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Race Bonuses:

Human: -20% Development and Tech Cost
Elf: -15% Magic Cost
Dwarf: -1 mine cost, -5% Tech cost
Orc: After a victorious battle, morale is fully refilled. Max morale 120%
Gnome: -25% combat losses, -5% Magic Cost
Wilden: +1 population

Religion Bonuses:
Divine: +5% morale per turn whilst in war against followers of other religion
Pagan: -10% Tier 5 Unit and Siegecraft Cost
Arcane: -10% Magic Cost
Demonic: Allows you to sacrifice 1 population to attempt to revive two dead units.

Focus Bonuses:
Economy: +3 income
Quantity: +1 starting population
Religion: amplifies religious bonuses
State: reduces morale decay by 2% per turn
Military: -20% unit cost

Moneys are used to do things. Moneys are gained from: taxes(you can set tax 1-5g per turn per population, but every number over one gives you a -2% morale per turn)
trade(based on trade nodes, not pacts or anything)
buildings and developments.

Speaking of which, buildings:

Barracks: 50g: Improves melee units

Archery Range: 50g: Improves ranged units

Stables: 50g: Allows you to recruit cavalry units.

Farm: 5g: +2 income, limit 2 farms per 5 population

Bestiary: 125g: Allows you to recruit tier 5 units and aerial units.

Mine: 5g: a chance of finding a vein for +4 to +8 income, depends on terrain- there is also a chance of not finding a vein.

Workshop: 75g: Allows you to produce Siege Engines

Shipyard: 75g: Allows you to produce warships

Fishing Fleet: 100g: a random +2 to +20 gold per turn, limit 1

Marketplace: 50g: increases trade influence of country by 10%, limit 2/country

High Temple: 100g: Gives you +2% morale/turn when fighting against enemies of different faith class

Inn: 50g: You can recruit Generals

Wizard Spire: 150g: You can create spells

Hamlet: 100g: 30 income; Limit 1 Hamlet/4 population(You need this population to build it, here and henceforth). Upgrades Into

Town: 150g: 60 income; Limit 1 town/10population. Upgrades Into

City: 200g: 90 income; Limit 1 City/24 population.

To protect your settlements, you can build:

Watch Tower: 50g

Wooden Keep: 100g

Stone Keep: 125g

Fort: 150g

Castle: 175g

Fortress(Town Only): 200g

Stronghold(City Only): 225g

Each development level costs 5*level. Max level 10(for now). You can only upgrade twice/turn.

Military development:
Increases military efficiency. Every second level, you can choose to unlock a new ship, unit or siegecraft tier.

Economical development:
Gives you +1 income. Every second level, you can choose to increase your trade influenceby 10%, gain a free mine or gain a free farm.

Administrative development:
Gives morale 0.5%/level; Every second level, you can choose to: gain a free +1 population, gain 1.5x taxes for 1 turn or lose no morale for one turn.


Steel(35g): Better Units>[Human Only]Ironman(75g): Allows you to recruit Knights

Gunpowder(125g): Allows you to recruit Musketeers if you are Human or Dwarf; enables Tier3+ Ships and Tier 3/4 Siegecraft.

Greek Fire(50g): Enables Greek Fire in sea battles.

Agricultural Revolution(200g): Increases all Farm income by +1(so +1 per EVERY farm)

Phookin' Savage(500g)[Orc Only]: Unlocks War Trolls and Werewolves

You can only recruit one unit/population; expanding on one turn costs 10 gold, but increases your territory and population. Per 1 unit of population, you can only buid on farm.

Morale is reduced by high taxes and war, but you can spend 5 gold for 1% of morale. Declaring war with no Casus Belli: -25% morale. Declaring war with Casus Belli: -5% morale. Every settlement under siege: -1% morale for first 5 turns, then -5% for the next five, then -10%...
The same goes for simply being in a war.
100% morale: Gr8
75% morale: OK
50% morale: -20% income
25% morale: -50% income
0% morale: -100% income
Also, the less morale you have, the more chances there are a rebellion will ensue.

[]- Tech needed to unlock
(x;y)- x=gold cost, y=upkeep per turn in gold


Tier 1: Armsman(4;2), Crossbowman(5;1), Scout(2;2)
Tier 2: Swordsman(6;2), Spearman(5;2), Archer(7;2)
Tier 3: Light Cavalry(10;4), Arbalestier(7;1), Pikeman(6;2), Infiltrator(4;1)
Tier 4: Heavy Cavalry(12;6), [Arquebusier(9;4)], Skirmisher(4;4)
Tier 5: Mounted Archer(10;6), [Knight(14;6)], Royal Guard(10;4), [Musketeer(12;6)]


Tier 1: Axeman(5;1), Hammertosser(5;1)
Tier 2: Guard(6;2), Dwarven Crossbowman(5;2), Saboteur(3;3)
Tier 3: Ram Rider(8;3), Battlepriest(8;1), Dwarven Pikeman(7;2)
Tier 4: Warhog Rider(10;4), Battlerager(10;1), [Musketeer(11;5)]
Tier 5: Dungeoneer(6;6), Stonehammer Stout(14;4), Wildhart Musketeer(12;4)


Tier 1: Elven Archer(3;3), Elven Scout(2;2)
Tier 2: Elven Warrior(6;2)
Tier 3: Elven Stagrider(10;5), Elven Pathfinder(6;8)
Tier 4: High Elven Footknight(12;5), Elven Monk(20;1)
Tier 5: Elven Blademaster(20;3), Elven Bladesinger(8;12)


Tier 1: Gnome Scout(1;1)
Tier 2: Gnome Slinger(2;2), Gnome Warrior(3;1)
Tier 3: Gnome Prospector(4;4), Gnome Assassin(5;5)
Tier 4: Gnome Protector(8;2), Gnome War Charioteer(8;4)
Tier 5: Gnome Berserker(10;5), Gnome Knight(12;6), Gnome Sneak(8;8)


Tier 1: Goblin Warrior(1;1), Goblin Archer(2;1)
Tier 2: Orc(1;4), Axethrower(2;3)
Tier 3: Wolfrider(3;6), Ogre(4;8), Goblin Sneak(4;4), Goblin Saboteur(1;8)
Tier 4: Orc Berserker(4;8), Warg Raider(5;10)
Tier 5: Troll(5;10), [War Troll(6;12)], [Werewolf(8;3)]


Tier 1: Lizardfolk Scout(2;2), Lizardfolk Warrior(2;2)
Tier 2: Firbolg Slinger(3;3), Firbolg Warrior(4;3)
Tier 3: Fomorian Warrior(6;4), Lizardfolk Tracker(5;5)
Tier 4: Wolfman(6;8), Dryad(40;0), Fomorian Skulk (10;5)
Tier 5: Cyclops(6;12), Radjan Warrior(20;5)


Tier 1: Mangonel(4;4)
Tier 2: Trebuchet(5;4), Ballista(4;5)
Tier 3: Cannon(8;8)
Tier 4: Mortar(9;9)
Tier 5: Orc War Drake/Human Gryphon Rider/Gnome Batrider/(Wilden) The Eagles(are coming!)/Dwarf Balloon(20;10)

Seafaring Vessels:

Tier 1-transport: Cog(1;1), 1 Unit
Tier 2-transport: Brig(3;3), 4 units
Tier 3-war: Gunboat(2;2), Galleon(5;3), Galley(3;4)
Tier 4-war: Carrack(7;6)
Tier 5-war: Man-'o-war(12;12)

For 75 gold, you can recruit a general; either a Mage, Ranger, Warrior or Paladin. They lead your army when you command them so, giving gr8 buffs- but you cannot use your own tactics to influence the battle outcome.

Is tactics based, 'nuff said.
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