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Math:The Art of Creating Your Own Variable
1. Come up with your own numbers. If you can’t....
2. Steal or eliminate the answers and use them. If you can’t....
3. Come up with your own variables or equations. If you can’t....
Advice: The hardest part of solving any SAT math problem is figuring out what you’re trying to solve in the first place.
you must have strong algebra skills to do well on the SAT math section, but converting problems into algebraic equations is the first step in being able to solve them.

we need to find a certain, exact value. Since we can’t make it up, we replace it with a variable and then create an equation around it!

if you want to make one number in an average set as large as possible, all the other numbers must be as small as possible!***

Critical Reading

Do not EVER pick “right” answers - kill all the wrong answers instead!
1. Define what the answer should look like.
2. Kill the four choices that look the least like your definition.
3. Circle the one that you haven’t killed.

From now on, when you solve each critical reading problem, I want you to go through the following process:
1. Come up with your answer by plagiarizing.

2. Go through all the answer choices, A-E, and kill all the absolute, utter crap. If it's "decent," leave it alone. If it's "meh," leave it alone. But if it's horrible, cross it out.

3. When you're done with your first round, look at the remaining answer choices, A-E, and, two at a time, start comparing them, figuring out what's different about them, and KILLING THE ONE THAT HAS AN OBJECTIVE, WRONG ELEMENT TO IT. Whether it's some tiny detail that's wrong, whether it's irrelevant, or whether it's totally off the mark, it doesn't matter. Just remember: it will be WRONG. Fact.

4. Take the "surviving" answer choice from step 3 (if there is one), compare it to the next answer choice on the list, and keep moving, killing everything until you have one "last man standing."
When deciding whether a word or answer is wrong, ask yourself (honestly) whether you could USE THE WORD AS A DIRECT SYNONYM FOR THE ONE YOU CAME UP WITH. If not, kill it.

WHAT BLANK RULE: The only answer that isn’t wrong will be the one that allows you to "fill in the blank!"

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Regards; Team

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