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Name: Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith

Rarity: Rare

Description: This hammer appears to be a well-worn blacksmith's hammer, but upon closer inspection, its craftsmanship is far superior to any mortal creation. The hammer's head is made of a gleaming silver metal, and the handle is carved from a rare wood that is said to have magical properties. The hammer seems to almost vibrate with power in the hands of a skilled blacksmith.

Effect: When a blacksmith wielding the Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith creates a weapon or armor, they gain the following benefits:

• The time required to create the item is halved.
• The final product is of exceptional quality, granting a +1 bonus to its AC or attack and damage rolls.
• The final product is imbued with a minor magical enchantment of the DM's choice, appropriate to the item being crafted.

Additionally, while holding the Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith, the user gains the following benefits:

• The user gains proficiency in the Smith's Tools if they do not already have it.
• The user can cast the "Identify" spell once per day as a ritual, without expending a spell slot.

This hammer has 1d4+1 charges. The user can invoke the power of the Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith and uses 1 charge of the hammer to create an exceptional masterpiece. When doing so, the user must spend 12 hours crafting a single weapon or armor. The final product is of very rare quality, granting a +2 bonus to its AC or its attack and damage rolls, and is imbued with a powerful magical enchantment of the DM's choice, appropriate to the item being crafted.

However, the Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith has a malevolent curse that afflicts its user. Whenever the user creates an item with the hammer, there is a chance that the item will become corrupted and unstable. Roll a d4. On a roll of 1-2, the item created is cursed and has a detrimental effect on its user or whoever wields it. The nature of the curse is up to the DM's discretion and can range from minor annoyances to major setbacks.

Additionally, the user's own creations begin to turn against them. Any item created by the user using the Cursed Hammer of the Fallen Blacksmith has a chance to turn on its creator. Roll a d4. On a roll of 1-2, the item becomes sentient and seeks to harm the user or whoever wields it.
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