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Why Is Common House Plants So Famous?
The Most Common House Plants

There's nothing like a beautiful plant to bring life to a room. If you're just beginning to learn about the world of houseplants, it can be difficult to determine which plants will thrive at your house.

We asked experts on plants to share their favorite common house plants, ranging from modern-day newcomers to classics that have stood the test of time. Grab your watering can and get reading for ideas for your greenery!

Peace Lily

This popular plant, which is also called the Cobra Plant or Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii), was the top searched plant on many furniture websites in 2023. This is not a surprise, considering the beauty of this houseplant and its air purifying properties.

Peace Lilies have been a popular houseplant for many years. unique house plants are easy to maintain and look stunning. The bracts (which are technically not flowers, but bracts which are white) appear in spring and fade in the fall. However, a few spritzes of water and you'll be rewarded with blooms in the fall.

They prefer a warm, humid climate with temperatures of 68-85F during the day, and dropping by 10 degrees at night. The soil should be moist, but not sloppy. Indoor lighting that is filtered will aid in their growth. Avoid direct sunlight as it can cause burns to the leaves. Make sure to water the plants regularly, but don't let the soil dry out completely. This can cause root decay.

If tropical house plants starts to appear yellow, it's likely that you're overwatering. If you're unsure of how often to water your peace lily, a good rule of thumb to follow is to water when the top inch or so of soil feels dry. When you water, make sure to use water that is distilled or filtered to keep the chlorine at a minimum.

Browning of leaf tips is a common issue with peace lilies. This can be caused by sunburn, but it is more likely a sign of excessive fertilizer. To remedy it, water the soil until the water is able to drain out of the drainage holes. Then, don't fertilize for six months.

Many people believe their peace lily has died when they see only green flowers. If your plant was fertilized in order to flower, it could have received too much nitrogen. This inhibits the ability of the plant to produce flowers. To remedy this, switch to a fertilizer that is lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorous. Also relocate your peace lily to a more bright place to encourage blooms. If that doesn't work, you could consider a different kind of peace lily or a different kind of fertilizer.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are popular because they are easy to care for and produce numerous babies "spiderettes". When they reach maturity, they can be detached and planted to create new plants (known as "Spider Plants"). This makes the Spider Plant a great choice for first-time houseplant owners, because it's extremely durable and can withstand a slight amount of neglect.

The first Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum, has long grassy leaves in a variety colors including stripes and yellow. Every year, it produces flowers which produce tiny white plantlets that can be trimmed off and rooted. When cultivated in hanging baskets, the long and tangled stems can create a very impressive and stunning display.

The Spider Plant as well as the Peace Lily is a versatile and adaptable plant that can thrive in all lighting conditions. It does need bright indirect sunlight, however, to maintain its variegated leaves. Avoid direct sunlight because the variegated Spider Plant will burn. It's also important to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. It must be just wet enough for droplets of water to fall off the leaves and into the bottom of the pot.

A great tip to avoid soggy soil is to use a smaller pot filled with potting mix that drains quickly, or you can make your own. Another thing to keep in mind is that Spider Plants respond well to basic, all-purpose fertilizer--though you shouldn't over-fertilize them because this can lead to salt build-up in the soil.

One of the benefits of the Spider Plant is that it's well-known for its ability to purify the air in your home by removing indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde,3. It is recommended to place the plant in a location with plenty of sunlight and that the plant can absorb these chemicals and assist to eliminate them through its foliage. The plant can be used in conjunction with other plants to further improve the air quality in your home. It's even been shown to eliminate odors, such as smoke and cooking smells.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The fiddle leaf fig, also known as Ficus Lyrata is the most sought-after plant of the moment thanks to its gorgeous, violin-shaped leaves. This tropical plant thrives in humid and warm environments. It's easy to comprehend why people love it. It can grow to a large size and provide visual interest to any space.

The only drawback to this popular plant is that it can be prone to fungal and mold diseases. It's essential to keep a close watch on the plant to monitor for any of these issues, particularly in the case of soil that has been in place for several years. It's also crucial to change the soil regularly to ensure that the plant is healthy and decrease the risk of infection.

Overwatering a fiddle-leaf fig is one of the most common mistakes. They're natives of rainforest-like habitats which is where they are used to a torrent of water followed by dry times, so you need to be careful with your watering and let the soil dry out completely between waters.

Keep the plants free of dust and other debris that can block the leaves and hinder photosynthesis. The best method to accomplish this is by wiping down the leaves with an damp cloth every week. This will help keep the health of the plant and keep insects at bay, too.

There are a couple of serious problems that can occur to a fiddle-leaf fruit, aside from mildew or fungus. It's a good idea to monitor the plant for insects that cause scaling and other common houseplant pests like aphids and mealy bugs. Keep an eye out for Thrips, which can cause yellowing on the leaves.

You can also mist the fiddle-leaf fig using sprays to increase humidity in your home. This is particularly beneficial in winter as indoor air tends to be dry. It is best to mist your plant in the early morning to allow it to have time to evaporate.


Dracaenas thrive in most indoor environments. They require little maintenance and are slow-growing. Some varieties such as 'Lemon Lime dracaena have bright colors that bring brightness to areas of shade within the home.

The lanced, spiky leaves of the dracaena are available in a variety of colors and shades that give it a unique look that is both modern and rustic at the same time. Some dracaenas are solid forest green, while others feature red, yellow, or white stripes. The leaves also curve slightly to give it a tree-like look.

Like many tropical plants Dracaenas thrive in indirect sun and can tolerate a somewhat shaded area. Keep in mind, though that the absence of sunlight may result in the loss of variegations as well as other defining characteristics.

When caring for dracaenas, avoid over-watering the plant since this can lead to root rot as well as other issues. Let the soil completely dry before re-watering it. If unique house plants notice that your plant is wilting and wilting, move it to the sunnier area or mist the leaves with plain tap water to add moisture to the air.

Pests are rarely a problem for the dracaenas. However it is essential to examine the plants on a regular basis to ensure they remain healthy. Aphids are insects with no wings that can suck the juices out of the stems, buds and leaves of the dracaenas. This slows the growth of the plant and decreases its vigor.

There are also mealybugs and scale insects, which are covered in cottony material. These insects can choke the dracaenas when they are not controlled. They accomplish this by sucking out the sap from the leaves.

The propagation of dracaenas is simple and simple via cuttings from the tip that can be harvested all year. To propagate new plants, simply cut a tip of 8cm length and above a node on the parent plant. Place the tip in a jar of water on a windowsill and keep the water refreshed regularly. After a few weeks, the roots should be growing and you can plant the plant in fresh soil that is draining.

Dracaenas can be sensitive to fluoride. Therefore, it is important to only use non-fluoridated dracaena water. It is also an excellent idea to fertilize the plant with the Houseplant brand of feed every four waterings during the spring and summer months, but decreasing this frequency slightly in the fall and winter.

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