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The Biggest Problem With Easy Houseplants, And How You Can Repair It
Easy Houseplants That Don't Require a Green Thumb

Want to add some greenery to your home or office? These easy houseplants do not require you to be a gardener.

The plants that require minimal maintenance need more than a few hours of indirect sunlight that is bright as well as a clean of the leaves every few months, and a little of iron fertilizer.

Ponytail Palm

The ponytail palms have a distinctive appearance and look great in numerous designs for interiors. They are easy to care for and thrive in mild neglect, as long as they don't overwater. This slow-growing houseplant is a wonderful choice for new plant owners.

Pony tail palms are characterized by a tropical appearance and thrive in bright indirect sunlight. They also tolerate drought and thrive in warm temperatures. They can be planted in their nursery pots, but they are best planted in a pot that is porous, as this allows for better air circulation and reduces the risk of root rot.

This low-maintenance plant is safe to cats, dogs and horses. It's a great choice for homes with pets or children. It also serves as a natural deterrent to dust mites and other pests. It is also susceptible to diseases like leaf spots and bacterial leaves streaks, which are often caused by high humidity.

This plant that is slow to grow requires minimal fertilization. However, it can be fed twice as much feed for plants that are water-soluble in the spring and summer. Sometimes, the plant may produce offsets (pups) near the base. These can be removed and separated to allow the Ponytail Palm Tree. This plant doesn't flower indoors, despite its name. It is therefore difficult to grow viable seed. In winter the brown leaf tips are quite common and should be cut to keep the appearance healthy.


The Schefflera (pronounced shuffler-uh) is one of the easiest houseplants to maintain. Also called the umbrella tree, this tropical plant has green, splayed leaves that resemble umbrellas and make a stunning addition to any living room. These plants can be trimmed according to your requirements and will grow quickly in ideal conditions. They also cleanse the air, making them one of the most sought-after indoor tropical plants.

Like other tropical plants, schefflera demands bright indirect light to thrive. They can withstand direct sunlight for a short period of time, but too much exposure can cause the foliage to burn. If your home doesn't receive sufficient light, you can enhance it with a fluorescent lamp that has a high output. You can also shift your schefflera into an area that receives sunlight in the morning or late in the afternoon but blocks the light by using curtains.

When watering a schefflera ensure that you only water when the soil is dry on the surface. Overwatering a schefflera can cause root rot. If you notice yellow leaves or a droopy appearance, this is a sign the plant is not receiving enough moisture.

If you'd like to add more scheffleras to your collection you can harvest 6-inch stem cuttings from existing plants in the summer. Place the cuttings one to two inches lower in a container of moist Miracle-Gro(r) Indoor Potting Mix. Then, provide the basic care to encourage new growth.

Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema often referred to as Chinese evergreen, is an easy houseplant that can withstand just about any indoor condition. Contrary to philodendrons and peace lilies which require a lot of bright light, aglaonema can grow in low-light or medium-light conditions. It also thrives under fluorescent lights. Aglaonema is slow-growing and can be positioned on tables or tabletops at first but will eventually turn into a large floor plant.

A glaonema's foliage comes in a variety of colors and patterns, so you can choose one that is in keeping with your decor. Aglaonema Lucky Red has leaves with a green and hot pink hue, while 'Siam Aurora" has dark green leaves that have pink veins.

Aglaonema plants can tolerate better indoor lighting conditions. However the more vibrant and varied varieties may require a bit more brightness. Avoid exposing any aglaonema to direct sunlight, as the sun's harsh rays will cause the leaves to burn. If you're growing an Aglaonema in a workplace that receives plenty of natural sunlight then cover the window with a sheer curtain to block out harsh rays.

As with other no-fuss tropical plant, Aglaonema thrives in warm weather however it isn't able to handle sudden cold drafts. It is recommended to water it regularly however, don't overwater it. The best way to determine the time to water is to place your finger into the soil; if it feels dry, the plant needs more moisture.


Calathea is also often referred to as Goeppertia and Pinstripe Plant. It is a simple-to-grow tropical foliage plant. It is native to dense jungles and rainforests, and grows in shady places under trees, making it adaptable to bright indirect light indoors. It is crucial to keep it out of direct sunlight, because it can cause leaves to burn and the marks to fade. To prevent this from happening, you can move it or cover the window sill with a sheer curtain to protect it from direct sunlight.

In general, calatheas prefer temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. cool house plants do best in humid environments. They prefer sunlight that is filtered, as they are accustomed to short dapples of sunshine instead of constant sun. This is the reason that windows facing south or west may be ideal, but it must be shaded to avoid direct sunlight.

If a calathea has its ideal conditions it will be fine with a very basic watering schedule. It should be watered regularly however, it isn't essential to keep the soil constantly damp. By sticking your finger into the soil will allow you to determine when it is time to water. In the spring and summer it is also recommended to use fertiliser that has been diluted.


Pothos, also known as Epipremnum Aureum is a tropical houseplant which is easy to care for due to its trailing leaves. It is a favorite option for hanging baskets and macrame planters. It can also be trained to climb the trellis or even up the wall. The fast-growing vine is adaptable to different conditions, making it a good choice for both experienced and novice indoor gardeners.

The leaves of the Pothos are available in a variety of designs and colors. A few popular cultivars are 'Golden Pothos', which has a yellow and green variegation; 'Neon' with bright chartreuse leaves and 'Marble Queen' which is handsomely marbled with white. The Pothos plant is easy to propagate from stem cuttings, which can be planted in soil or water. To root a stem tip cut a length of 4-6 inches of a healthy looking stem with a few leaves on it and just below a leaf node (the spot on the stem where roots develop). Place the cut in a glass of water or vermiculite that is moist and it will sprout roots within several weeks. The rooted cutting can be placed in a small pot of potting soil.

Pothos plants will tolerate low light conditions, but they prefer bright indirect light. It is recommended to water it when the potting mix is dry. Feed it with a liquid fertilizer for houseplants every six to eight week. Avoid cold drafts, as they can damage the leaves and slow down growth. If your Pothos plants are pot-bound, you can remove the soil that was in place and plant them in new soil.


Peperomia plants are a great option for novices because they perform well with minimal maintenance, and they are easy to grow as an indoor plant. They are native to South America and love shaded areas, but do not require direct sunlight. They also prefer warm temperatures.

These easy houseplants can be found in a variety of shapes and colors, and certain varieties of Peperomia have interesting variegations. Peperomia argyreia can be referred to as the watermelon peperomia due to its leaves that resemble to the rind of a watermelon. Other popular types are P. caperata with its deeply quilted, crinkly leaves and P. polybotrya which has large, drop-shaped, leaves.

Based on the type, Peperomias can be propagated by stem cuttings or leaf-petiole cuts. It is best to choose mature plants that don't have flowers or buds. Cut a stem from the plant by cutting the bottom 3 Take away any leaf that is that are lower than the lowest node of the leaf.

Plant peperomias in a rich pots or a nutrient-rich mix. The plants don't require fertilizer, but small amounts of fertilizer around the plant's edge can be beneficial every once or twice each month. Overwatering can cause peperomias to become leggy. It is recommended to allow the soil to dry out before watering it again.

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