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10 Facts About Tropical House Plants That Insists On Putting You In Good Mood
5 Easy-To-Care-For Tropical House Plants

Tropical house plants can make your home seem exotic and peaceful. They are often easy to take care of as long as you provide the right conditions.

They can be distinguished by a bright, warm spot, and high levels of humidity. Some of the most common types of tropical houseplants include:

Dragon plant is a tropical foliage plant that's easy to cultivate indoors. It's an excellent air purifier and can tolerate low light.

Alocasia Zebrina

The exotic zebra-striped stems as well as the enormous elephant-ear-shaped leaves on this plant make it an outstanding choice among tropical house plants. tall house plants thrives in brightly lit, warm spaces with high humidity. However direct sunlight can cause burns to the leaves' waxy coating. Therefore, put it close to a south-facing window or in a place that receives light through the sheer curtain.

Like all tropical plants, alocasia zebrina thrives in warm temperatures and has moderate to rapid growth. Its soil must be constantly moist, but never soggy. As it grows, it will require regular feedings with a balanced liquid fertilizer. This tropical plant is dormant in winter.

It also enjoys an atmosphere that is humid and that is why the bathroom or kitchen is the ideal place. You can create this environment by misting it often or placing it in a pebble tray filled with water. It can be grown outside in USDA zones 10 and 11.

Since this plant is frost-tender and requires a warm, humid environment that remains between 64 and 77 degrees. Keep it away frosty windows and drafts.

If you notice the leaves of alocasia Zebrina turning brown or crisping up, it could need more moisture. You can boost the humidity of the air by placing a humidifier next to the plant or moving the plant into a naturally humid area such as the kitchen or bathroom.

low maintenance house plants prefers to be rootbound in its tiny pot, so don't repot it too quickly. If you must repotted it, make sure you use a soil mix that drains well and a pot that is one size larger.

The alocasia plant can be susceptible to water rot if its roots sit in water for too long. good house plants is crucial to eliminate excess water and observe the weight prior to refilling. It's a good idea place a saucer beneath the planter to catch drips or place the plant in a sink when watering. It is recommended to let the top 2 inches dry out before watering. This will help conserve water during winter.

Butterfly Plant

Butterfly plant has a distinctive green tropical foliage. It has a central rib as well as curved red, brown or purple stripes on its leaves, which make them appear like wings. The plant is native to South America and can be planted outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9. It is most commonly known as a houseplant tropical, because it thrives indoors, and doesn't need frost protection. It's easy to cultivate and requires minimal care.

To maintain the plant, water it slowly and deeply when it needs to be watered. This helps the soil absorb the moisture, but not become wet. If the plant is in poor soil adding a general-purpose fertilizer once or twice during the season will encourage healthy growth and blooming. Pre-bloom feedings are crucial because the plant is focusing its energy on preparing to open its flowers.

While the plant is relatively low maintenance, it does require some regular pruning to keep it neat and tidy. It also does best when placed in a pot that has an abundant supply of nutrients and well-drained soil. It tolerates medium humidity but shouldn't be exposed extreme heat or cold. In the spring, you can cut back the plant to encourage new growth and flowering.

Another great alternative for tropical houseplants is the philodendron called 'Sunrise' with bright yellow flowers that look similar to sunflowers. It also has large dark green leaves which resemble those of a rhododendron. This plant is easy to care for and can serve as a focal point in your home.

Finally, there's the classic moth orchid and it is easy to take care of. The plant is frequently used in hotels and restaurants, as it has very long-lasting flowers and comes in a range of colors. To keep the plants looking good ensure they get plenty of light and stay clear of drafts.

The arrowhead plant (Syngoniumpodophyllum) is a good choice for tropical houseplants. This semi-tropical plant is found in the rainforests of Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Bolivia and can be found growing in the wild in zones 6-9. Although this plant is a climber in the garden however, it can be used as a houseplant. Its pinnately branched and segmented leaves can be used as a decorative element in the form of a Victorian conservatory, or in a modern living space.

Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos is a long-lasting houseplant that is easy to care for. The leaves are glossy green and splattered with gold-colored variegation. They are thicker and arrow-shaped than the philodendrons, and that is why they are often confused. However, a quick glance at the underside of the pothos will reveal the distinction. Philodendrons have a smooth texture, whereas golden pothos have a leathery texture.

The plants can withstand low to bright indirect light, that is similar to what they experience in their native tropical French Polynesia forest. The plant can reach a height of one foot and more with each leaf growing from its own stem. This makes it a versatile indoor plant and a popular option for hanging baskets.

Pothos plants are very easy to propagate. Cut off 4-6 inches of a mature plant that has at least two leaves attached. Make sure to include a node which is an area on the stem where roots will sprout, and place it in your growing medium of choice. Perlite, sphagnum moss, and leca are all excellent options. If you plan to plant the cutting directly in soil, use Houseplant Propagation Promoter to assist it in taking roots. Within a week or so the cutting will begin to grow roots. Once the roots have established, you can transplant them to a larger pot of fresh potting soil.

Pothos is not fertilized during its winter dormancy, however it thrives when fed once per month during the spring growth period. Pothos are not prone to many issues, but it is important to inspect the plant regularly for signs of insects and diseases. Aphids are light-green bugs that leave an untidy sap trail. Spider mites look like yellow or dark brown spots on leaves. These pests are easily controlled with a spray of water mixed with pyrethrum or insecticidal soap.

Be cautious to keep the plant from pets and children because it is a source of poisonous compounds for dogs, cats and even rabbits. The poisons can cause vomiting, swollen tongues, and breathing problems. It is best to seek medical attention immediately when your pet is poisoned by the plant. Adults can also suffer from a rash when touching the sap of the plant, but it's usually not serious. Antihistamine cream and rinsing the affected area may help.

Rainbow Croton

With colorful foliage that resembles rainbows, the tropical house plant croton (Codiaeum variegatum) is a stunning houseplant. It thrives indoors in bright sunlight however, it can also be planted outdoors in moderate temperatures. This plant is simple for both novices and experienced gardeners to grow.

These strikingly marked plants are a popular choice for tropical houseplants, and they are especially attractive in dining rooms and living rooms. The leaves of the croton plants have the appearance of a mix of yellow, green and red hues with bold veining. Certain croton plants, such as 'Petra,' and Florida Select', have round leaves, while others, like 'Mammy, and Gold Dust', have multi-colored and twisted leaves.

Like other tropical houseplants Crotons require plenty of sunlight to remain vibrant. However, they don't like intense heat or humidity which can cause leaves to dull or faded in color. To prevent this, Croton plants should be kept away from radiators or air conditioners and placed in an area with plenty of windows that allow natural sunlight.

Water a croton plant often enough to keep the soil evenly moist, but don't let the top couple of inches of soil dry between waterings. It is also important to fertilize a croton in the spring and summer months when it is in full growth and less often during fall and winter.

It is a good idea to wipe down the leaves of a croton tree with a damp cloth frequently to get rid of dust and to help avoid insects like mealybugs, spider mites, scales, and thrips. If not treated the pests could impede the growth of leaves and eventually cause the croton plant to die.

Although Croton plants are generally safe for children and pets, the leaves can be poisonous when eaten in large amounts. It is recommended to place the croton plant in a location away from the reach of curious children or animals. If you have kids who are young, it may be best to wait until they develop before introducing an invasive Croton Plant to your home.

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