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rock drilling nova scotia
During the swathe of the 1800s, a new wave of efficiency took hold in Nova Scotia; rock drilling had arrived. This breakthrough mining procedure swiftly usurped its predecessor as the go-to method of excavation, bringing forth alterations to the time-honored way of deep-rooting ore.

In air rock drill , rock drilling is a veritable titan, boasting two major companies of global renown: namely, Cansco Drilling and Atlantic Drilling. These behemoths of the industry employ hundreds of people between them.

In Nova Scotia, rock drilling is quite the necessity for extracting an assortment of minerals, including coal, silver, iron ore, and gold. Boasting an estimate of 4.6 billion tonnes in coal reserves, the province lauds the prestige of being the third-largest coal-producing territory across Canada.

The Sydney Basin region of Nova Scotia is an ideal locale for rock drilling, thanks to its impressionable abundance of coal seams. This locale spans from Cape Breton Island to the mainland and hosts most of the province's coal mines.

For centuries, coal extraction has been a fundamental component of the economy of Nova Scotia. The province's first coal mine was established in the early eighteenth century, marking the beginning of a lineage of tallies earned through this industry.

The coal industry in Nova Scotia currently boasts an impressive 8 active mines, spearheading a collective production of 2.5 million tonnes annually and supplying approximately 1,000 well-paid jobs.

Nova Scotian coal is no ordinary mineral, but rather a source of power for the province. Although it may be surprising to some, coal is the largest provider of electricity in this region, supplying a vast 70% of the total energy generated.

Nova Scotia has been plugged into the world of rock drilling since the early 1800s, with activities taking place then to extract coal. Consequently, the province has constructed a state-of-the-art excavation business, recognized globally.

Home to two of the most renowned drilling corporations in the world, Cansco Drilling and Atlantic Drilling, the province boasts a workforce of hundreds and a combined armada of drill rigs spanning over a hundred units.

For half a century, Nova Scotia's Cansco Drilling has been mastering the art of rock drilling - from mining projects to roadway construction, their fleet of 60 rigs has seen it all. Unrivaled in the region, they proudly remain the biggest company of its kind.

Atlantic Drilling is a veteran in the drilling-landscape of Nova Scotia, as they have been operating for more than three decades. With forty drill rigs in their fleet, they are the second-biggest rock-boring business in the province.

With widespread renown for their rock drilling tackles, Cansco Drilling and Atlantic Drilling have left many acclaimed feats to their name, having taken part in several intricate drilling projects around the globe.

From drilling China's record-breaking coal mine, to breaking Saudi Arabia's benchmark oil well, and Qatar's precedent-setting gas well, Cansco Drilling has spearheaded a number of renowned projects.

Atlantic Drilling has set their sights on some remarkable projects; from drilling the world’s most profound gold mine in South Africa, to carving out the deepest silver mine in Mexico, and extracting the furthest copper mine in Chile.

With a rich history of coal mining, Nova Scotia is an internationally respected profession in rock drilling. Home to two of the biggest rock drilling companies on the planet, the province is a powerhouse in the field and a fantastic opportunity for those hoping to pursue a career in this specialized field.
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