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non believable that when you lose the one person you don't want to lose, and you know they aren't coming back cuz they n simply aren't allowed to. heaven and hell aren't believed by all. some use haven to settle how they feel when someone dies but hell for someone they want to parish and not to be seeken again. In the bible it states Heven and hell were created for good people to go to heaven as a reward for a virtuous life and bad people go to hell as a punishment for an immoral life1. However, some also believe heaven and hell have nothing to do with geography and about relationship and love. hell is a punishment and lack of God for those who had a separation from God, God, and a literal hell, a place of eternal separation from God and eternal torment, prepared for the devil and his angels. When loosing someone and debating about whether or not they go to Heven or hell the subject can be both confusing and upsetting to some. how i think of it, did he believe in God was he a good person in my eyes and lots of others around. people make mistakes where human nobody is perfect not even God himself for mistakes are to be make it's up to there to forgive, another lesson taught by God. believing God himself can also be tricky some from thy bible needs more explanatory evidence and may not make since but not all is how it seems. that's why it's better to believe and be happy than not believe and have regret. after having understating information on suck subject i still have troubles when thinking about such things such on whether my loved one went to Heven or hell. he made such mistakes as bad as taking someone's life, robbery and more, trading someonelses life for money a drug at a time. This man who was so called horrible raised me the money he made was to support me, buy food buy me a birthday present. Funny was one of his best traits if only everone else could meet him at age of 14 raising a kid. when my mom was out getting pregnant and partieing and my dad was drinking at some bar hundreds of miles away this young man was here. with him there was to devil there was no demons no worries no pain and when he was killed it was like i was too just my soul has to finish a jurney that i cannot go on with him. the guy who murdered my cousin my whole family my life didnt kno those to bullets would ruin someones life bc he pulled th etrigger so many times, revenge is what i seeked but i got it. this man is still alive but he has to live knowing his family died cuz he took someone elses life. for my 14th birthday i will spend alone alond with 15, 16,17,18,19,20.21,22 cuz it never end life now weels like an eternity the numers never end cux i spend another second and those turn to minutes to hours to days, weeks, years, decades you kno why cuz numbers never end. in the bible people lived normal 600-800 years my cousin lived 19 and it was 2 years today that he died. 7/9/2021 he was wrighten dead at 8:43 pm he was shot dead in his car parked outside of a rodeo i was riding at when he left to get water. he always told me i would be a pro barrel racer and founded me to buy my first horse and saddle with abridle and since ive set two arena records. we have all made mistakes and have had our ups and downs its up to u if you want to make it up
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