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***PART 1***
1. I was not disturbing the class in any way
2. I wasn't talking to the girl next to me
3. I've been asking for a seat change over and over because she annoys me
4. I've been telling the girl next to me to leave me alone and be quiet
5. she has never confronted me about talking.
6. she never gave me a warning.
7. She told me she would email you about me packing up to early
8. She had no reason and since that she had to make one up to seem like she had one
9. The girl wasn't sitting next to me for half of the class time
10. i was paying attention in class because i have the notes done and i was participating
11. She never has told me to be quiet during the class time she has told others like Mason, christian, nelson and more.
12. The girl next to me rarely talks and if she does its usually not to me
13.**I don't care what your punishment is if you don't believe me ok but im saying the truth and that's your choice.**
14. Do you think you could email her asking for a seat change
Thank you for reading that's all i have to say.

***PART 2***
*1*I was in the back being quiet
*2*She was gone most of the time and i wanted a seat change so i wouldn't talk to her
*3*The teacher is ignoring my request and yes the girl is annoying
*4*i HAVE and this is why i want a seat change she'll NEVER be quiet
*5*She never told me or warned me during anytime of class
*6*No warnings were given just an email.
*7*She sent the email about something that didn't happen
*8*She didn't really have reason and since she gave me a warning she felt like she had to send an email just because
*9*The girl was talking to someone so she was moved away for half of the class (the ending) and i packed p early in the end which means i coldn't have been talking to the girl
*10* All my notes are done so I was paying attention
*11*She never personally told me to be quiet because i wasn't talking.
*12*The next to me talked when she was at my table but not to me but to shayla
These were my sources of my statements above in part 1. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Q:How do i now you aren't lying?
A:I couldn't have simply made this with sources and detail in a short time without thinking of a lie

Q:Why would the teacher email us then
A:Read statement 8

Q:Why would she lie to us
A:Read statement 8
*=Corresponding to #
X= N/A

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