at same at the same time, allowing you to save time and effort. The freezer houses three freezer draws of alternating sizes, so there's plenty of room to store your weekly groceries. The middle drawer is larger than the other drawers and is perfect for storing larger frozen items, like joints of meat.

Blast chilling is the ideal solution for preparing fresh food for a longer period of time as it helps to keep the texture, appearance, flavour and nutritional properties of your meals. This freezer also has a Quick Chill function which is ideal for chilling new items quickly without raising the temperature of your food. The Beko Connect app allows you to monitor and control your refrigerator's freezer remotely. integrated side by side fridge freezers allows you to stay at the top of your weekly shopping even when you are out and about. This feature is ideal for those who have in a hectic lifestyle and frequently shop in shops.


This freezer is frost-free and has numerous features that keep your food fresher longer. Separate cooling systems for the freezer and refrigerator ensure that your produce is kept in good condition while preventing odours or bacteria from spreading to other food items.

Specialized drawers can be used to store different kinds of food items, ensuring them in the best condition possible for a longer. For instance, deli-drawers can be ideal for the storage of perishable foods like cheeses and meats. Crisper drawers permit you to adjust the humidity to suit the thick skinned fruits and vegetables like apples and peppers. This allows you to enjoy fresh, market-fresh food all week long.

You can save money by managing your fridge and freezer that are side-by-side. It can also help you reduce food waste. Start by cleaning out side by side fridge freezers uk and organizing storage areas for certain items. This will make it easier for everyone within the household to find the items they need, and also prevent the refrigerator from becoming overcrowded.

The Zanussi fridge application lets you keep track of your blast freezer in real-time from any location and receive helpful notifications when it is time to schedule maintenance. The app will notify you of potential issues with the refrigerator, so you can repair them quickly. The refrigerator will also remind you to replenish ice bags so that you are always stocked.

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