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Reviewing and Evaluating your Website

In this review I will be evaluating the website that I have produced for my client. I will be talking about the website and if it is suitable for the target audience. I will then be talking about, if the website meets its purpose. Next, I will be talking about how I done my website so I will do an interview, I will get feedback from 3 people for my website. Next I will be evaluating any changes made to the website during its development, which means I will gone compare the storyboard and my actual website. Next will be strengths of my website. After that I will be talking about weaknesses of my website. Next will be the comments from interviews which is evaluating each question 1 by 1. Next, I will be talking about three suggested improvements that could be made; in this question I will write 3 paragraphs with screenshots to explain improvement. The last question I will talking about conclusion which is talking about what I think went well and what would I do differently if I was going to do it again.
1. Is the website suitable for the target audience?
My websites is suitable for the target audience. I have met the actual website. I did the website layout suitable for the target audience, which is easy to use and easy to navigate. For the website layout the navigation bar is top of the website which is vertical. I think, the vertical is the easy to navigate and it is looks accurate. The colour schemes is suitable of the target audience also it is met by user requirements. I believe I put good colours of the text, background, and table, they are met by the user requirements as well. I did the background colour orange, I think, that was suit colour for my website. The table colour I made aqua, I change the table colour because I was thinking if the table was without colour it does not looks nice and to view properly, that’s why I change the table colour to aqua. Picture of I used in my website are relate the website, also the picture sizes are suitable of the website. They can view easily the images and they can buy. In my website I didn’t wrote more information on it but I wrote small paragraph on my home page, which explain what is the purpose of website and what they can be find form this website.

2. How it meets the website purpose
My websites purpose was suit with user requirements purpose which my purpose in user requirements is advertise such as images description and social media. The website will contain online purchasing and promoting outfits. The website layout is suit to user requirements for the purpose because the users can easy to use. The colours I used in my website are suit because the purpose is selling products so I should make the colours interesting because if the website will be interesting colours so the users will think in this website is interesting so the products will be interesting too. The pictures I used very nice products picture so the pictures met that as well for the user requirements. The information didn’t met a lot for the purposes because I didn’t wrote a lot information on it, I just wrote the information into home page which is explaining what is the website and which product will be on this website. That’s it, I don’t have more writing on it.
3. How does the website meet the client needs?
I did on my website google map which I have on my user requirements. That meet for my user requirements. Also, I including google map on my website because the users has to know where are shop so that will help to know the address.

I have including a user form in my website because the user form is requirements for the website. Each website should have a user form on it because that make the website for example to create account you need to open that and you need to submit or reset button so that will help to website.
First picture which including text field and text area. This is on feedback page.
Second picture which including submit and reset and text field. This is on joins us page.

My website has a fast download speed because the user won’t like when the website downloaded slow the users waste time also, the website potential will be low. So that’s why my website including fast download speed. Also, my website met by the user requirements.
I have including in my website is search bar which help to user for to find what they want quickly.
This is the search bar I had in my website which every single page I have this search bar.
Also, I have ranges of items bar. It is helps the users too because if users don’t want to waste money too much money for the items so they gone search cheap items.

I have including the JavaScript which is pop up box. I made that to my website because that make interesting for the people which is eye catching of the user.
This is my pop up box which I done on my website. It is on feedback page. Also, the pop-up box is on my home page too. Same information had the pop-up box.

I have including on my website the animation banner I put that into my website because that will effectively in good way, the users can eye catchy so that will affect in good way.
(Screenshots of animation banner!!!)

I have including the slide show on my website because to give idea to users about the website also, what kind of cloths in that website that is gone show. It is appear on home page.

4. Interview - For this task you need to seek feedback from users about your final website. An interview would be an ideal way of discussing the website with notes used to record the feedback. Carry out a minimum of three interviews.

5. Evaluate any changes made to the website during its development

6. Strengths of the Website

7. Weaknesses of the Website

8. Comments from interviews

9. Three suggested improvements that could be made

10. Conclusion
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