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The LUPCEDOS Of Effective Leadership Planning
After more than four decades of involvement in nearly all areas of leadership, from identifying and qualifying the people with the very best potential/ possibilities, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or potential leaders, to serving, personally, as a leader, in organizations of a number of sizes and missions, I've arrived at strongly believe, probably the most essential aspect, to accomplish a high degree of effectiveness, is nearly always, the quality, consistency, and professionalism, of the leadership planning! So that you can simply this skill, I have created, an application, I refer to as the LUPCEDOS of quality, effective leadership planning, sufficient reason for that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, and review, utilizing the mnemonic approach, some of the details, etc.

1. Listen; learn: Among the principal errors made, by many in these positions, is assuming they have all the answers, or simply because, they will have served, in other organizations and/ or positions, they'll be in a position to transfer these skills and/ or ideas, to this one! However, the truth of effective, relevant, leadership planning, would be to listen, far more than one speaks, in order to better understand, what the specific group, and set of stakeholders, perceives, wants and prioritizes. However, until/ unless, the average person learns out of every conversation and experience, it becomes extremely challenging, to effectively, relevantly plan, in the perfect manner!

2. Understand: How well can you understand the nuances, and unique characteristics of this specific group, and constituents? This involves the willingness, and discipline, to discover, what must be achieved, and sought!

3. Prioritize: Exactly what will you prioritize, your individual agenda, and/ or, self - interest, or the very best interests of these you serve and represent?

4. Consider: Gathering relevant information, only is important, when/ if you fully think about the possibilities, to be able to effectively plan, in the best interests of the organization!

5. Empathize; energize; emphasis: True leaders should be capable of exhibiting the highest amount of genuine empathy, should they hope to energize others, in a motivating, inspiring way! This must direct them, towards, where you can place, their utmost emphasis!

6. Delve deeply; discover; deliver: One must go, beyond the obvious/ surface, and find out the best paths, to pursue! A genuine leader realizes he must, consistently, under - promise, and over - deliver!

7. Options; opportunities: Explore as many options and alternatives, as possible, so as to determine the most viable one! A genuine leader prepares for opportunities, and/ or creates his own opportunity, to experience, what's needed and necessary!

8. Solutions: Leadership planning must concentrate on viable, quality, relevant, sustainable solutions, and developing the most likely system, to attain these objectives!

Will you be ready, willing and able, to utilize the LUPCEDOS of effective leadership planning? How are you considering certain, you are up, to the duty?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to a large number of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC comes with an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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