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Small House Plants: 11 Thing You've Forgotten To Do
Small House Plants - Add a Green Touch to Your Home With These Easy-To-Care For Houseplants

Our selection of small houseplants will add some green to your home. These small beauties are perfect for any desk, corner or nook.

Many plants look like big popular plants, but are actually quite compact. They thrive on bright sunlight and regular watering. Keep an eye out for cacti that show signs of dryness as they don't like being overwatered.

String of Pearls Plant

Curio herreanus is a succulent, which is also known as string pearls. It resembles the plastic beads you found in your childhood dress-up boxes. This trailing plant adds texture and color while cleansing the air and reduces stress in your home. It is also simple to grow and propagate, making it an excellent choice for people who are looking for a low maintenance houseplant.

The best way to begin when caring for your string of pearls plant is determining how much water it requires. It will be contingent on the climate, soil type, and container size. A good guideline is to water your plant whenever the top inch of soil feels dry, but it's also crucial to check it regularly and use a moisture gauge or your fingers to check soil consistency.

Another important care method is to trim your string of pearls plant. This will promote new growth and make the plant appear more full and healthier. It is recommended that you cut off any dead stems or pearls, as well in leggy or overgrown parts of the plant.

Repotting your string-of-pearls plants should only be done if the plant has become root bound. If common houseplant are tangled, and crowded within the container, you can see that it has happened. To propagate your string of pearls plant cut a few four to five-inch stems off the growing end using a pair sterilized cutting tools or scissors. Place the stems in a prepared pot of cactus or succulent soil and place it in bright indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist until nodes begin to grow, which should happen within some weeks.

Polka Dot Plant

As the name suggests the beautiful foliage plant is flecked with white or pink spots. It's native to South Africa, East Asia and Madagascar but it can be grown as an annual in temperate zones as well. Tucked into planters with colorful flowers or as part of an arrangement of greenery, Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) adds the appearance of texture and color to any area.

Polka dots thrive in soil that is rich in nutrients, drains well and has a pH of neutral and slightly acidic. They don't want to be too moist, but they do not want to dry out either. You can water them by putting filtered water on the soil at the temperature of room temperature. You can also check the soil's moisture by using your finger or a tiny piece of wood. It should feel damp but not saturated.

Watering times can vary depending on the stage of growth of your Polka dot plant. During the active growth season, from spring to autumn, it is important to keep the soil damp. However, don't let it get wet, as polka dot plants are prone to root rot. This plant also benefits from a monthly application of diluted fertilizer for your houseplant.

Polka dots are prone to fungus-related diseases like leaf spot and root decay. To avoid them, make sure they're planted in a properly draining container, then water them thoroughly once the top soil is dry, and remove any dead or damaged leaves.

String Of Heart Plant

The string of hearts (Ceropegia Woodii) will add a unique and beautiful touch to your home. It can be cultivated from seeds or by layering. To layer you can simply drape a plant over a pot of moist compost and make sure a tuber makes contact with the compost. Keep the compost moist for one month and you'll begin to see roots sprouting from the tubers into the soil. String of heart plants are easy to propagate using cuttings in water or soil.

The best time to start propagating these plants is during the summer and spring. Cuttings should be taken from the base of a plant leaving a few nodes on the top. They can then be submerged in water, and they will begin to develop roots. Once the roots are long they can be repotted.

In the spring and summer, a string of hearts plant thrives in warm temperatures and indirect sunlight. It is important to water the plant regularly to keep it moist. Avoid overwatering, as this can cause root rot. It is also important to ensure that the soil drains well.

This is an easy-care plant and is not susceptible to a variety of pests or diseases. It is susceptible to fungus-gnats as well as other pests that are common to houseplants, such as mealybugs. If your plant appears unwell or has yellow leaves, it could be an indication of overwatering, so make sure to let the soil dry before watering again.

Button Fern

Button Fern (Pellaea rotundifolia) is a fern that is low-lying native to New Zealand. The fronds are densely covered, which gives it its name. As a houseplant, it can be used in a hanging basket or a terrarium. It is also a great accent to a garden that is shaded.

This plant requires a moist, acidic soil growing medium. common houseplants -free ericaceous potting mix is ideal. Ferns prefer to grow in shade and thrive in moderate to high levels of humidity. They need to dry out a little between waterings and prefer less misting than other ferns.

Fertilize the Button Fern once every two weeks with dilute liquid plant food during the growing season. Avoid temperatures that are too high, which can could cause the plant to burn its leaves and roots. Button Ferns rarely need repotting due to their small roots.

Button ferns are susceptible to overwatering, particularly when they're planted in self-watering pots. If your plant appears to be yellowed and wilted, you have overwatered it. If you notice a large amount of black roots at the bottom of the pot, the plant is dying and must be removed. To avoid this, monitor the soil's moisture and water your plant only when the top inch is slightly dry. Button Ferns are sensitive to salt in tap water, so make sure to use rainwater or distillation water instead of regular tap. If you do have to tap water, a filtered version is better than hard or bottled water.

Baby Tears Plant

Baby Tears Plant is a quickly-growing houseplant with green leaves and a pretty bloom. It is a great option for people who are just beginning to get interested in foliage plants. It grows well in humid conditions such as bathrooms and terrariums. It can be used as a ground cover or in hanging baskets. It can get quite large, so it is important to prune it regularly.

In its natural environment It is found in tropical forests and thrives in warm temperatures of 20 and 38 degrees Celsius (68 to 100degF). It can benefit from the shade of a small area or misting during the hot summer months. It is susceptible to root rot like most other plants. This is the reason it should be watered regularly.

It is easy to grow this plant in a pot, or even in your garden. Wrap a piece moss, or a paper towel around the stem's base. Spray the moss with water but do not let it get saturated. Cover low light houseplants with plastic wrap. Be sure to check every couple of days to see if roots have formed.

When the soil is dry, it's recommended to water your Baby Tears. In the spring and summer, it is best to water this plant at least once a week. In winter, however, the amount of watering is lowered to when the soil feels dry a few inches down and as like all plants, avoid overwatering.


Senecio is a genus of succulent plants which are a popular choice for house plant cultivation. They are easy-to-produce and require little or no maintenance. This genus can be established in soil that is well-drained, or in containers. It can be propagated with leaf or stem cuttings. Senecio is a tough plant that can withstand extreme temperatures and drought conditions. It is advised to avoid freezing temperatures as they can harm roots.

The String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus 'String of Pearls') is an evergreen perennial flowering succulent that can reach up to 3 feet in length. It is native to the areas that are dry in Southwest Africa and grows as an elongated, ground-hugging plant. The leaves are covered in waxy coatings and have small, cream-colored flowers at the ends of the branches. This plant prefers bright indirect sunlight and requires a well-draining soil mix. A cactus mix made of standard potting soil with the addition of sand or grit will help improve drainage and stop water pooling in the bottom of the pot, which can lead to root decay.

This Senecio variety, also known as the Fishhook Senecio or the Weeping Jade is a beautiful, perennial creeper that has long fleshy, bean-like leaves and green stems. It is renowned for its curved leaf tips that can be flattened, crimped, or twisting, and also its white to silvery feltted covering, known as tomentum. It is a good choice for those who are just beginning as it can be propagated with seeds.

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