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Weight Loss ON YOUR OWN New Years Agenda? PLAN The Top WEIGHT REDUCTION Scams Of 2006! PART 2
If there's a very important factor we are able to agree upon it's that "eating right and exercising" may be the true path to long term results. We realize this yet a lot of people who have met repeated failure after failure even with "eating right and exercising" because they "perceive" to learn it have slowly lost the fact that positive change is even possible.

What happens next is that they become prime targets for the magic pill, pill in a bottle magic weight reduction solution. Compound that with a society that's geared toward "easy" everything and you also have droves of people buying into weight reduction in a bottle.

So here it is: Part 2 of the very best Weight Loss Scams of 2006.

2. The Ephedra Free "Natural" Fat Burners Or Anything In Pill Form That Claims To be always a Solution In And Of Itself.

If you look real closely at that device way too many people sit before every day and focus on the commercials you will see an increasing amount of ads for fat burners around this season. Fat burners will be the supplement companies flagship, mega profit generators come New Years.

First, supplement simply means "extra" and when a concern for the right nutrition, moderate aerobic exercise and a problem for muscle are not met in a synergistic fashion then you can forget about longterm results just by taking a pill.

Since the main or active ingredient in many fat burners (ephedrine) was pulled (not banned) from the marketplace, supplement sellers had to develop its "natural" replacement; synephrine which is "natural" and comes from bitter orange or citrus aurantium exactly like ephedrine originated from ephedra or the herb ma huang. Synephrine is situated in many OTC nasal sprays however, natural doesn't always mean safe. Nicotine is "naturally" within tobacco and is probably the most addictive drugs (poison actually) on earth. Need I say more on tobacco's long term "natural" effects on your body? Granted this isn't the very best comparison but just take a glance at the warning labels on the OTC nasal sprays which contain synephrine and see for yourself. Too bad they don't put these on the Ephedrine free fat burner labels.

The mechanism by which many fat burning agents work is through diuretic water loss which is misleading and appetite suppression forcing some individuals to cut way back on calories neglecting necessary metabolic demand and tricking your body into thinking its starving. Yes, you might lose weight initially and many times these products don't find repeat customers due to longterm results but because of a "natural" addiction created by a product that alters endocrine function and is pretty close to legal speed.

A lot of times you see the words "research has proven" on products like these. Do you want to know who they did the original research on with synephrine when it comes to fat loss? It had been Blaberus Discoidalis. Just what exactly on the planet is that? Additional hints ! They did the research on cockroaches, not humans! Needless to say this isn't the only real ingredient found in fat burners and many supplement companies put together their own "proprietary blend" of ingredients targeted at fat loss. Now they will have fat burning agents geared specifically towards women that will "get rid of" body fat in a particular area. It's False!

What's also a LIE is when these products say things like "burn up to 800% more fat." If that was true and the American Medical Association recommends a weight loss goal of 1-2 pounds weekly and you could lose 8 times that then you can certainly lose 8-16 pounds weekly. Awesome! Let's take the center road here and say 12 pounds of weight loss per week. Well that could mean 624 pounds each year! Awesome! Is this realistic? NEEDLESS TO SAY not but this is what marketers of the products do.

Do fat burners actually burn fat? Nope. Fat loss is really a 2 step process where fatty acids must be released from the adipose cell and shuttled via the bloodstream to the muscles where they could be burned. BUT...can fat burning agents slightly increase metabolic process and put the body in a state to where it might release and burn a little more fat? Yes, pending you're eating in a manner that supports metabolism and ongoing fat release and within that lies an issue for many. Or even, prepare to be frustrated. The fallacy lies in believing a pill that the magazine ads or the supplement store employee tries to market you'll melt the pounds right off of you and obtain you into the body you've always wanted.

What causes visitors to buy the "other" pills with the pharmaceutical sounding name advertised on T.V. that say "shed weight without exercise and diet?" Desperation; its what causes individuals who have repeatedly failed to achieve an exercise and weight loss to use their charge card and recite some numbers. While hope is still high that something is out there that will ease their pain, their belief in making a positive change is virtually lost so they resort to the quick fix that society has conditioned us to believe in.

Bottom line: if you're convinced by the marketing and testimonials of these products (just check out Anna Nicole Smith) go ahead and try them if you want but exercise caution. In the event that you first don't have an effective nutrition and workout program supportive of fat loss in your arsenal then you can forget about long term results and you may probably be prepared to create an dependence on these pills just to get you during the day. You could also alter endocrine function and possibly experience some negative side affects sometimes. Definitely read the fine print with both eyes please and do not let the marketers words of "lose weight fast" blind your rational good sense.

Keep tuned in for Part 3: Work the Abs, Reduce the Waistline and Tone, Firm and Shape a specific Area with "Research has Proven" Infomercials.

� David Otto *All Rights Reserved

David Otto is a FITNESS EXPERT in the Hampton Roads section of Virginia. To receive David Otto�s e-newsletter �The Otto Report: Getting Real With Fitness,� simply send an email to [email protected] and request your copy.
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