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What Can A Weekly Side By Side Fridge And Freezer Pair Project Can Change Your Life
Why Buy a Side by Side Fridge and Freezer Pair?

Side-by-side fridges have the freezer on one side of the appliance and the refrigerator on the other. This makes them more convenient to use in tight spaces.

Most come with doors and shelves that are adjustable to allow for greater storage flexibility. Other useful features include LED lighting in the interior humidity-controlled drawers, as well as a fast freezing.


A side by side fridge freezer pair gives you a vast amount of room for drinks and food. These spacious compartments can hold many food items, including fresh foods and sauces. They're also great for party platters. These models also have reversible door handles and easy-to-use controls that make it easier to move items across the fridge or freezer. Some models offer a multi-flow cooling system that eliminates excess moisture, reducing the risk of a build-up of bacteria and mold up in the freezer or fridge.

While side-by-side fridges are ideal for families, they take up a little more floor space than top and bottom freezer fridges. If you're looking to conserve room, consider choosing a counter-depth fridge that sits in a flush position against your kitchen cabinets to create a sleek, integrated look.

French door fridges are a different option if you're looking for additional storage capacity. They have a movable design with adjustable shelves as well as bins that help keep your food in order. They also have a larger freezer, which is helpful for families that rely on frozen foods like dinners smoothies, meals and more.

Some French door refrigerators have an outside water and ice dispenser. This is convenient to access. However, they can come at a higher cost as opposed to side by side fridges.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerators are among the largest energy consumers in the home and, depending on which model you pick, they can account for a significant portion of your electricity bill. Make sure to choose refrigerators that are ENERGY STAR certified to ensure they are built to strict specifications and meet the minimum efficiency requirements to cut down on operating costs. Multiply the number of Kilowatt-hours listed on the energy label with the average electricity rates in your area to determine the estimated annual operating cost of your refrigerator.

Side-by-side refrigerators are a great option for families that use frozen food as a meal option and as an organisation tool. They are a good choice for households with 3-4 members because they come with a large capacity usable in litres and many come with water and ice dispensers.

Available in a range of finishes such as black, white and stainless steel, side by side refrigerators be a perfect match for a variety of kitchen designs. Choose a sleek modern finish like a fingerprint-resistant black or classic brushed stainless steel to create a sleek, modern appearance that blends seamlessly into your home. Select a stainless-steel finish and black trim for a sleek, minimalist look that will seamlessly blend into your home. A refrigerator is a long-term investment, so consider opting for a reliable brand with a warranty to ensure it continues to work well and last you for years.

Storage capacity

The size of the refrigerator is an important factor for a lot of buyers, since it can affect how much space you have in your home. The most efficient side-by-side refrigerators have between 20 and 28 cu ft of space. This will give you enough room to store your food items and buy frozen food items. They can also be equipped to accommodate your family's distinct preferences for food and drinks with adjustable bin doors and shelves.

Side-by side fridges come with freezer compartments that are set near each other that allows you to easily access the items you are most likely to use without opening both parts of the fridge. This is an excellent way to minimize food waste and keep everything organized. In addition, they can be an excellent option for those with small spaces who prefer a sleek style.

It's important to be aware that side by side refrigerators aren't necessarily the best option for everyone. You might prefer a classic design and would prefer an open-door design. Alternatively, if you need more space for frozen food, a bottom freezer fridge like the Kenmore Elite 79043 24.1 cubic foot bottom freezer refrigerator may be better suited to your needs. Check out our buying guide to learn more about the aspects you need to take into account when shopping for a fridge or use our Appliance Finder.


Side-by-side refrigerators combine an all-height freezer with a full-height refrigerator. These are often chosen for their ergonomics and easy access to food items. They are also smaller than top and bottom-freezer fridges that means they require less space in your kitchen. Their narrow double doors won't require as much space to open as French doors or top and bottom freezer fridges, which makes them ideal for small spaces.

They are also ideal fridge freezers for taller platters and pans. Side-byside refrigerators are the best choice for those who want an option to turn the freezer into a refrigerator, making it easy to store large paella dishes. These models offer capacity ranges similar to French door models, but they offer the benefit of spreading storage space more evenly among the refrigerator and freezer compartments.

Look for side-by-side fridges in a wide variety of finishes such as black and white stainless steel. These classic finishes are easy to coordinate with the furniture in your kitchen cabinets, appliances and other furniture. Choose fingerprint-resistant finishes for a durable, low-maintenance finish. Some refrigerators have adjustable shelves, door bins and in-door water and ice dispensers. They also come with additional features that will help you stay organized. integrated side by side fridge freezers include a preserver for your produce that helps reduce the smell of your food and helps to keep your fruits and vegetables more fresh for longer. Browse our Candy refrigerator and freezer collection to find a model that suits your cooking needs.

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