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The Magazine Industry
Anyone taking a look at magazines from the 50s or 60s would visit a big difference between them and the magazines of today. Before more details of computers, many consumers relied on magazines to supply information, recipes, home decorating tip and business information. They read eagerly concerning the private lives of celebrities and eagerly awaited each issue.

The back to school issues of magazines such as for example Seventeen could be nearly as thick as much telephone books.Flash forward to 2009 and 2010 and magazines have changed a good deal. They have to contend with other sources of information, with a primary competitor being the computer.

Ad revenues are down in nearly every magazine being published. Some very specialized magazines have were able to stay profitable, however. Question is: just how long can they continue to do so? May be the future of the magazine industry in trouble and can magazines soon be collector's items, becoming as odd a sight as record players, typewriters and similar items?

There are some magazines which seem to buck the trend. Being among the most popular are home magazines. Buyers appear to prefer to collect these and even tear out pages to take to home design stores. The quantity of home magazines has a lot more than tripled since 2005, with news stands filled with a record amount of these kind of periodicals.

Even so, with the advent of computers and usage of information online, the magazine industry is facing many challenges. Magazines with a long and notable history, including Gourmet and Portfolio magazine, have ceased publication. Newsweek magazine is up for sale, raising questions about how exactly people need to get their news.

Perhaps receiving it weekly is just too big long to wait, particularly when the click of a button can allow readers to have access to breaking news. Computers have many great benefits but can signal the death of magazines that used to offer similar information.

Magazines like Newsweek, also known as newsweeklies, face special challenges. Why do they often enter trouble and face possible doom? Simple. They can not compete with online news, information that could be breaking on a single day as a weekly news magazine hits the stand. Magazines can't cover breaking events as quickly as online publishers. However, they might be purchased for recipes, holiday crafts, biographies of celebrities and more.

So as to lure readers, magazines must have a special hook or angle. Mary Englbreit's Home Companion magazine featured paper dolls in the rear of the periodical and also collector prints ideal for framing and hanging on the wall (so did the old McCalls magazine). Special sports magazines covered the Olympics and featured posters which could be placed on the wall. All these features helped entice readers into buying magazines.Maybe they still will.

There is another challenge facing the magazine industry. It takes paper to fill magazines and paper generally originates from trees. check here have already been attacked to be wasteful and not good for the surroundings. When given a choice between investing in a magazine or reading similar information online, environmentally conscious consumers often choose the online experience.

Mostly, it boils down to simple economics. What role do magazines have when it comes to providing information and exactly what will consumers pay for? To be able to remain competitive, the magazine industry must create issues which readers need it, collect and keep for greater than a day or two. Certain special collector's editions seem to do well and also fly off the stands. Nonetheless it is now harder and harder for the magazine industry to carve out a distinctive niche when it comes to providing information.

Also, in order to stay profitable, magazines will need to have advertisers. Unfortunately, they are competing for advertisers who often prefer to appear online. Ad revenues have been shrinking at many magazines as their usual advertisers opt to scale back on expenses or proceed to online ads. Advertisers have to stretch the budget as far as possible and that can indicate cutting particular magazines out from the mix.

Graeme Olsen writes for Magazine Central, specializing in magazine subscriptions [] for popular titles.
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