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Arturo looks at his seargent, tussed up in ropes, and completely revealed to him. Despite having been involved in the art of war for over a year now, his skin is still as smooth and delicious looking as when Arturo first met him. His pectoral muscles are finely sculpted, almost like that of a perfect greek sculpture, so that Arturo feels a stirring in his groins just looking at his sexy subordinate. However, as motivated and lust-driven as he is, he knows that this is supposed to be about discipline. The day before Arturo had decided to "punish" Lanzerel, he tried to figure out a way of punishing Lanzerel while also tasting that perfect skin of his. Arturo came up with the conclusion that he should torture Lanzerel through multiple orgasms, 4, or 5, Arturo reckoned, and just as he's teeming on the edge of passing out from overstimulation, Arturo will place a cock ring on him, and continue to fuck him senseless for another day or so. It isn't like their regiment had anything to do. The war had gone to a standstill after Antari forces had found themselves in Tierran land, and since then, the kings of the two lands had made a slight effort to start peace negotiations, namely, by stopping their forces from advancing any further. Now, Arturo and his regiment had all the time they wanted. Seargent Lanzerel, however, had gotten restless doing nothing and decided to drill his men and himself. Unfortunately, an Antari member saw it, and decided it to be an action of war. Things got a little out of hand, but after promising to punish Lanzerel as fitting, things calmed down quite a bit. At first, Arturo planned to cut off his salary for a few months, but then, as he went to Lanzerel's room to tell him, he found his subordiante shirtless, and doing push-ups. Seeing those muscles flex, and shine with the sweat that had accumulated all over the seargent's body, Arturo suddenely felt a change of heart and decided to punish Lanzerel in a much less drastic way...
Now, a day after that, Arturo had first started by undressing his Seargent as slowly as he could... Each bit of tanned skin revealed to him made him more lustful for his subordinate, and he found such a large urge to fuck him then and there, that he had to actually physically restrain himself. He was able to do that to the point where his seargent was tied up, and sweaty with nervousness and anticipation,
Arturo began by thoroughly examining his body. His eyes roamed across his muscular pectorals, smooth skin bursting under large muscles. Below them lay 6 perfectly sculpted hills, which Arturo also found to be satisfactory. Afterwards, he stood back up and looked at Lanzerel's nipples, which almost seemed to offer themselves to Arturo. He raised a tentative hand towards Lanzerel's left pectoral, and finally pressed his hand against it, moaning in pleasure at the firmness, and smoothness, he found there.
"FUCK, SIR!" Lanzerel screamed, as soon as contact was made. Pre-cum spurted from his cock, and not for the cock-ring Arturo had placed there, the captain is sure that his sexy seargent would have come.
"You really are a little slut, aren't you?" Arturo asked seductively, trailing his hand across Lanzerel's smooth pectoral, enjoying the richness and the texture of his tanned skin.
"I... I.... FUCK!" Lanzerel screamed once again as Arturo pinched his nipple slightly, throwing his body backwards to get away from the overwhelming feeling.
"I'm just touching your pectoral. Are you really that sensitive?" Arturo asked. He decided to have mercy on the poor seargent, and raised his hand.
"I... I just haven't touched myself in a long time..." Lanzerel muttered as he tried to regain his breath.
Arturo simply smirked, and raised his head down so that he was staring straight at Lanzerel's perfect right pectoral. He slowly flicked Lanzerel's nipple with his tongue, and continued to do so. Lanzerel screamed and writhed around, trying as best as he could not to swear.
Arturo did stop, eventually, but not before biting his nipple, which resulted in a beautiful cry from Lanzerel.
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