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What NOT To Do During The House Plants Sale Industry
House Plants Sale - Easy Indoor Plants to Keep Around

House plants can improve indoor air quality, and can add some color to the room. They are also a great way to stage a home to sell it and create eye-catching focal points.

The millennials' love affair with house plants has been attributed to urbanisation as well as interior design trends and a desire to take care of. But how do you get your customers to stick with their purchases of plants?

Easy-to-Grow Indoor Plants

You'll love having these easy indoor plants around. They'll add a splash green to any room and will purify the air and boost your mood when you feel blue.

low light houseplants are a great fit for busy lifestyles and brown thumbs since they're tolerant of neglect. common houseplants can withstand low light levels but also thrive in rooms that have fluctuating temperatures. Pothos (aka devils ivy) is a heart-shaped plant with yellow-green leaves and is among the easiest houseplants to care for. Make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight and make sure you water it frequently enough to keep the soil damp.

The peace lily is a different easy-to-care for houseplant. This stunning plant, with bracts of white that rise over the dark foliage has been a favorite for years. It's also a great option for spaces that don't have many windows. It's an air purifier that can eliminate formaldehyde and other pollutants from the air.

The snake plant (aka mother-in-law's tongue) is a second option for beginners. It is very tolerant and only needs a half cup of water each week. The plant is believed by some to bring good luck, wealth and health to your home.

There's a broad range of options, whether you want to buy one houseplant that is easy to grow or you're looking for a complete collection. Big retailers like Walmart and Etsy stock a variety of different types, from small plants to huge trees. Direct-to-consumer shops like The Sill or Bloomscape are experts at shipping high-quality plants, which means you can be certain that your new green companion arrives healthy and vibrant. They have also secured their packaging to avoid damage and offer instructions for how to care your new plant.

Easy-to-Care Indoor Plants

In the age of Amazon and Walmart, it's easier than ever before to find affordable indoor plants delivered to your door. You can find a wide variety of houseplants at large home stores like Wayfair and Etsy. They have everything from fig trees with fiddle leaves to hanging plants. Shop direct-to consumer plants shops like The Sill or Bloomscape for top quality house plants in distinctive pots and vase. Some even come with a one-year guarantee to replace any plant that doesn't thrive.

If you are a novice gardener or don't want to commit to a strict care schedule, consider a low-maintenance indoor houseplant that can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions. Popular plants that are easy to grow include the snake plant, money plant and monstera -- all of which can be found in many online plant stores. Cacti are a great option for those who are new to gardening, since they can tolerate dry air and don't require watered frequently.

Another option for beginners to consider among houseplants is the philodendron which has heart-shaped leaves and can grow up to 8 feet tall in a well-lit space. Pothos is another cactus species that thrives in bright places and only requires moderate watering. The peace lily is an easy-to-care-for species that is commonly sold as a present. It comes in solid-green and variegated varieties.

If you're looking to make sure that your new plant will thrive in your home then check the seller's plant care instructions. It should include specific requirements, such as the amount of sunlight it needs and what kind of soil is the best. When you water, be cautious not to overdo it, since too much water can cause the roots to rot. Instead, only water the plant only when the soil's top layer is dry.

Indoor Plants Easy to Install

The right house plants can be used to transform a space. They can bring life to a dull corner, elevate your decor or even improve the air quality. But that doesn't mean that you must be a pro gardener to appreciate these lush beauties. Many houseplants can be planted by novices or busy gardeners. Houseplants that require minimal maintenance and do well in areas with low light include hoyas, pothos, Sansevierias, philodendrons and ferns. These houseplants are also renowned for air-cleaning, as they eliminate toxins and release healthy oxygen.

Clean the leaves of your indoor plants regularly using a damp rag to get rid of dirt and dust. Also beware of using products for leaf shine that block the pores of the leaves, which may block the plant from producing the vital energy it needs to thrive.

When you are repotting your indoor plants, you need to use a potting mix with drainage and a pot with drainage holes. This will stop root rot, which is caused by too much water or soil. Be indoor house plants to increase the size of the pot by one at one time. A pot that is too large can cause the roots the plant to become suffocated. This could result in fungal diseases or even death.

If you're ready to add a simple-to-install houseplant to your home, browse our collection of exotic and rare plants. From blooming to fruiting, these plants are sure to impress and bring nature into your home. Certain plants require full sunlight while others, such as prayer plants and calathea can thrive in lower light conditions. These plants are perfect for windowsills with small spaces.

Tropical Indoor Plants

Bring the tropical splendor indoors with our tropical house plant sale. These exotic beauties have a unique way of infusing your home with color and life as well as providing a peaceful greenery that can ease anxiety, reduce heart rates and improve wellbeing. These exotic beauties make a great accessory to any sunroom, living room, porch, or bedroom.

Like many plants, these tropical beauties like the right level of light and humidity. With the right knowledge you can easily boost the humidity in your house.

low light houseplants are philodendrons, palms and ferns. These plants create a striking impression with their draped foliage. Both are easy to maintain and can take low levels of light. Simply water common house plant and keep the soil humid.

Croton is another easy-to-grow tropical (Codiaeum variegatum). The rubber tree is a different name for this plant. Its twisted, split leaves add a unique touch to any room. They thrive in indirect sunlight, and are beautiful with a bit of shade.

Bromeliads, schefflera and other tropical house plants have colorful foliage. Bromeliads come in a variety of colors and sizes and are ideal for hanging baskets. The vibrant Bird of Paradise, also known as Strelitzia regiae, adds color to your indoor garden. It's best grouped with other sun-loving plants, such as coleus and croton.

Alocasia zebrina is yet another outstanding tropical that has dark green leaves with arrow-shaped arrows and fascinating black and white stems. This vining tropical is a fan of humid, warm weather so it thrives in bathrooms or a humid kitchen. It can grow up to 13ft (4m) tall in a few years so be sure to put it in a place safe from children and pets.

Indoor Trees

Indoor trees add a dramatic touch to rooms and serve as natural air purifiers. But if you have never had luck growing trees in the house, you may need guidance picking out a suitable plant and learning how to care for it once you have it home.

Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus) and parlor palms (Phoenix Rustifolia) are the most popular indoor trees. Both have a striking shape and dimensions that make them ideal for drawing attention to a room. If you're looking for something bigger, try the Madagascar dragon tree (Dracaena Marginata) with its thin green leaves that have edges of yellow or red. They can reach up to 8 feet tall indoors.

If you're looking for a more easy-to-grow option, look for the rubber plant (Ficus elastica). These plants are easy to grow and can tolerate low light, frequent watering, and even neglect. They're best suited to a spot that receives indirect sunlight and is bright.

Other plants that are easy to maintain include the dracaena, (Dracaena binnendijkii) and ficus "Alii". Both have elegant silhouettes with thin leaves and thin branches. They are available in a variety of shades. They're both tolerant of different light levels and don't shed their leaves as readily as some other ficus varieties do.

For those who like an edgier, tropical look, the reed (Cycas lepis), and areca (Cycas leedi) palms are excellent choices. These plants have an arching, distinctive design that goes well with furniture from the colonial period as well as other decorative objects.

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