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Me and my online friend, Olivia, (we're both 16F) have been friends for almost 1 year now. We've never met each other in real life yet as we live a bit far from each other so we mostly just text everyday on Snapchat; and every couple of weeks, we voice chat on Discord and play video games. Usually when we ask each other to voice chat, we always just send a text like, "Do you want to call tonight and play something?". Although this time was different.

Two days ago, I sent her like a funny TikTok and she laughed at it and we sort of just started to create small talk from that. And then suddenly she starts ringing me without her saying like if she wanted to call. Because of that, I thought it was an accident and that she had butt-dialed me. So I declined the call and said "Hey, did you mean to call me?", assuming that she would say like 'Oh yeah sorry, that was an accident.' Instead she said "Yes, pick up."

I mean I hate phone calls normally because my anxiety goes through the roof, so having no indication that she wanted to call, and her tone sounding serious, I thought something bad was happening. I texted her, "Why? What's going on?", but she just replied , "Hurry up and answer me." From that, I was nervous, I thought there was something wrong; So I decided to put my anxiety to the side and started ringing her.

I rung her for about 10 seconds and there was no answer. After about 20 seconds, she finally picked up and happily said "Hi." and that was it. I very nervously said, "Hello??" and expected that she would start talking about the thing that made her texts sound so serious but no, she just happily said "Hi." again and that was it, she didn't say anything else. I asked her, "Are you okay? What's going on?" to which she replied, "Nothing much, how are you?? :)". I just stayed silent, I didn't know what to say. I really thought something bad was happening, especially as she's never called me at random before ever and because of her texts having such a serious tone. I was just in shock.

I should've asked her more questions to know if she was actually okay, but I just stayed silent. The phone call ended as she said her phone died, shortly after it fell silent.

It's been almost 2 days now and I haven't been bothered to text her. I guess I'm sort of just shaken up by it still. I don't think she's realised how nerve-racking it would be for someone thinking something bad was going on, as she's messaged once since then at 3am asking if i was awake, like she usually does lmao. So maybe I was overrreacting?
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