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The Reasons Best House Plants Could Be Your Next Big Obsession
The Best House Plants for Beginners

A plant in your home can improve oxygen levels and lower the amount of dust and pollution. The care of a plant can bring you great satisfaction, and it's been proven to boost mental health.

Which house plant is right for you? We spoke to experts about their recommendations.

Marble Queen Pothos

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the most sought-after house plants, with its heart-shaped leaves and gorgeous white variation. It is also simple to care for, making it a great choice for beginners. Like other tropical plants, pothos thrives in a variety of lighting conditions, however it prefers moderate levels of bright indirect sunlight. It can also grow in less light conditions or in complete shade. It also thrives in humid conditions and soil that is a little acidic.

As as the soil is not allowed to dry out completely, this plant is tolerant of not getting watered, even though excessive watering is a common cause of death for houseplants. If you're unsure, put your finger in the soil and see whether the soil is damp. If not, water the plant. If the leaves are turning yellow, it could be due to too much sunlight or a lack in sunlight. It could also be a sign that there is a fungal disease.

Pothos, unlike other plants, can tolerate air pollution including the ozone. It's even a good choice in a kitchen or bathroom, where it can help to filter the air.

Like all plants like it, this one is susceptible to pests and diseases. It is best to tackle problems quickly, so that they don't spread throughout the house. Pests like thrips and mealybugs are most common on this plant. Make sure to keep your Marble Queen Pothos well-watered and it will be less likely to attract these pests.

To keep your plant looking its best, trim the stem tips often. This keeps the foliage lush and marbled and will prevent the vines from growing too long. These stem tip clippings can also be used to help propagate new plants.

If you want to encourage your Marble Queen to grow and flourish, give it something to hold onto. This could be a moss rod, the trellis for your houseplant, or strings. Remember to spritz the moss or supports with a bit of water as part of your regular watering routine to encourage it to grow more quickly.


The monstera plant (Monstera deliciosa) is commonly referred to as the Swiss Cheese Plant, is one of the most well-known house plants. The leaves are decorated with natural holes -- known as leaf fenestration -and can add an exotic look to any space. It's also easy to propagate by cutting and growing it in water, making it a great option for those who are just starting out.

Monstera deliciosa is an extremely fast-growing plant, which means it may need to be repotted every few months as the roots develop. Remove a few leaves and plant it in a potting soil that is well-drained. Use a container that is well-ventilated. You can also add perlite or lava rock to the soil to aid in the purpose of aeration, should it be needed.

As houseplants they can be easily maintained provided they get enough light and humidity. They are happy to climb up a trellis or climb downwards. You can easily form them to your preference by pruning. It's easy to mist a monstera with a spray bottle of water to increase the humidity in its leaves on a daily basis.

Monsteras are not a succulent, despite the name. While succulents have thick, fleshy leaves that hold water however, monsteras have tinier heart-shaped leaves with fenestrations. Monsteras are tolerant of dry climates, but require more moisture and humidity than succulents.

The leaves of the monstera plant, despite appearance, are not edible. The fruit, stems and leaves of this plant contain toxic oxalic acid and can cause irritation to the mouth and throat when consumed.

If you've already mastered the fiddle leaf fig Blank suggests moving to the monstera to get a feel for how easy indoor gardening can be. "A monstera is extremely adaptable, and can survive in many different conditions," she says. It requires a warm and humid environment but can tolerate lower temperatures.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is one of the most durable house plants available. It's slow-growing, tough and can endure a wide range of conditions. It thrives in dark areas, and is not bothered by low humidity. It's also very accommodating of forgetful owners, requiring only occasional waterings to thrive. The leaves of this tropical succulent could be lime green, purple-black or a mixture of both as they mature.

Divide the rhizomes of the ZZ plant that are the tubers that resemble roots at the bottom of the stems. Remove the plant out of its pot and split the rhizomes. Cut them down a bit before placing them in new pots. You can also grow new ZZs from stem cuttings which have two leaves and are approximately an inch long. Place the cuttings in an urn that is an equal mix of multipurpose soil and perlite. Place them in a warm area. It could take up to one year for the plant's cuttings to develop.

Despite being among the most robust house plants, there are certain things that can cause the ZZ plant to die, such as excessive watering, direct sunlight and dry soil. The best way to avoid these issues is to water the ZZ plant when its soil feels dry. It's okay to leave the soil moist. plants house can last for weeks without watering since its rhizomes store water.

The plant is not a pest magnet, but it is susceptible to rot and fungus. The best way to prevent these problems is to routinely get rid of dead and decaying foliage from the plant. Keep it away from small children and pets, as the stalks and leaves could be irritating when ingested.

The ZZ plant is an excellent air purifier because it helps to eliminate toluene, benzene and xylene out of indoor environments. It's also able to absorb some volatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. This makes the ZZ plant a great option for apartments and offices that aren't well-ventilated.

Parlor Palm

Palms are a popular indoor plant, and for good reason. They can be grown in different temperatures and lighting conditions. They also provide a lush, tropical look to your home. The chamaedorea or parlor palm is no different. The plant (also called the neanthe bella palm) is native to Central America, and it's becoming more popular due to its versatility. It grows best in bright, filtered light, but can also be grown in areas with lower lighting, like rooms facing north or east. It's a slow-growing plant and it could take a year or more for it to reach its full height of between 2 and 6 feet.

If you want your plant to grow and flourish, you can fertilize it each month with a balanced liquid fertiliser. It needs a well-draining mix and Bridget Zazzara, retail indoor and seasonal plant manager for Logan's Trading Company, recommends using the same potting soil like you would for cacti and succulents. Choose a soil that is well-drained that is slightly acidic to alkaline with a pH range of 6.1 and 7.8, and be sure to add a bit of sphagnum peat, which improves the soil's structure and water retention.

Parlor palms are attracted by a humid environment, so be sure to keep them out of areas with drafts and mist leaves on a regular basis to ensure that the humidity levels remain constant. You can also include an air humidifier to your home. Repot your parlor palm in the spring if it becomes rootbound. Overwatering can lead to root rot. Water the plant when the top inch or so of compost is dry to the touch. In warm weather, water more often. In winter, water less.

Palms are attractive to bees. However be sure to keep them away from pets and children. The needle-like leaves are poisonous and can be ingested. They also attract mealybugs. These insects appear as fluffy, white blobs under the leaves. They are difficult to get rid of. If you see them, clean them off using a cotton bud or a cloth coated with an insecticide that is made up of the fatty acids or plant oils.

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