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Status in a Tonic Clonic Seizure is a Medical Emergency
A medical emergency is a situation where someone needs to be treated immediately. This includes status epilepticus (SE) and tonic clonic seizures. Both are caused by malfunctions in the brain, which spread to nearby neurons.

In some cases, tonic clonic seizures can be provoked by other health conditions. Epilepsy Alarms They are also associated with fall injuries. However, they are not contagious.

The treatment of tonic clonic seizures depends on the cause. Some are simple and involve a single medication. Others require a combination of medications.

Seizures are a very common reason for people to visit an emergency room. In the United States, seizures make up about 1% of all visits to the ER.

Symptoms of a seizure may include jerking of the extremities and rhythmic breathing. When the person wakes up, they may feel confused and scared. Usually, they will release a short, loud cry.

A tonic clonic seizure occurs when muscles in both sides of the body become stiff and uncontrollable. This can be dangerous. Because of the muscle weakness, a victim will usually fall to the floor.

During a tonic clonic seizure, the patient may lose control of their bowels and bladder. In addition, the person may urinate and soil.

A healthcare provider can diagnose a tonic clonic seizure based on the symptoms. The person will then be administered benzodiazepines to help them relax. These are given by paramedics or by carers.

While the prognosis for a tonic clonic seizure is better than for a status epilepticus, it is important to treat it promptly. If it is not treated, the person's brain may suffer permanent damage.
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