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20 Trailblazers Leading The Way In Easy House Plants
Easy House Plants

If you have joined the houseplant trend several years ago or are searching for new greenery to brighten your living space There are many plants that are easy to cultivate. These simple houseplants don't have to worry about their environment or how much water they receive and can recover after a bit of neglect.

The spider plant, for example thrives in bright indirect light and needs only to be watered when the top couple of inches of soil are dry. Peace lilies are a different option that is low-key and has beautiful patterns on their leaves.

Ponytail Palm

The ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is an exotic succulent that is easy to care for. It doesn't require a lot of water or attention, making it an ideal plant for those who lead a busy life.

Plant the plant in a bright location with moderate light indoors, or within 3 feet of large, clear windows. Avoid drafty, cold spaces and hot windows since they can cause drying out of the foliage.

During the growing season Water the plant only when the soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid watering in winter months, as the ponytail palm is in a dormant state. When watering, use a moisture gauge to avoid overwatering this plant.

Ponytail palms grow slowly and that don't require pruning unless they are afflicted with disease. The plants are tolerant of drought and can tolerate short periods of colder temperatures however, they should be moved to a warmer space in winter. Fertilize your plants a few times per year, in the spring and in the summer. Use a general houseplant fertilizer and follow the directions of the manufacturer.


The schefflera is one of the most popular tropical house plants . It is also known as umbrella plant or the philodendron. It can grow up to 4-6 feet high indoors with bright indirect light.

The schrefflera is tolerant of moderate to warm temperatures in the room however it does not like cold drafts and could protest by dropping leaves. It requires a peat-moss based pot soil, and is best fed every month with a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer.

If your schefflera has become leggy, you may need to buy a new pot. It is best planted in a pot at least two inches larger than the one it is currently in. This will encourage bushy growth. Pin the tips of growth of the plants to encourage branching.

The schefflera is prone to spider mites. Spraying the leaves with neem oil or insecticidal soap will usually eliminate them. It is also susceptible to thrip infestation, but spotting and washing the thrips off with a damp cloth should suffice.

Chinese Evergreen

The aglaonema, also known as Chinese evergreen, is a top choice on the list of easy house plants. It is tolerant of a variety of indoor conditions, ranging from low light to bright spots and fluorescent lighting. It also is intolerant of cold temperatures, although it prefers warmer temperatures.

Humus-rich potting dirt is ideal for these hardy slow-growing plants. Include peat moss to improve drainage and to alkalize the soil. It is important to water your aglaonema regularly in the summer, but let the soil's top inch dry between waterings.

If your aglaonema begins to look sluggish or thin, it could mean it needs more light, or it may be pot-bound. Repot the plant in a larger container, untangle the root systems that are tangled and then add a new potting mix. If your plant is infested insects, spray it with soapy water. There are a variety of cultivars to choose from that include solid green varieties like Aglaonema 'Frasher' and Aglaonema 'Pseudobracteatum' as well as variegate varieties such as Aglaonema 'Silver Bay and Aglaonema 'Stripes'.


This is a very easy houseplant to maintain compared to its sisters whitestar and calathea ornata, which can be fussy. The gorgeous pin-striped leaves Calathea can reach more than a foot tall and are beautiful in bright indirect light.

Calatheas require slightly moist, but not wet or sloppy soil. If the soil is dry to your finger make sure to make sure to water the plant thoroughly. A good watering schedule is every two days, but be sure to check the soil every day to establish a routine. If large house plants potting mixture is not sufficient, substitute it with a mix of 1 part peat to 1 perlite or Coco coir. Feed the calatheas twice per month during the summer and spring with a houseplant fertilizer reduced to half strength.

Leaves that droop or curl are a sign of dehydration and can be treated with a day or so of water. Pests are often responsible for the discoloration of leaves. It is possible to treat it with insecticidal oil or soap.


Dieffenbachias are simple to care for plants that can bring colour to your home. Its long, variegated leaves extend up to 12 inches.

Like many plants, Dieffenbachias can be susceptible to certain conditions that affect their health and appearance. Brown leaf tips may indicate low humidity levels, while yellow leaves can be the result of excessive or submerged swimming. Inconsistently watering and hard tap water can cause issues.

If large house plants begins to lose its shape, move it to an area that is brighter. Drooping plants are usually a sign that they need more water. You can test the soil moisture by sticking your finger into it up to the first knuckle. The soil should be watered until the excess water drains from the drainage holes, and do this by soaking it in a long way instead of a light sprinkle. The ideal container for your Dieffenbachia is a plastic garden planter, which lets water drain more efficiently than porous Terracotta.


Peperomia is a low maintenance houseplant that can be planted in almost any room. Its dark green leaves are attractive and aid to purify the atmosphere.

Peperomias prefer moderate light and warm temperatures however they do not like direct sunlight. If the leaves are scorched or discolored it is a sign they're receiving too much sunlight and should be relocated into a more shaded area.

Peperomias are epiphytic like their wild counterparts. houseplants for sale attach themselves to tree limbs and tall structures to gain access to more indirect, bright sunlight. They prefer well-draining, arid soil that dries between waterings. If you notice that the roots of your peperomia are eroding out of its pot and are causing problems, it's time to pot it again. Use a standard home plant mix that is free of peat. Then, set it up in a container one larger than the current one to avoid root rot. Feed your peperomia using a general houseplant fertiliser once a month in the summer.

Arrowhead Vine

The Arrowhead vine (Syngoniumpodophyllum), an evergreen vine that can be grown indoors, is a teeming climbing plant. It doesn't bloom, however it's an excellent houseplant for newbies as it's easy to propagate from cuttings.

To take a cutting from an existing arrowhead, find an appropriate stem and carefully cut it off at the base of the petiole. Using clean, sharp, and sterile hand pruning shears is ideal for this job.

Make sure to water your arrowhead regularly, especially during the summer. Be sure to allow the soil to dry between waterings as arrowhead plants dislike constantly humid soil. The winter months are the only time they don't require fertilizer as the plant is dormant. The plant is a source of calcium crystals, which can cause a burning sensation if consumed. Beware of children and pets. Also called nephthytis, goosefoot or philodendron, arrowhead vine is a favourite among gardeners who want to enjoy its vibrant foliage and low-maintenance.

Snake Plant

Snake plants (also called Sansevieria) are one of the most simple houseplants to cultivate. They thrive in low light, drought and have some insect issues. The plant can also be used to clean the air in your home. It converts CO2 into oxygen at time of day and eliminates formaldehyde, benzene, and formaldehyde in the evening.

Healthy snake plants have sturdy leaves that stand upright and are green with cream, yellow or white edges. Insufficient light, excessive watering, thrips or root rot may cause leaves to drop.

Repot your snake plant into an area that is two inches larger when the roots are too crowded or if it has outgrown its current pot. Choose the soil that drains quickly, preferring with one third sand or perlite and one third peat. Fertilize each month during the growth season using liquid fertilizer at half strength.

Money Plant

Money plants are easy to grow and are considered lucky plants that bring prosperity to those who take care of them. They also help channel the positive energy. They are great to give to your friends to wish them success and wealth. According to Vastu, and Feng Shui, these plants thrive best when placed in the southeast corner of your house.

In addition to being an excellent air purifier, the Money Plant is pet friendly and can tolerate poor indoor conditions. It is crucial to observe the plant's requirements to water and fertilize regularly. If the leaves are turning yellow, this could be a sign the soil isn't draining properly or that the plant has been overwatered.

The most common signs of a healthy Money Plant are green leaves and long stems with tips that are light brown. It is a low maintenance houseplant that doesn't require much sunlight or fertilizer.

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