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Why It's Important to Review Your Life Insurance Policy
Life insurance provides your beneficiaries with a lump sum payment called a death benefit in the event of your passing. This money can help pay debts, cover funeral costs and maintain their standard of living - while also giving them enough financial resources to continue paying your mortgage or send your children off to college.

Reviewing your policy regularly is important to ensuring it provides adequate coverage and meets your needs, and offers you an opportunity to ask any pertinent questions of your agent, or discuss any changes in finances which could have an effect on life insurance coverage.

Numerous factors can impact your life insurance rates. Your age and sex play a large part, with men typically paying more for life insurance than women (though Montana requires companies to offer gender neutral premiums). Other considerations could be your health or lifestyle - for instance those participating in dangerous occupations or hobbies like skydiving may increase the chance of death and could therefore pay more.

Your family's needs can change over time, so it is wise to review your coverage at least every two years. For instance, if your children will soon be graduating college it would be prudent to ensure their tuition would be covered if anything were to happen to you. Also if you recently purchased a house then reviewing this aspect could also be beneficial in making sure your death benefit covers any outstanding mortgage loans or payments made under a will or trust will.

Other life events that might prompt a review include marriage, divorce, remarriage and children leaving home. Furthermore, review your will to ensure the deceased beneficiary list reflects your wishes; otherwise contacting or writing to your agent will suffice in solving this matter.

Be mindful that most life insurance policies offer a 31-day grace period during which your premium payment won't incur interest charges. Missing payments could cause your policy to lapse, meaning your beneficiaries won't receive their death benefit upon your passing. Most companies can reinstate lapsed policies; they may request additional answers or conduct a medical exam prior to doing so.

When reviewing life insurance, be sure to compare quotes from various providers. Each insurance company uses different underwriting procedures to assess your eligibility; some require full medical examination and health questionnaire completion while others use guaranteed issue approval or simplified issue options that don't necessitate such processes. Furthermore, be compare quotes for similar policy types and amounts for more accurate rate comparison.
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