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Get Me a Google #1 1 SEO Rank!
Over the final month or two we've had a lot of interest from individuals and organizations with existing websites keen to reach the ULTIMATE GOAL of internet marketing, or to put it into my customers words "getting to the most notable of Google (...and making money from it)". There are numerous "SEO, or SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION experts" out on the web plus some 37 million entries in Its a hot topic and now as part of your with the global downturn, businesses large and small are looking to the digital world for an inexpensive quick fix.

Not being the main one to bite the hand that feeds, I've come to recognize that a little bit of gnawing actually does no harm either. What do After all by that you ask?! Well let's just say that if you ask me some realigning of customer expectations needs to happen with regards to SEO. Whilst yes it is possible to get yourself a site ranked highly in Google (and we've demonstrated this with this customers) there really is no quick fix and no cast iron guarantee either. Whilst the customers seek out their elusive number ones so too do the SEOs, keen to utilize the secrets of the Google search algorithm. Sites offering immediate rankings and guaranteed results really do must be approached with caution: good example is the Google Money Tree, which unlike its name has zero affiliation with Google whatsoever. But still people have been duped and can continue to be when the product or company offering the service looks genuine, includes a nice professional site and says everything you are looking for. It's marketing...dubious marketing, nonetheless it appears to work.

I have spent many hours trawling through people's websites, considering analytics and lines and lines of website code, and by the end of your day I cannot stress how important this content is really. Take the Alkimi site for instance, it is simple, no flashy graphics, no "we will get you to number 1" and no "25% off once you buy now" offers. But would it surprise you that within the last few months the common time on our site has gone from a short while to 10+ minutes? Why? Well content has a huge part to play, we kept our product pages as easy as possible to start with. There is no reason to place random garbage on the website just to fill space, but there exists a reason to add useful and interesting content.

The Alkimi blog and news releases are receiving the big hits, and even are driving the calls in to the business. This SEO game really must not be about just getting you to definitely find you, but more about getting you to definitely find you stick to your site and obtain something from it. The only way to achieve that is via your content. Give people what they want, provide them with something interesting, and more importantly drive them to the outcome you require. It's the typical sales funnel just in a digital format. What makes a good sales person? Someone that may close the offer. Unfortunately too few sales people close, and likewise too little companies drive their desired outcome on their websites.

read more 've spoken with plenty of startups over recent months, people looking for a completely new website and most of all I hear a similar thing, people want their site created cheaply. OK so most designers can do a £200 website or less. The main point is that should you aren't technically savvy the probabilities are you will undoubtedly be lumbered with a site you can never update. By that you will be automatically forfeiting the SEO benefits of blogging, news releases and updates. Technically you would like to ensure numerous things when you create a site for the very first time, putting the forethought in at the beginning can save you a hell of a lot later on in terms of optimization down the line. My mind is boggled by companies that still manage to sell static brochure sites to customers looking for a cheap deal, the world really has moved on and you would be surprised at how "cheap" a non-static, content management enabled site can really be. If you don't trust me or if want to discover more about this CMS stuff give me a call or email me.

For those who curently have sites and are looking to optimize its vital that you analyze carefully both technical on site components of the pages along with the off site elements. In plain English that means that you should look at technical elements such as meta tags, robots.txt files, sitemaps (the list continues on!) and off site things like inbound links from other sites. Again there is no point doing anything if the content isn't hitting the right spot, so careful website copy writing is simply as important and in addition works together with the analysis that takes place for technical side ie relevant keywords and page title tags etc.

I will leave this website with a call that was converted to me by another "top digital marketing" agency another week. I found the phone and was told by a keen sales person they can guarantee me a location in Google. I told them that I did so SEO for a full time income; they told me this is better than SEO and that it could give me the results I needed. I asked if this is advertising, they said no it's not advertising but you get to the very best of Google, guaranteed. "This isn't AdWords could it be?" I asked, "Yes you understand about AdWords?" he replied. "Yes I really do, in fact it is advertising, also it would require me to cover a monthly fee for for you to manage. The moment I stop paying you, my position in Google will go away won't it?" ...Phone goes dead.

So merely to clarify, getting to the colored boxes at the very top and right hand side of a Google search can be achieved easily, but you need to pay for the privilege. Its definitely worthwhile for some customers but there is a difference between SEO and AdWords. SEO requires a commitment from the web site owner, its a long haul but worth more over time than quick fix advertising. Being at the very best of Google naturally with good content and by adhering to Google Search Engine Optimization [] undoubtedly gives a site a lot more clout than via any high position because of advertising. Do not get confused with the two though, its a common misconception and something which many AdWords resellers are happy for customers to be confused over. Another misconception is that they need to manage it for you...if money is tighter than your time and effort , and the price benefit works out on your side then I'd encourage you to manage your personal AdWords campaign.

In the coming weeks I'll write a bit about the need for on site and off site elements for those interested in a collision course in SEO. I am going to also point out a number of the common errors and pitfalls people make when trying to get that high Google rank. The purpose of this is to at least enable you to make an informed decision with regards to optimization and not fall into the same traps as others before you.

This article has been written by Beril Sener, Managing Director of Alkimi who provide online marketing, Google search engine marketing, web site design and business development services to companies large and small.
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