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The Leading Reasons Why People Are Successful With The Rare Houseplants Industry
Rare Houseplants

Like cards, coins and old maps, a lot of people are drawn to collecting rare house plants. They bring an exotic touch to a room.

Philodendron Pink Princess has gorgeous pink variegation on its dark green leaves. It is a showstopper in any collection of plants. It requires a little more attention and care than other Philodendrons.

El Choco Red

This unique Philodendron has large, heart-shaped leaves in shades of deep red or Burgundy. big house plants of the leaf is a vibrant red color which contrasts with the upper side. This feature sets Philodendron El Choco Red apart from other varieties. The abaxial surface of newly emerging leaves is brightly colored at first, but fades with age.

This Philodendron is an Aroid climbing plant that comes from the rainforests in Ecuador and Colombia. house plants online thrives best in bright indirect light. It is not one to be exposed to direct sunlight, as this could cause sunburn and fading to its leaves. It is a fast-growing variety, but it can take a while to grow to its full size and spread its lush leaves.

It is vital to water this plant thoroughly after the topsoil has dried out. Philodendrons benefit from a hefty pot mix, which will increase airflow around the roots and aid in the drainage. Philodendrons are susceptible to root rot, which is why it is crucial to keep the soil moist, but not too wet.

El Choco Red thrives in conditions that are warm and a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for this houseplant. It can withstand temperatures as low as 65 F however it can slow its growth rate or even die.

The plant prefers indirect sunlight but will tolerate moderate amounts of direct sunlight. The leaves should be kept moist, but not soaking wet. It is recommended to use a nutrient-rich soil mix that has lots of amendments, including charcoal and bark. The philodendron can be fertilized with a liquid fertilizer at half strength every month.

Philodendrons are relatively easy to grow, however they are susceptible to cold temperatures and overwatering. It is also toxic if ingested, so it is important to keep the plant out of the reach of children and pets. It can cause stomach issues, burning sensations in the throat and mouth, and rashes. Before pruning, it is suggested to clean gardening shears and any other tools.

Monstera Adansonii Variegata

This rare houseplant, also known as the Swiss Cheese plant due to the many holes it has in its leaves is an epiphytic aroid and tropical. Its unique tonal explosion of whites and greens makes it a favorite houseplant for those who want something that will stand out in their living spaces and create the perfect Instagram picture.

It can be grown in hanging baskets or as a vine supported by moss poles. Its leaves have variegation ranging from solid, full-color green to white albino. The coloration is the result of an accidental mutation of a green Monstera Adansonii.

Like other aroids it needs warm and humid conditions. Its roots and foliage deteriorate at temperatures below freezing. It is not hardy in the United States and does best as a houseplant that can be protected from frost.

The best way to keep this plant alive is to place it in a bright indirect light that is not directly overhead. In summer, water it frequently to keep the soil damp. It is possible to use a mister to maintain a high level of humidity.

In the spring and summer months, fertilize it with a general balanced food for houseplants at a rate of twice per month. It requires a basic diet because it doesn't produce as much chlorophyll due to its varying.

In winter, the soil must be well-drained and not too dry. Apply a mulch of light such as orchid bark or coco chips. This will help keep soil loose and stop it from drying out too fast.

If you have a healthy, mature Monstera adansonii variegata, it is possible to be moved to a bigger pot every year in the spring. This will allow it to have the space to develop roots before the warmer weather kicks into action and triggers new root development. Alternatively, you can simply refresh the soil in the old container and mist it to keep a high humidity level. This will also decrease the need to water.

Anthurium Warocqueanum

This rare anthurium is sure to be a standout among your houseplants. It is native to the rainforests of Central America and South America and loves high humidity. Its impressive size and elongated droplet-shaped leaves make it an absolute spectacular display. This plant looks fantastic in glass cabinets.

This anthurium can be a challenge to grow in the home, but it's possible if you take care. The first step is to make sure that the conditions are suitable. Ideally, you should be able to keep the humidity level at or more than 70 percent. This can be achieved by utilizing an indoor terrarium or a greenhouse cabinet. Avoid exposing your anthuriums to direct sunlight since it could cause burning to the tips of the leaves.

Another suggestion is to ensure that you purchase thermium from a respected seller. You should also look for local sellers to cut down on shipping costs as well as the time required to acclimatize your plant to the climate of your country. Avoid the import of anthuriums in winter because they are at their most vulnerable and might not recover from the stress of shipping to your country.

If you're planning to reproduce your anthurium, wait for a healthy offshoot to emerge from the main plant. The offshoots from the main plant can be separated and planted in a different container. To avoid any disease transmission clean the equipment you will be using to cut offshoots wiping it down with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol.

After the anthurium is repotted, it needs to be soaked thoroughly. Then, cover the container with a clear plastic bag or plastic wrap to trap the humidity and shield the plants from light. Once the anthurium has matured it is possible to remove the plastic bag or plastic wrapping.

As with other anthuriums, you will need to replenish your anthurium on regular basis. Repotting is required when the potting mix gets too brittle or when the roots begin to show through the soil's surface. Anthuriums should be gently shaken to remove the soil before making a new potting. It should then be transferred to a larger pot that is filled with a fresh potting mix.

Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron gloriosum is a rare and stunning houseplant that can bring style and elegance to your home. Also known as the Black Gold Philodendron or Velvet Leaf Philodendron, this aroid has a gorgeous velvety appearance and deep green leaves that are adorned with white veins. The plant can reach a height of 90 cm and is said to make a fantastic addition to any interior.

This Aroid prefers a warm and humid environment. The ideal temperature is between 12 and 30 percent Celsius. The best place to grow them is in a bathroom, but they can also thrive in other well-lit areas of the home. house plants names should be rich in organic matter and light enough to allow water through easily. The plant is also susceptible to overwatering which is why it's crucial to water sparingly and allow the soil dry out between each watering. Insufficient water can cause root rot, and the plant may start to die. When you plant this aroid, it is recommended for you to add some charcoal to the soil. This will help soak up any excess water.

In the spring and fall the plant can be fed an ad hoc liquid fertilizer every month. Make sure to dilute the solution to half prior to applying it to your Philodendron. As with other aroids one is a slow grower. The time it takes for a leaf spike to fully open can last between 1-2 months. Over-watering and fertilizing can also slow down the process.

This species can be propagated through cutting off the stem or air-layering. Wait until the roots have established before cutting the plants. Utilize a long planter to keep the rhizome elevated above ground to stop it from getting rotten. It is also worth noting that this aroid prefers to be planted with the rhizome facing upwards. When it is buried in the ground, the rhizome will begin to begin to rot faster and the plant won't be as healthy.

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