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digging for fence posts
Establishing a strong boundary around a homestead or small farm requires a mighty effort. Digging for fence posts can be tiring and difficult, but it is essential to ensure the safety and security of livestock. With in place, owners can protect their animals from predators and keep them confined to pastures that can be rotated properly without worries of wandering onto hazardous highways or other hazardous areas.

To begin, you must select a desirable area in which to erect your fence. Afterward, outline the post locations using a trusty post hole digger–a tool specifically made for the job. It features two long handles, as well as a circular blade below–ideal for forming holes in the ground.

Whether the fence material is wood or chain link, there are specific requirements for the depth of the posts' holes. For a wooden fence, the posts should be sunk two feet into the ground, while a chain link fence only requires them to be approximately eighteen inches deep. This depth is dependent on the height of the fence being put up.

Once you have indicated the spots the holes should go, it is time to get to work. If many fence posts are needed, securing a power post hole digger will be a great investment to expedite the process. This gas-powered device will make digging easier and faster. Yet, if there are just a couple of holes, this can certainly be executed with manual exertion.

To get the job done, your first step is to dig a tiny pilot hole in the ground in the precise spot where your post will rest. Then, plunge the post hole digger blade into that hole and begin to carefully excavate it straight down into the ground. Achieving a straight hole ensures your fence post is comfortably installed at a level angle.

As you plunge the shovel into the earth, you will notice the dirt gradually accumulating around the sides of your digging site. At regular intervals, pause and use a spade to shift aside the soil from around the digging site. This will help to make your digging smoother and also stop your hole from caving in.

Once you're happy with the depth of the hole you've dug, start gently expanding its diameter at the bottom so it is able to receive your fence post. Create an ever-so-slight taper, making it just a bit wider than the post near the ground and slightly constrictive at the top - this will allow positioning that helps keep it secure.

When cattle panel t post clips is well and the hole is of the proper dimensions, it's time to begin the task of refilling it with soil. Firmly press down on the earth around the post so that it appears level, and from there you are good to go - it's off to the next one to finish erecting your fence!

Even if it seems intimidating, getting accustomed to digging post holes for fences is totally possible. Once you put in enough time to practice and hone your skills, you'll find that the job is not only doable but can be managed with speed and precision.
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