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10 Strategies To Build Your Popular House Plants Empire
Popular House Plants For a Tropical Touch

For those who want to give your home a tropical feel, consider the heartleaf philodendron. These colorful leaves are easy-to-care for and tolerate low lighting.

The spiky calathea, known as the peacock flower is a stunning plant with beautiful leaves. Calatheas, as with many other houseplant s that are popular, are easy to grow but require filtered light and soil that drains well.

Ponytail Palm

A stunning plant that is easy to care for The ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) has become one of the most sought-after home plants in recent years. This species, which looks like palms is actually a succulent. It thrives in dry conditions. Its swollen trunk stores liquid, so it can last for weeks without watering. This makes it a great plant for those who live in cold climates or who have a busy schedule. It is also referred to as a bottle palm or elephant foot palm.

Ponytail palms are tolerant of cool temperatures and thrive in warm indoor climates. In summer they prefer bright places with indirect sunlight to help warm them and avoid scorching their leaves. However they can adapt to full sun exposure in warmer climates, and can also be planted outdoors as an ornamental tree in a frost-free zone. If they are planted indoors, they can expand to six inches or more in diameter. They can be propagated by offsets that develop on the base of the trunk.

Ponytail palms require very little water and thrive in the same fast-draining soil as succulents and cacti. Clay pots are recommended for this because they absorb moisture away from the roots. If your ponytail palm is rooted it is best to pot the plant into a container only a few inches wider than its trunk. To avoid shock, slowly move it to the new container slowly. Fertilize your cactus plants once or twice a season by using a liquid cactus fertilizer at half strength.


The genus Schefflera, which is also known as the Umbrella Plant or Queensland Umbrella Tree is comprised of a variety of well-known house plants with leaves that are similar to those of an umbrella. The most common varieties, like Schefflera actinophylla and Schefflera arboricola, grow leaflets that are elongated, with four to six leaflets that drop gracefully from the central stem, which gives the plant its infamous name. The smaller variety, Areca catechu, produces a similar leaf shape but with smaller leaves that are usually variegated with cream or yellow. In addition to providing stunning greenery, both types are useful as an organic air freshener and deodorizer.

This tropical plant is an easy-care houseplant that thrives in fairly high humidity. It will tolerate moderately warm temperatures, but not sudden temperature changes or drafts. It is prone to numerous ailments, such as leaf spots caused by fungus and bacteria. To prevent these problems, keep the soil dry and avoid overwatering, and make use of a peat moss-based potting mix. Wait until the top inch or two of soil is dry before you water your plant again.

You may have to feed your plant more often in the event that it exhibits signs of nutrient deficiency like pale or withered leaves, or brown tips. You can add liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets in water. Regularly trimming your schefflera can encourage new growth and leaves.

Areca Palm

Palms are a common sight in tropical climates and make stunning house plants because of their green fronds that remain fresh all year long and blend nicely with a variety of interiors. They can be grown as a centerpiece, or in pots for a natural look. They can also be used to add drama to an entranceway or corner.

In their natural habitats areca palms thrive in the rainforest and are naturally adapted to warm temperatures and high humidity. The areca is abrasive and can burn when exposed to sudden blasts of freezing temperatures. It is crucial to shield indoor palms from cold windows, heaters and air conditioners.

Areca palms must be exposed to lots of sunlight. They will not take low/medium lighting So make sure they are parked in a space that receives plenty of direct sunlight.

house plants common require constant watering however they should never be overwatered. Overwatering can lead to rot and fungal diseases. The soil should be fairly moist, but not overly waterlogged, and allowed to dry between each watering. If your soil isn't abundant and loamy, then you can improve it with a small amount of builder's sand or peat moss bark. This will create an even more drained, richer mixture.

Chinese Money Plant

Pilea peperomioides, also referred to as the pancake plant, Chinese money plant or coin plant, is a flowering perennial belonging to the nettle family. It's grown primarily for its unique UFO-shaped, round leaves. It's a simple houseplant to propagate.

This houseplant thrives under moderate lighting conditions. Avoid placing it directly in the sun as this could cause a burning of its gorgeous leaves. Instead, situate it near an area that gets plenty of indirect light.

To stop the Chinese money plant from becoming lopsided, rotate its pot by around one quarter each week or so. This ensures that all leaves receive equal amounts of sunlight. It's also an excellent idea to fertilize it once a month using a balanced liquid plant food diluted to half strength.

The Chinese money plant can tolerate quite low levels of humidity. If you notice that the edges of the leaves are starting to crisp, it's a sign that you should increase the humidity.

This plant is popular in Feng Shui where it's believed to promote prosperity and wealth. It's also a great one to keep in the office, as it has been proven to increase the productivity of workers and lessen stress. Plus, it's nontoxic to pets and children. Give it a go! This plant can be found at local nurseries and garden centers as well as in the majority of large-box home improvement stores and supermarkets with a gardening section.

Majesty Palm

Majesty palms, or Ravenea Rivularis, have tall leaves that make a beautiful addition to any home. These tropical plants are known for their air-purifying properties. Due to their high humidity requirements and growing requirements, they can be difficult to maintain.

Majesty palms, like most indoor plants, require light and evenly moistened soil. It is important to water them frequently, but not too often. The plant will benefit from regular fertilization as well.

Pour the water evenly over the soil surface when watering a majestic palm. Avoid watering the plant directly on its base crown, as this can cause decay and damage to the new fronds.

Majesty palms thrive in pots that are 2-3 inches larger than the root ball. The plant will also appreciate the drainage of a pot because it is susceptible to root rot. Put some drain rocks in the bottom of your pot to improve the drainage. Repot a Majesty palm every two years or when the roots are growing out from the drainage hole at the bottom of your pot.

Majesty palms are susceptible to aphids, spider mites and scale insects. It is essential to regularly spray the plant with a gentle soap and water solution to help keep these pests out. Majesty palms can also be sensitive to low humidity, which is why it's essential to keep them in a location with a good air circulation.


The Peperomia is a wonderful houseplant for beginners because it doesn't require a lot of watering. It is a tropical rain-forest species and is a fan of warm conditions and moderate humidity. It thrives in humid areas such as bathroom terrariums, brightly lit rooms or even areas that are misted of the home. It can be put outside in the summer but make sure you bring it back inside before temperatures fall.

Lindsay Pangborn from the gardening site Bloomscape suggests that you only water when the top 2 inches of soil appear dry to the surface. She also suggests using chopsticks to aerate the soil before watering so it can reach all parts of the roots. Aeration helps prevent the rot process and promotes deep root growth. Peperomias do not have a specific preference when it comes to feed. They are fertilized two times a week using a general purpose fertilizer for houseplants .

The leaves of peperomias are characterized by a distinct texture. They can be smooth or crinkled with grooves and ridges and also the variegated or spotted. Some also have patterns that resemble the appearance of the watermelon rind or emerald ripples. They can be cleaned by wiping them with a damp cloth to eliminate dust from crevices. This is especially true in species that have ripples or grooves. If you notice swelling spots on the leaves of your peperomia plant, this could be a sign of an issue with the plant. It should be treated with an insecticidal soap.

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