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planning means defining the organizational goals and establishing strategies to achieve those goals.

purpose premises values directions

mission statement is a statement of an organization's fundamental purpose.

strategic plans are a kind of organizational plan which aims to achieve the strategic goals of an organization, set by and for top management.
tctaical plans are a kind of organizational plan which aims to achieve the tactical goals of an organization, set by and for middle management.
operational plans are a kind of organizational which aims to achieve the operational goals of an organization, set by and for first level management.

the time dimension of planning is based on the principle of commitment. planning must provide sufficient time to fulfill the managerial commitments involved.
long range plans cover present and future strategic issues and normally extend beyond 5 years in the future.
intermediate plans are the principle focus of organizational planning effort. it covers from 1 to 5 years in the future and parallel tactical plans
short range plans include action plans and reaction plans. it usually have a time frame of a year or less

responsibilities for planning
planning staff: planning staff gather information, coordinate activities and take a broader view than individual managers.
planning task force: planning task force is only created when an an organization need to address special circumstances.
board of directors: board of directors establishes corporate mission and strategy. they may engage in strategic planning.
chief executive officer: CEOs usually serves as president or chair of the board of directors. they have a major role in the planning process and implements the strategy.
executive committee: executive committee is composed of all top executives within the organization. they meet regularly for input to the ceo and review strategic plans.
line management: line management are managers with formal authority and responsibility for management of the organization. they are responsible for executing the plans developed by top management.

contingency planning
contingency planning is the determination of alternative courses of action to be taken if a plan is unexpectedly disrupted. these plans help managers to cope with uncertainty and change.
action plan 1: develop plan, considering contingency event
action plan 2: implement plan and formally identify contingency event
action plan 3: specify indicators for the contingency event and develop contingency plan for each possible event
action plan 4: successfully complete plan or contingency plan

tactical planning
developing -> executing
1. recognize and understand overarching strategic plans and tactical goals
2. specify relevant resource and time issues
3. recognize and identify human resource commitments.
1. evaluate each course of action in light of its goal
2. obtain and distribute information and resources
3. monitor horizontal and vertical communication and integration of activities
4. monitor ongoing activities for goal achievement

types of operational plan
single use plan: developed to carry out a course of action not likely to be repeated in the future
program: single use plan for a large set of activities
project: single use plan of less scope and complexity than a program
standing plan: developed for activities that recur regularly over a period of time
policy: standing plan specifying the organization's general response to a designated problem or situation
standard operating procedure: standing plan outlining steps to be followed in particular circumstances
rules and regulations: standing plans decribing exactly how specific activities are to be carried out

barriers to goal setting and planning
major barriers
-inappropriate goals
-improper reward system
-dynamic and complex enviornment
-reluctant to establish goals
-resistance to change
overcoming the barriers
-understanding the purpose of goals and planning
-communication and participation
-consistency, revision and updating
-effective reward system

using goals to implement plans
Management by Objective (MBO) is an effective technique for integrating goal setting and planning by giving subordinates a voice and clarifying what they are expected to accomplish.
starting the formal goal setting program
establishing organizational goals and plans
collaborative goal setting and planning
communicating organizational goals and plans- meeting- verifiable goals and clear plans- counseling- resources
periodic review

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Regards; Team

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