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How to Get Cheap Health Insurance Plan?
The United States Government has been presenting several schemes and plans to help the American residents enjoy health insurance advantages to the fullest. "Obamacare" is one such scheme that provides health insurance facilities for both high-income and low-income groups in the us. However, a report from a Washington D.C. firm, named Avalere Health, reveals that the price for one of the plans in Obamacare, called the silver plan, will rise to about 34% in 2018. The silver plan offers a decent coverage policy and is a bit high on the monthly premiums. For those who cannot afford to pay such high premiums; they need not worry, as you can find policies besides this and a subsidy scheme, that will provide health insurance at low cost.

While searching for cheap health insurance plans, one should have sound knowledge about medical health insurance policies. Senior Vice President of Advisor Services at Manning & Napier, Shelby George advises the shoppers to always search for just how much coverage is provided for the expenses a company provides. Quite simply, one should not get carried away by the cheap rates, but should rather focus on just how much coverage the insurance companies are providing for all those cheap rates they advertise.

In order to get best cheap health insurance, here is a conclusion of the various policies available and a description of, whether you can get insurance for "free".

Subsidies and other Health Insurance Plans:

With an try to provide all Americans with MEDICAL HEALTH INSURANCE coverage, one of the many useful plans proposed by the federal government, is that of 'subsidies'. A subsidy, in simple words, is the amount paid by the federal government to the insurance companies to provide medical health insurance facilities to people that have low incomes. Because of this people falling in to the low-income group can enjoy medical health insurance benefits through the use of subsidies, which would otherwise be rejected by insurance firms on any other short-term policy claim.

Someone who earns about $48,000 and a family group of 4, which earns somewhere less than $98,000 are those that can enjoy the benefits of subsidies. Hence, people with low incomes can enjoy good cheap medical health insurance through the help of subsidies. However, these subsidy schemes proposed by the Obamacare plan are more likely to be altered or eliminated overall by the Trump administration.

Talking about other health insurance plans, a silver plan covers up to 70% of a person's health care charges while a bronze plan will cover up to 60% of the expenses and the rest of the percentage of charges will have to be paid out of the individuals pockets. Now, comparing both of these plans, if one wishes to spend absolutely NO money out of your respective pockets, then selecting a bronze plan along with a subsidy will undoubtedly be of great help. For many who cannot afford to spend of one's own pockets, the bronze plan coverage of 60% along with the remaining 40% included in subsidies will help to enjoy cheap health insurance.

What Type of Policy YOU CAN Choose?

The first step to obtain hold of the best cheap health insurance is to be alert to what policy suits one's needs. This is a list of two options explained briefly, in order that one can pick the best fit.

1. Short-Term Policy: A short-term policy is for those people, who do not qualify to avail subsidies. Quite simply, people for whom it becomes 'unaffordable' to obtain health insurance should choose this policy. Here the word 'unaffordable' is referred to as the price that exceeds above 8% of a person or perhaps a family's annual income. In accordance with, Nate Purpura, the Vice President of Consumer Affairs (, individuals whose income ranges from $49,000 to $69,000 and families that earn somewhere between $99,000 and $129,000, are supposed to go for short-term policies.

Hence, if one finds it difficult to pay expensive premiums and avail medical health insurance, then choosing the short-term policy is strongly suggested. However, you can find no penalties if one doesn't wish to have any medical health insurance. But, on a confident note, it is good for the individuals themselves, should they involve some financial protection that'll be of benefit in unfriendly circumstances.

Below are a few noteworthy details about short-term policies:

These policies usually last up to 3 months and can be extended till 9 months (in 3-month period renewal).
In with the new rules proposed by President Trump, having a short-term policy will undoubtedly be mandatory for several individuals. However, this rule has not yet been passed, but will be in effect.
These policies do not provide coverage for pre-existing illnesses, i.e. diseases that one is experiencing, before applying for the policy.
If at all one wishes to include such pre-existing illnesses in the coverage plan, then your premiums increase substantially.
Unlike Obamacare schemes, short-term policies will not cover costs for maternal care, injuries because of abuse, and mental health treatment.
On having a short-term policy, you can avail decent health care facilities at about $100 premium a month.
On a standard basis, despite the low coverage options it offers, those who are searching for cheap health insurance for individual or cheap medical health insurance for families, can avail great benefits from this policy.
2. Combined Policy or Combo of Policies:

Traditional policies or quite simply plans with higher premiums provides coverage for all the expensive hospital bills in case of risky illnesses or accidents. Whereas, choosing short-term plans will simply cover the standard doctor-visits. But if one wishes to avail the advantages of both the policies, i.e. get coverage for risky illnesses in addition to for normal or routine sickness (like a cough, cold, fever), then insurance companies these days are providing combo packages.

In the recent past, people used to use for both policies separately to be able to avail coverage in both cases. This was getting difficult for the insurers to calculate different percentages and amounts; hence the program for combo policies came up, allowing visitors to avail both benefits within a single policy. However, as evident as it seems, choosing these policies will certainly cause someone to pay premiums greater than usual.

So a gist of all above-discussed points is that one shouldn't always get attracted by offers that merely advertise of providing cheap medical health insurance for individuals, instead one should look for the quality of coverage they provide for the cheap insurance charges. Shopping for health insurance also requires thorough research and study, just like any other plans. Since this is a concern concerning one's health; it really is nowhere worthy to just be worried about money. Quality service always comes at pay hence one should be wise enough to search for policies offering affordable and quality health insurance plans.

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