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Ask Me Anything: 10 Answers To Your Questions About Types Of House Plants
Types of House Plants

Croton is a striking indoor plant with its emerald-green leaves that are flecked with pink and orange. It can tolerate lower levels of light than other plants and requires only a little water. It can also assist in removing formaldehyde out of the air.

Pothos is another houseplant that is easy to grow with its heart-shaped, slender leaves. It can tolerate dim light, but it prefers the bright indirect sunlight and frequent watering.


Many common house plants, such as monsteras, philodendrons and pothos and ZZ plants belong to the aroid family (Araceae). The swamp dwellers of the past, this group of plants thrives as indoor plants for long periods of time because they're easy to care for.

They require moderate amounts of light, warm temperatures and high humidity. During the growing period they also require fertilizer. Aroids are admired for their varied foliage and their ability to endure both bright and low lighting conditions. They are less likely to bloom frequently than other house plants but when they do it's usually spectacular, according to Schiavone. Most aroid flowers have spathes, which are an attractive petal-like structure that draws pollinators, and a spadix which is the actual flower or inflorescence. The flowers have a pleasant smell and may be heated to increase the volatilization chemicals that attract pollinators.

You might have seen aroids posted on Instagram, in movie backgrounds or as curtains. These plants are stylish and easy to grow and this is the reason they are now a common feature in house plant collections. buy house plants as Monstera Deliciosa (also known as the Swiss cheese plant) are available in a variety of sizes, colors and shapes. This aroid is very popular in feng-shui because it is able to ward off negative energies. It grows quickly and is an excellent option for those who are just starting out or for those who want to make a splash in their home decor.


The bromeliad plant with its tropical appearance may appear difficult to grow however, it's actually one of the easiest plants to maintain. This epiphyte or air plant doesn't require soil. It can be attached to trees or glued to objects, or planted in shallow soil. Its vibrant colors and fascinating textures make it a popular decoration choice. It is also a low maintenance plant that is resistant to serious pests.

The bromeliad genus offers many cultivars and species that are suitable for house plants, from the sword-shaped leaves of Aechmea to the vibrantly colored flowers and bracts of Billbergia and Neoregelia. The most common cultivars are the speckled pink-centered, 'Morado, and the broad-leaved red-centered Guinea.' These plants typically flower in the late summer or fall and their beautiful bracts can last for several months.

As house plants, they are usually placed in a potting mixture. However certain tropical species, like Guzmani or Tillandsia can be stuck to logs and moss or nested in coconut shells and don't require soil whatsoever. They are typically placed in a potting mixture, although some of the more tropical species like Tillandsia or Guzmani can be tied to moss and logs or buried in coconut shells, and don't require any soil at all.

Bromeliads are one of the most drought-tolerant of all indoor plants, but they still need regular waterings. They are ideal for watering every week during warmer weather, and about twice a month in cooler temperatures. You can fertilize them regularly by using a well-draining pots such as orchid or Palm potting soil.


There are one to two thousand different species of cacti, which are among the most robust and durable of house plants. They can be squat and spiny or tall and lanky columns or even thorny ornamental balls. Many cacti thrive in containers, even though they are native to desert habitats. Some bloom infrequently and require special attention to ensure their health.

They also trap and reflect light. They might have scales too. The thorns of the Dinosaur Back Plant (Mammillaria hahniana) look like skins from dinosaurs and this cactus could be up to 36 inches in height.

The Candelabra Cactus's pads that resemble fingers are covered with spines at regular intervals, giving it an attractive shape. This plant can be grown as a houseplant and produces white flowers in the spring and summer.

The Fairy Castle Cactus, Morenoa Cristata, has a variety of stems which resemble the castle spires, or turrets. In the wild, this cactus may grow to be up to 2 meters (6 feet) tall and blooms at night. This cactus needs bright, well-filtered sunlight. It should be kept in an area that has good circulation and a warm temperature. The drafts can cause it to shrink. Repot this cactus every year or more often if the container becomes too small. This is a great plant for beginners, as it doesn't require much fertilizer or water. The spines can also deter pets and children from eating it.


Ferns look tropical and are easy to grow. Most ferns are shade plants that thrive in tree canopy in nature however, they require plenty of light to flourish as indoor specimens. Avoid windows facing south or west as they could scorch the ferns. Instead, put them in indirect or moderate sunlight.

Pinnae are the leaflets of a variety of ferns. They come in different sizes and shapes which makes it easy to recognize the species. They also have a distinctive vascular structure that is where the protoxylem, which is similar to the water-conducting cells found in other plants, is restricted to lobes of the xylem. This allows ferns to absorb moisture and nutrients in the air.

The majority of Ferns have tiny hairs, known as trichomes, which protect them from predators. They are unicellular, multicellular, or glandular, and can secrete toxic fluids or fragrant odors or produce waxy substances that give the fronds sheen and color.

Ferns aren't a heavy feeder and can benefit from being allowed to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can cause the fronds to turn yellow or brown and could cause root rot. If your ferns seem dry out too fast you can try misting them more often or placing them in a pebble tray with water. If your home is dry, a humidifier could help.


Succulents are among the most sought-after houseplants because they thrive in a variety of conditions. In nature, they are found in deserts, seaside cliffs and humid jungles, so they are adapted to living in any climate in our homes.

There are many different species of succulents and each is distinct in its appearance and care requirements. However, they generally have characteristics like fleshy leaves or stems that function to store water smaller roots than other varieties, and a rosette-like arrangement of leaves. They are also more drought-resistant than other species. However, they might not be able to tolerate direct sunlight.

The aloe vera is a well-known succulent. The plant that is commonly used in the home can become quite large and may produce bell-shaped blooms. The snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is another common succulent, can add height and architectural interest to a room. Both are easy to grow from stems or leaf cuttings, and will require to be re-used before they are planted.

Another succulent that looks stunning in a wall or hanging basket is the agave blue-glowing. house plants for sale is a welcome accent in any home and is easy to care for. It requires sunlight that is filtered and slightly moist soil as do other succulents. Avoid overwatering in winter as this can cause the plant to rot.

Woody Evergreens

Conifers such as spruces and pines are among the most commonly used woody plants with evergreen leaves. Deciduous trees and shrubs include junipers as well as arborvitaes. These two species have needle-shaped leaves. Woody evergreens are surrounded by a toughened, swollen tissue called bark. buy house plants is made up of a substance called the xylem. It transports water and nutrients through the plant.

Some evergreens with woody leaves are popular houseplants because they don't require much care. Pachira aquatica is an excellent example. Its leaves are adorned by a rosette of white-striped, leathery-green foliage. This plant is quick-growing and will reach around eight feet in height in a decade or so.

Another option that is low maintenance is a dracaena, also known as a dragon tree. The best ones are Dracaena marginata, a species from Madagascar with its twisting stems and rosettes of narrow leaves; Dracaena sanderiana, the ribbon plant with slender, sword-shaped leaves that are glossy green with white stripes; or D. wilsoniana, the weeping Serbian spruce, with an elongated habit and silvery blue needles.

Many other woody evergreens are excellent houseplants. They include schefflera with typical broad-leafed foliage, ficus, aka banyan tree, whose fronds can reach several feet tall and the false castor plant, also known as Philodendron delicium with its beautiful heart-shaped leaves that are cut into lobes. All require a large pot and bright indirect sun. In general evergreens are stronger than deciduous ones, however they are susceptible to damage by freezing temperatures.

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