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One Of The Most Untrue Advices We've Ever Received On Large House Plants
Extra Large House Plants

Tall plants can be used to fill in corners or frame windows. They also create a unique focal point for an indoor plant display.

Most large houseplants come from tropical areas and prefer humid, warm conditions. They are more gentle however, they still require regular watering. Feel the soil to make sure it's dry prior to adding more water.

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera)

The Swiss Cheese Plant is a well-loved indoor plant that is extremely easy to care for. It grows best in indirect, bright sunlight and does not require a lot of water. It is most productive when the soil is dry between waterings. It can tolerate low humidity but thrives in conditions that are slightly more humid than typical home conditions.

The climbing vine is native of the southern part of Mexico and Central America. It loves warm, tropical climates. However, you don't have to transform your home into a thriving jungle to keep it healthy. The plant will thrive in a room that has a temperature that is average and misting it regularly. They are also easy to propagate.

Monstera Deliciosa, also referred to as "5 hole plant" or "Monkey Mask," is a beautiful unusual houseplant that can grow to 8 feet tall in the wild. It's an epiphytic, which means it uses trees and other objects to climb. In the wild, it's often found growing on tree trunks and within dense jungles. Unlike many other houseplants, it doesn't possess much of an odor, and can even help improve indoor air quality.

Its leaves have the appearance like the appearance of Swiss cheese because of the holes that grow as it ages, referred to as fenestration. They can vary in size and shape, but as the plant grows it will gradually become more more perforated, eventually transforming the leaf into a pinnatifid pattern which resembles Swiss cheese. The holes allow light to be able to pass through the leaves allowing the plant to survive in the thick rainforest.

It is important to keep Swiss cheese plants out of the reach of children and animals. The leaves contain calcium crystals that can be harmful for children and pets when they consume them. Avoid touching the plant since it can irritate skin.

The Swiss cheese plant is simple to grow and is the perfect addition to your living space, bedroom or bathroom. It is a sturdy and durable plant that can adapt to almost any environment. It is easy to propagate and can be taken from cuttings. Make sure you choose the stem that has what's known as a node or a bump in which roots will grow. Attach it to an anchor and watch the aerial roots grow up.


The philodendron is a pleasant to live with green giant that's an excellent addition to your home. The large leaves of the plant are able to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, which helps to make your space fresher. The philodendron can also contribute to greater humidity levels which may help alleviate asthma and allergy symptoms.

You can pick from a variety of varieties of Philodendron plant including the silver sword Philodendron. Other options include philodendron scrandens and velvet-leaf. These plants are great for beginners, as they don't require a lot of maintenance or care.

These plants are extremely adaptable, and are able to adapt to different temperatures and lighting conditions. As a result, they're a great choice for those who lead busy lives and want to add a little some nature into their living spaces.

This plant is unique in that its leaves are usually colorful. They can be dark green or reddish in hue. Depending on the species, they could also be adorned with deep incisions or eye-catching veins. The leaves are usually broad, oval, and long and can be up to 6 feet long.

In the wild the philodendrons are epiphytes which cling to taller vegetation to gain light. This is why it's important to give them a space in your home that is exposed to direct sunlight that is bright and. If your philodendron is exposed to direct sunlight for too long, it will begin to move away from the sun to gain more sunlight.

It is important to remember that philodendrons are poisonous to cats. This can be due to their high levels of calcium oxalate. If ingested, this substance can cause irritation to the eyes, stomach and mouth, as well as breathing problems and vomiting. It is important that philodendrons are kept away from homes where cats and other pets reside.

Ambius can help you learn more about the different varieties of philodendrons. We can help you choose the right philodendron type for your space and also recommend the color.

house plants with flowers create a stunning and unique home plant that can brighten any room. This plant is considered to be a feng shui symbol of abundance, growth and harmony. The Fiddle Leaf is a stunning focal point in any room.

Like all plants, it's important to keep your fig's fiddle leaf in a good condition. This means getting rid of any dying or wilting leaves and making sure it's getting adequate sunlight. Insufficient light can cause a decline in growth and cause shrinking of the leaves.

Regularly cleaning the leaves will enhance the appearance of your plant. Dust the leaves with a damp cloth regularly to keep them free of spider mites and other pests. This will help maintain the glossy appearance of the leaves. A lack of humidity can lead to the loss of leaves, so misting it with water on a daily basis can help improve the health of your fig's fiddle leaf.

Fiddle Leaf Figs are a challenge to propagate from seeds. If you are patient and pay close attention to the plant the roots will eventually emerge from the stems. In addition to a little patience, the main ingredient to successful rooting is to provide your plant with a warm and humid environment. This can be achieved by placing the cut in an unclean vase and ensuring that the leaf node is completely submerged and changing the water every couple of days.

Once the roots are established, you can put it in a pot with well-drained potting soil and keep it constantly moist. Be sure not to overwater and watch for signs of decaying roots. A moisture meter is a helpful tool to use when monitoring your watering schedule.

Fiddle leaf figs might not be the ideal choice for plant parents who are forgetful, however when you are willing to adjust to their needs and learn more about them, they can be an excellent houseplant. Fiddle leaf figs are extremely beneficial to take care of and studies have proven that plants can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Rubber Plant

Originally referred to as Ficus elastica, Rubber Plant benefits include an easy care requirement and the ability to endure dry indoor air. It is known for its capacity to increase humidity levels, it's also one of the top plants to clean the air. You'll find a wide range of shapes and sizes in the family, including varieties that are variegated with splashes of colors in shades of creams and greens. Some, like Rob with his distinctive patterns of leaves that are in shades of pinks and greens are more tree-like than others such as Melika and Remi which have large, solid green leaves.

This species isn't fussy about light and is able to endure bright indirect sunlight as well as shade until it begins receiving enough sunlight to grow. most common house plants can thrive in a range of temperatures, and requires just a few watering cycles. The soil should be moist but not too wet. It can be fertilized once every two weeks with water-soluble fertilizers for houseplants in the spring and summer months and less frequently in the winter.

The potting mix's moisture is a simple method of determining if your Rubber Plant needs water. If you can dig your finger into potting mix and it emerges mostly dry then it's time to start watering.

The natural waxy coating that is present on the leaves of this plant help it fight off diseases. This, in conjunction with its strength, makes it one of the most sought-after large house plants.

Rubber plants are pretty resistant to pests, too, so they do not require much in the way of preventative maintenance. However, house plants with flowers might want to wipe down the leaves and stems of your plant from time time with a damp cloth to get rid of any sap that has dried on them. Rubber Plant trunks can also be sticky or drip at times.

Rubber Plants were once a popular design element in many homes. However, they lost their popularity as people moved to smaller spaces and had less natural light. But, it's regaining prominence due to its numerous health and aesthetic benefits. It is now readily accessible in retail stores and online.

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