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Kirby Pillows
There are numerous Kirby pillows available that you can choose from to add some color to your bedroom or simply to show your Kirby love. The pillows are available in various styles, from a plush cat asleep to a gigantic Kirby that can be used as a pet's bed. These pillows are also available for sale online and in stores.

In this episode, King Dedede receives a package from Night Mare Enterprises, which has a stack of numbing nightmare pillows. Escargoon is then ordered by King Dedede to distribute the pillows to the residents of Cappy Town. He threatens to shoot those who don't follow through.

But they Cappies quickly realize that the pillows aren't as efficient as they believe. kirbyplush and Lady Like and Kirby all dream about Octacon. They awake in terror and are grateful for Kirby's help. Other townsfolk wake up with various nightmares that revolve around events from previous episodes, for instance, Tiff being a dreamer about her conversation to Meta Knight, and then the moment he was slapped by him.

Tiff runs to her mentor's room, where she tries to warn him that the pillows are manipulating the Cappies and should be destroyed. He doesn't listen, and decides to cut one of the pillows. Only to find that it's also experiencing this illusion. While the other Cappies rush to their home, Tiff notices that they're laughing and decides that the hypnosis was broken.

In the meantime, Kirby is sleepwalking and wakes up to see the majority of the people in town gathering outside his house, screaming that Kirby will be destroyed. Kirby is terrified and runs out of his house screaming only to realize that it's all just a dream. He re-enters the crowd to watch Meta Knight slices one of the pillows, revealing the tiny Noddys.

The Kirby pillow is the perfect accessory to your bedroom due to its large pink star and adorable design. It's a fantastic way to display your love for the iconic character. It can also serve to serve as a bed for pets thanks to its mouth-sized opening that lets pets relax comfortably within. If you intend to use it as a sleeper make sure to not disturb Kirby. In the event that you do you could awake to be greeted by the puffball. This item is a great gift for both children and adults. Purchase it online or in a local store today!

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