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What Is Popular House Plants And How To Use It
Popular House Plants For a Tropical Touch

For those who want to give your home a tropical feel take a look at the heartleaf philodendron. The leaves are easy to care for and can withstand low light.

The spiky calathea is called the peacock plant has beautiful leaves. Like many other popular house plants, calatheas are easy to grow, but need an adequate amount of light and a well-drained soil.

Ponytail Palm

Beautiful plant that is easy to take care of, the ponytail palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata) has become one of the most popular home plants in recent years. Although it appears to be a palm tree but this species is an annual succulent that thrives under dry conditions. It can last for weeks without watering since its trunk is swelling. It is a wonderful plant for those who live in colder climates or have a busy schedule. It is also known as a bottle palm or elephant foot palm.

Ponytail palms are tolerant of cool temperatures and thrive in warm indoor climates. In the summer, they prefer bright areas with indirect sunlight to provide warmth and to avoid scorching the leaves. They can be adapted to full sun exposure but only in warmer climates. They can also grow outdoors as an ornamental landscape in frost-free areas. If they are planted indoors, they can expand to 6 inches or more in diameter and can be propagated from offsets that form on the base of the trunk.

Ponytail palms require very little water and thrive in the same soil that drains quickly as cacti. A clay pot is suggested to aid in this process because it helps to wick water away from the roots. If your ponytail palm is root-bound then place the plant in a pot just a few inches larger than its trunk. Slowly move it to the new container over the course of a few weeks to avoid shock. Fertilize your cactus plants once or twice a year with a liquid fertilizer for cactus at half strength.


The genus Schefflera, also called the Umbrella Plant or Queensland Umbrella Tree is comprised of several well-known house plants with leaves that are similar to those of an umbrella. The more common varieties, such as Schefflera actinophylla and Schefflera arboricola, produce elongated leaves with up to six leaflets that droop gracefully from a central stem, giving the plant its name. The smaller variety, Areca catechu, produces similar leaf shapes, but with smaller leaves that are often decorated with yellow or cream. In tropical house plants to providing stunning greenery, both types are useful as an organic air freshener and deodorizer.

This tropical plant is an easy-care houseplant and thrives with fairly high humidity. It can withstand moderately warm temperatures, but it will not withstand sudden temperature changes or drafts. It is susceptible to a range of diseases that can cause fungal and bacterial leaf spots. To prevent these issues ensure that you keep the soil moist and not overwatering it, and then apply a potting mix that is based on peat moss. If you have to water your plant, wait until the soil's top inch is dry before watering again.

You may have to feed your plant more frequently in the event that it exhibits indications of nutrient deficiencies like leaves that appear pale or withered, or brown tips. You can add liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets into water. It is important to trim your schefflera regularly, as this will promote the development of new leaves and encourage growth.

Areca Palm

Palms are a popular choice in tropical climates. They are stunning house plants because of their green fronds which stay fresh all year long and blend nicely with most interiors. large house plants can be planted as a centerpiece or a pot for natural elegance. They can also be utilized to enhance an entranceway or a corner.

In its natural habitat areca palms live in a rainforest climate and naturally adapt to warm temperatures and high humidity. The areca is sensitive and can cause burns if exposed to sudden bursts freezing temperatures. Therefore, it is important to keep the palms of indoor areca away from drafty windows or heat sources as well as air conditioners.

Areca palms need to be exposed to plenty of light. They do not like low/medium light so be sure to place them in a bright spot with some direct sunlight, too.

Areca palms require consistent irrigation, but should not be left overwatered. unique house plants can cause fungal and rot-related diseases. The soil should not be wet, but should be moist. It should also be allowed to air dry between waterings. If your soil is not abundant and loamy, then you can amend it with a small amount of builder's sand or peat moss bark. This will result in an even more drained, richer mixture.

Chinese Money Plant

Pilea peperomioides, also referred to as the pancake plant, Chinese money plant or coin plant is a perennial that blooms belonging to the nettle family. It's cultivated primarily because of its unique UFO-shaped, round leaves. It's a simple houseplant to propagate.

This houseplant grows best in light conditions. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight as this can burn its gorgeous leaves and lead to other problems. Instead, place it near an area that gets plenty of indirect light.

Rotate the pot of the Chinese money plant by about an inch every few weeks. This will ensure that all leaves receive the same amount of sun. It's also an excellent idea to fertilize it every month using an appropriate liquid plant food diluted to half strength.

The Chinese money plant can tolerate quite low levels of humidity. If you notice the edges of the leaf becoming crisp this is a sign that you need to increase the humidity.

This plant is a favorite in Feng Shui where it is believed to bring prosperity and wealth. It's also a great choice to keep in the office, since it's been shown to improve productivity of employees and decrease stress. It's also safe for pets and children. So, don't hesitate to share your greenery with family and friends! You can find this plant at local nurseries and garden centers, as well as in most large-box home improvement stores and supermarkets with a gardening section.

Majesty Palm

Majesty palms, or Ravenea Rivularis are characterized by their tall frosts that are a stunning addition to any home. These tropical plants also have the ability to purify air. Due to their high humidity requirements and their growing requirements, they can be difficult to maintain.

Majesty palms, just like other indoor plants, require medium light and evenly moistened soil. It's best to water these plants frequently however, not too frequently. Regular fertilizing will also benefit the plant.

When watering a majesty palm ensure that you apply the water to the entire surface of the soil. Avoid watering plants directly on the crown of the base, as this may cause rot and damage the new fronds.

Majesty palms thrive in a pot that's 2-3 inches larger than their root ball. The plant will also appreciate an area with a good drainage because it is susceptible to root rot. Drain rocks can be incorporated into the bottom of the pot to increase drainage. Repot a majesty palm every another year, or whenever the roots are extending out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

Majesty palms can be susceptible to aphids and scale bugs as well as spider mites. It is important to spray the plant frequently with a gentle soap and water solution in order to stop these pests from coming into your home. Majesty palms are also sensitive to low humidity. It's important that you keep them in an area with good air circulation.


The Peperomia is a wonderful houseplant for beginners because it does not require much watering. The plant is a tropical plant from the rain forest and is suited to moderate humidity and warm conditions. It thrives in humid places such as terrariums, brightly lit bathrooms or even in misty areas of the home. It can be put outside in the summer but be sure to bring it back inside before temperatures fall.

Lindsay Pangborn, an expert of the gardening site Bloomscape, recommends watering only when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch. She also recommends using a chopstick to aerate the soil prior to watering in order to ensure that water is able to reach all areas of the roots. Aeration helps prevent the rot process and promotes deep root growth. Peperomias aren't fussy when it comes to feeding and can be fertilized biweekly with a general-purpose fertilizer that is designed for houseplants.

The leaves of peperomias have a unique texture that adds lots of visual appeal. They can be smooth or crinkled, with grooves and ridges as well as the variegated or spotted. Some also feature patterns that resemble the appearance of a rind of a watermelon or ripples in emerald. They can be cleaned by wiping them with a damp cloth in order to remove dust from crevices, especially those with ripples or grooves. If you notice swollen spots on the leaves of your peperomia, this is an indication of an issue with the plant and should be treated with an insecticidal soap.

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