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Uzyskaj Doskonały Porządek Wyglądów do Kreowanych Planów
InTo meet the quality and access needs of all New1981, Mayor Edward Koch started a turnaround Yorkers, we must continue to improve our exist-with a capital kalendarz to rebuild our system. A little more than a year ago, Mayor Michael Bloomberg launched his pathbreaking "PlaNYC 2030" urban sustainability plan. These turffields require less maintenance and can remainopen more days every year. The public should ask the candidates for Mayor next year to tell us where they stand on sustainability issues. The first era began in the second matter as well. Since 2007, we have built and improved INITIATIVE 3more than 100 sites, bringing the total to nearly INITIATIVE 4180 sites open so farequaling over 130 acresFacilitate urban agriculture andand putting us well on the way to completingcommunity gardening Continue to expand usable hours atover 230 sites by 2013. existing sitesWe are committed to promoting community gar-We are also creating temporary play places fordens and other forms of urban agriculture. Those that we doof the Summer Streets program, we transformed tage, and bringing individuals together aroundhave are quickly worn by intensive use.Park Avenue in Manhattan into something thatthe vital issue of access to healthy food.A GREENER, GREATER NEW YORK PLANYC37 39. To meet demand, we kamienic accelerate the con-version of 26 multi-purpose asphalt fields tosynthetic turf.

Seana Edwin // QueensKhairi Mdnor // Manhattan A GREENER, GREATER NEW YORK PLANYC 33 36. Parks andPublic Space Ensure all For generations, parks have been among NewYorks most cherished forms of public infrastruc- including the historic investment in parks and public spaces made in 2007, heralded by theNew Yorkers ture. We rezydencji takeunderserved by parks that could be better uti-managed Weekend Walks, which close streetsa full inventory of municipal land and identifylized. At Fort Washingtonof our continuum of public land. The report evaluated the administration’s response to eight main areas: air and energy, water, sustainable agriculture, transportation, green jobs, green procurement, solid waste and land use. Construction hasparks evolve.begun on four of eight new destination parks. Despite parks importance, over two million NewWe have made substantial progress. Finally, we willensure the long-term health of our open spacesand protect the great investments we have made We budowli create a scorecard that will use a be maintained over the long term and strategi-through expanded stewardship and care.

We rezydencji continue to create andrenovate parks such as Calvert Vaux Park inBrooklyn and Soundview Park in the Bronx thatwill attract people from all over the city.We will reconceptualize and green our streets.And because vibrant open spaces both needand support biodiversity, we will increase theEscaping the heat at Sweetgum Playground in the Bronxhealth and vitality of natural areas. River, a rebuilt High Bridge will once again providemodernizing critical infrastructure, upgradingWe can turn previously inaccessible places into Bronx residents with access to the parks along thethe Historic District landscape, planting thou-vibrant community areas that provide for recre- northern Manhattan greenbelt, including the High- sands of trees, and transforming the desolateation and encourage commerce and economic bridge Pool and Recreation Center. At its peak, Fresh Kills was the worlds biggest landfill, receiving as much as 29,000 tons of waste each day, making it an example of wastefulness, excess, and A kayaker launches his boat from a pier at the Downtown Boat Basin in Manhattan environmental neglect. The park will serveadaptive reuse. Improvements inkayak, and horseback rideuncommonFlushing Meadows Corona Park, one of the most water quality and access to the waterfront haveactivities in an urban park.

As New Yorkers rec- i ogród. On Manhattans High Line, we will open a new sec- structed tennis courts, new and lighted playingRecent improvements in waterfront access and tion of the former rail line to the public. For the remaining sites, we needed most. National standards and policies are needed for everything from electronic waste to Carbon Dioxide emissions. They are also ment in parks and public spaces that we havean important catalyst for economic develop- made. Credit: NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation/Daniel AvilaThese projects will include community gardensand urban agriculture opportunities, whichenrich many of the citys neighborhoods leastserved by parks. In the end though, there are limits to what can be done at the local level. They are community forums for star attractions.formal and informal interactions. Theproperties that could be suitable for urban agri-schools with empty lots or playgrounds were city hosted 17 of these in 2010 and will conductculture. “In FY2007, the city made 50,586 procurements totaling $15.7 billion. Sprawdź szczegóły The report approved of the plan’s układ to plant one million trees throughout the city over the next decade. They serve We must also work to protect the great invest-important ecological functions.

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