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How to Redeem MCO and Purged PNR
The command to open a Purged PNR - RPP/RLC-PNR no.

To open PNR history – RPP/RHA

To open ticket image – TWD/TKT(ticket number) For eg – TWD/TKT001-221-122-2345

Steps to Redeem FTC in a Purge PNR

Step 1) Open Purged PNR by RPP/RLC-PNR no.

Step 2) Check for correct OID as the above mentioned command will not change it automatically Correct Office ID

Step 3) Find the TKT number on the face of PNR by doing RPP/RH as RTTN will not work on a PURGED PNR We can also find the TKT number on Voyager but sometimes it may either show the previous issue tkt or no TKT number. So prefer to find it from face of PNR using MD

Step 4) Change the office ID manually by clicking on the OFFICE id option at right hand side bottom and enter the office ID that we found on the face of PNR. Note – TKT image will not open until we are in the correct Office ID The error that we get if we try to open ticket image in the wrong office ID – ‘Secured E Ticket’ ((Make Sure to create new PNR on Booking OID)

Step 5) We have to check the ticket status on the ticket image to determine whether credit is provided on that ticket or not. Ticket should be in O/A state in order to work upon that PNR

Step 6) Add the new segments and run PN_CR script to create a new PNR and once the new PNR is created (Make Sure to create new PNR on Booking OID) we have to price the reservation (Firstly try using ATC) run FXF to check the ADCOL, if it is a partially flown then run FXF/S (New segment number) Note – Make sure to check the TKT status to check it is unflown or partially flown.

Note: ATC will only work on the NEW PNR once you add the previous ticket on it. The command to add the previous ticket on the new PNR is FHE (TKT number) EG FHE 001-0010010101 IF automation is not working then we have to check Agent help/Eureka to determine: - 1) Weather the ticket is on credit 2) Validity of credit 3) Whether change fees or Fare difference is waived or not Then we can check whether the dates the CX has provided comes under Credit Validity. If yes, we can make the changes by manually pricing.

Step 7) Run the EX_R script (Exchange) to complete the FTC redemption.

Step 8) Do check whether the PNR is in queue by RTQ, weather TST is saved by TQT, new segments are on face of PNR, weather authorization(AUTH) code is appearing in remarks by RTR and new card number if updated is appearing by RTF.
Create a PNR in the GDS

Update history

May 20, 2022 Under Before you begin, under Let's look at a few important reminders before starting, added "If the customer doesn't proceed with the booking (that is, if the call is only an inquiry):"
May 18, 2022 Updated headers in Manually create a PNR in Amadeus

Before you begin

You must manually create a PNR in the GDS when:

The original PNR is purged and you’re exchanging a flight with future travel credit.
The airline's policy tells you’ll need a new PNR, such as with name corrections or changes.
You're applying an MCO or EMD.
Let's look at a few important reminders before starting:

Don't create a PNR for a straight purchase.
Before creating the PNR, make sure that you emulate (or jump) into the appropriate booking PCC or OID.
For Chase bookings, make sure to jump to SANEX38AA.
If the customer doesn't proceed with the booking (that is, if the call is only an inquiry):
You must remove the flight segments from the booking.
In Voyager Classic, add notes stating this was an inquiry call, and quote the newly created PNR record locator, so the next agent can use this PNR.

Create a PNR using the Sabre script
Emulate to the booking PCC.
Sell in the flights the customer requested.
Run the PNR Creation Script.
Launch Sabre scribe and select PNR_CREATION.
Confirm if you are in the correct booking PCC.
Select the passenger type code
Enter the passenger name. This must appear exactly as it was in the original PNR.
Select YES if you need to add more passengers. Select NO to continue.
Enter the information copied from the old PNR.
Confirm the PNR was created, and a record locator was returned.
If yes, select YES to continue.
If no, select NO. Review any error messages from the GDS and restart the script to create the PNR.
Select Next to proceed. Agent remarks are added manually.
Select NO. You will enter the credit card information later.
Select applicable the POS.
Select the language.
Select Exit Script.
Add passenger’s Secure Flight data.
DOCSA/DB/[DOB DDMMMYY[/[M or F]/[Last name]/[First name]-[Name number]
Begin with 4DOCSA if there are AA segments.
Once the PNR is created and TSA is added, save the PNR and follow the appropriate exchange process.
Top of page

Manually create a PNR in Sabre
Step Sabre command
Create the name field for each passenger


Add flight segments

Sell from availability

Pull up availability
1[availability date][departure city][arrival city]
Sell from availability
One segment: 0[number of seats][booking class][line number]
Connecting segments in different classes of service: 0[number of seats][booking class][first line number][booking class][booking class][second line number]
Sell connecting segments in the same class of service: 0[number of seats][booking class][first line number]*
Add the agency contact details

9404-728-8787-A EXPEDIA TRAVEL/1161727

Add the customer contact details

9[area code][phone number]-[phone type code]

Add the ticketing line

7TAW[PCC}[Queue]/7T-[current date]

Add retention line:

The retention date should be 180 days from the current date.
0OTH[Airline code]GK[#PAX][Departing City][180 days date DDMMM]-INFO/RETENTION
Note: To determine the 180-day retention date, use T¤(current date)¥180.

End and retrieve the PNR

6[SSO Login]

Get the airline locator


Add essential UDIDs

Using a script:

Enter CTRL+A and choose ASC_UDID.
Choose the POS.
Fill in the fields presented.
Use the change key(¤) instead of the @ symbol when adding an email address.
The following UDID remarks will be entered into the PNR.
U[UDID number]-[free text]
5U*[UDID number]-[free text]

5U5-01/AP DOM/E0/1/0
5U49-LANG ID 1033
Manual addition using GDS commands:

Itinerary and TUID: 5.U*2-[itinerary number]/[TUID]/0
EAPID and TPID: 5.U*5[TPID]/0
Language ID: 5.U*49-LANG ID[Language ID]
Email address: 5.U*1-[email address]
5.U*5-01/AP DOM/E0/1/0
5.U*49-LANG ID 1033

new email format

Add the form of payment

5-[FOP type]
5-*[credit card code][credit card number]¥[two- digit month of expiration]/[two-digit year of expiration]

There may be additional information required in the PNR:

Step Sabre command
Add Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)

3DOCS/DB/[date of birth DDMMYY]/[gender code]/[last name]/[first name]/[optional middle name, second name or initial]-[PNR passenger number]

Note for American Airlines bookings: Use the same entry, but change 3DOCS to 4DOCS.

Add any appropriate Special Service Request (SSR) or Other Service Information (OSI) remarks

3[SSR code][segment number or A for all]-[name number]
3OSI [airline code] [free text]

Add any necessary remarks, including documentation of the original PNR

5H-[free text]

End and retrieve the PNR

6[SSO log in]

Top of page

Create a PNR using the Amadeus script
Emulate to the booking OID.
Sell in the flights the customer requested.
Initiate the PNR Creation script. PN_C from the Your Smart Flows
Run the PNR Creation Script
Launch PN_CR from Your Smart Flows or Office Smart Keys
Confirm you are in the correct booking OID and the flight segment have been sold.
Enter the PTC
Add passenger’s name. There is a separate dialogue box for the last and first name. This name must appear exactly as it was in the original PNR.
Confirm if you need to add more passengers.
If Yes, enter the appropriate PTC
If No, type N to continue.
Pause the script to enter Secure Flight Data. Click the X in the right-hand corner.
Add secure flight data for all passengers. This information must match the information in the original PNR.
SRDOCSYYHK[# of passengers]- - - - -[DDMMMYYY]-[Gender]- - [Last name]-[First name]/P[passenger number]
Or use the TSA script.
Return the PN_CR script and enter the customer’s email address.
Enter the customer’s itinerary number.
Enter the customer’s TUID
Enter the customer’s contact number.
Enter your SSO login.
Confirm the PNR was created and a record locator was returned.
If Yes, click Stop to close the script.
If No, Type N.
Review any error messages from the GDS and restart the script to create the PNR.
Once the PNR is created and TSA and UDID info have been added, save the PNR and follow the appropriate exchange process.
Top of page

Manually create a PNR in Amadeus
Step Amadeus command
Create the name field for each passenger

NM[number of passengers][last
name]/[first name][title] ([PTC])

Add flight segments

Pull up availability:
AN[Departure date][City pair]/A [Airline code]
Note: If AA is the airline, it will be /AAA
Sell from availability:
One segment: SS[number of seats][booking class][line number]
Connecting segments: SS[number of seats][booking class][first line number][booking class][second line number]

Add the agency contact details


Add the customer contact details

APC-1 253 555 5555

Add the ticketing line


End and retrieve the PNR

RF[SSO Login]

Get the airline locator


Add essential UDIDs

Using a script

At the top of the Selling Platform page, on the Office Smart Keys tab, click on ASC button.
Click on U: Adding Missing UDIDs.
Enter the information requested on each screen then click Send.
This only enters the required UDIDs 1, 2, 5, and 49. Additional UDIDs must be entered manually.
Manual addition using GDS commands
RMU[UDID number]-[free text]
RMU*[UDID number]-[free text]
RMU5-01/AP DOM/E0/1/0
RMU49-LANG ID 1033

You may need to add additional required information to the PNR:

Step Amadeus command
Add Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)

SRDOCS [airline code]HK[number of seats]-----[date of birth DDMMMYY]-[gender code]--[last name]-[first name]/P[Passenger number]

Add the form of payment

FP[form of payment type]
FPCCVI4444330322221117/0623/N[Auth code]

Add customer's address

AB [passenger name], [street address], [city]/passenger name number

Add any appropriate Special Service Request (SSR) or Other Service Information (OSI) remarks

SR[request code]/[name number]
OS [airline code] [free text]/[name number]

Add any frequent flyer information

SRFQTV[airline code]-[airline code][membership number]/[free text]/[name number]

Add any necessary remarks, including documentation of the original PNR

RM [free text]

End and retrieve the PNR

RF[agent name]

Top of page

Suggested topics
Global IATA and GDS PCC or OID numbers
Book a flight using airline credit in Sabre or Amadeus

Partial calculation
Open the PNR - RT[PNR]

Check the flight itinerary is in HK status - RTA

Access the ticket image - RTF or RTTN >>> TWD/L[FA or FHE line#]

Once you have the ticket accessed, ensure

· Coupon status is F for the outbound flight and O or A for the remaining segments

· Date of issue

· Validating carrier

· Tour code

Sell New flights & XE old segments

Delete existing TST – TTE/ALL

o Reprice using ATC – FXQ/S[Segment#/P[Pax#] or FXO/K/S[Segment#/P[Pax#] /// Ex – FXQ/S3-4/P1 /// [If ATC working – Jump to “If there is an add collect:”]

o If ATC not working – Check FQD(fare rules)& Verify the following information:

o Change is permitted.

§ If not, inform the customer to book a new ticket for the new flights. The value of the existing ticket may not be used toward the new ticket.

o Change fee

o Minimum Stay

o Maximum Stay

o Advance Purchase

o Seasonality

o Day/Time

o Blackout Dates

o Stopovers

o Routing

o Flight Application

o Travel Restriction

o If above conditions are met; Price the new itinerary using Informative Pricing - FQP

(Informative Pricing)FQP Steps:

o While running fqp command enter new dates for segments to be changed[Ex – as per above pic; new return CDG-PBI 8th Dec]


o Fqp(origin)/a(al code)/c(cos)/d(travel date)(next city)/ a(al code)/c(cos)/d(travel date)(dest city)/ a(al code)/c(cos)/d(new travel date)(next city)/a(al code)/c(cos)/d(new travel date)(final city)/r,p,(DOI) >>> published

o Fqp(origin)/a(al code)/c(cos)/d(travel date)(next city)/ a(al code)/c(cos)/d(travel date)(dest city)/ a(al code)/c(cos)/d(new travel date)(next city)/a(al code)/c(cos)/d(new travel date)(final city)/r,u,(DOI) >>> net

o To open fare basis - fqq[Line#] // Always start with lowest 1st

o if FB shows diff COS, then select same COS for new flights in RTA

o Split screen// Open original tkt image+twd/tax and compare base+tax for original vs fqp = to find difference payable

Create manual TST for new segments from FQP image:

· TTC/Segment – Ex: TTC/S2-3 (Seg# should be for the new return flights cx is changing)

tti/t(TST number)/l(connecting line number)x
· If only 1 segment>>> TTK/T[TST#]/B[new FBC from FQP]/V[validity]/A[baggage] – Ex: TTK/T2/Bmnsl00n2/V10Nov10Nov/A2pc


· If multiple segment/FBC>>> TTK/T[TST#]/L[Line#][X – If any connection]/B[new FBC from FQP]/V[validity]/A[baggage] – Ex: TTK/T2/L1/Bmnsl00n2/V10Nov10Nov/A2pc (If there are more lines add for those too)

· TTK/T[TST#]/F[Fare]/X[Tax] – Ex: TTK/T2/F200USD/X20.00YQ/X34.56AY >>> [Open old ticket image> TTH> MD> AF line- Copy from F until last tax]

· TTK/T[TST#]/C[FC line data] – Ex: TTK/T2/CDEL BA LON Q14.00 428.99BA DEL Q14.000 428.99NUC885.98END >>> [Copy from FQP]


· TTK/T[TST#]/X[Tax amount to be charged & code]/T[Total amount to be charged including base+tax] – Ex: TTK/T2/X23.00AY/T234.00 (Command is used when we have to show the TAC including tax classification)

· FE [Endorsement line details] – Copy from FQP>MD>Last line with brief policy

· FO [Access RTTN > FO*[Old Tkt line#]/P[Pax#]>Enter]

· FV [AL Code]

· FP[Can add manually now or while running script]

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